Audacious with Jack
December 28, 2012
Playing audio
January 4, 20131. Download the ISO file and burn it to DVD.
2. Prepare your PC for booting from CD/DVD ROM. Maybe your PC have already this settings applied. If it doesn’t boot from CDROM, then go to BIOS and find option that says something like “Boot order” and select that the first boot device is CD/DVD ROM and second Hard Disk. Save the BIOS options and exit. Now Linux should boot from DVD ROM.
3. You will see this screen if you can boot from CD/DVD. But without “Machine,View,Devices and Help” and bottom icons. I used virtual machine for making documentation so just ignore this.
4. When live OS boots click on Install Linux icon.
5. Chose your Language, Timezone and Keyboard Layout.
6. Now the disk partitioning have to be made. If you have some old partitions left, remove it all. Remember, this will erase your old data on the disk. Then go back and forward again. And you should see this screen. It will ask you: “Do you want the installer to create a set of partitions for you?” Choose “Yes”.
7. The installer will auto create standard partitions for you.
8. Now assign a root partition. Right-click on your ext4 partition and assign to root. Click Forward.
9. Enter your Name, username, password and hostname. Hostname is just name how your machine will be called. Spaces and funny characters are not allowed. Just type something like audio-machine.
10. Install Grub. Choose default option. Don’t change anything and click forward.
11. Click install and wait installation to finish.
12. After successful install you have to reboot your system. Click OK, then Menu –> Log Out –> Restart. Remove the installation DVD and press ENTER.
13. The system will now boot and GRUB prompt will appear. Just leave as it is or press ENTER and system will boot 3.6.10 real-time kernel. Make sure you don’t choose 3.2.0-2-486 kernel. You will see a bunch of messages while Linux operating system is booting.
14. After a while, the login manager should appear.
15. Congratulations! You have installed Linux on your box! Now you can choose which windows you want to use. Click on second icon called sessions and you will have an option to choose between Fluxbox and XFCE. Fluxbox is the window manager for audiophiles. Click on Fluxbox and “Change Session”. Enter your username and press ENTER, then password and press ENTER.
16. Now there is one more thing we have to do to enjoy real-time audio. We have to add ourselves to audio group. Right-click on the desktop and choose shells->Eterm1.
17. In command prompt (don’t be afraid of terminal!) type this without quotes: “sudo adduser lero audio” Wait! Lero is my username, replace it with yours and press ENTER. Don’t mind about security message, type your password and you will be added to audio group. To be sure you have been added to audio group you can enter this command in terminal: “grep audio /etc/group”. If you see your username, it’ OK.
18. That’s it. Now you can enjoy quality music. How to do that look at the playing audio page.
I ‘m using an eee pc, with no cd-rom drive, can I use a USB flash drive to install? If yes, are there any special instructions for this?
No, this iso file is for DVD only.
You can create a bootable Live USB drive using UNetbootin.
I have just tested this and it works fine.
I would also check the downloaded iso against the supplied md5 sum before burning the disc.
This will ensure nothing went wrong during download.
Also before installing you can check the integrity of the disc you burned.
When you boot the disc hit the esc key from the boot screen and select the option to “Check the integrity of the DVD”.
This will ensure nothing went wrong durning the burn process.
Thanks a lot, Grep!
You provided exactly the information I need.