How to add new disk in AP-Linux
April 20, 2017If you haven’t already, grab your copy of new AP-Linux here.
DISCLAIMER! This installation can ERASE all your data if you don’t know what you are doing. We are not responsible for any of your data or hair loss. If you feel uncomfortable working with Linux disk tools, and you have sensitive data, make a backup first.
– USB thumb drive to burn the iso file
– blank disk or free partition on the disk. Use at least 25GB minimum.
– internet access
Put/burn the iso on the thumb drive, power up your PC and select to boot from USB. Standard Arch Linux boot will appear. Just press enter and wait for system to boot. If you don’t know how to burn/put iso file on the USB thumb drive, there’s a lot of documentation on the internet. It all depends which operating system or software you use. But if you using Linux, it’s easy. In terminal just do this:
dd bs=4M if=/path/to/apl-v4.iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress && sync
where /dev/sdX is your thumb drive. Make sure you put correct /dev/sdX or you will loose all the data on that disk.
After boot finishes, use this commands:
If you have 4K Monitor, the fonts will be very small. Execute this command if you have 4K Monitor:
# setfont ter-232b
‘fdisk -l’ command will list disks and partitions on your machine.
This is needed for you to know where you are going to install AP-Linux. When you are sure where you are going to install AP-Linux, write down on peace of paper your disk name. For example “/dev/sda”.
Now we need to create partition for AP-Linux on that disk. Warning! If you have existing operating system or any data on the disks, this steps can overwrite and delete all of your data. Make sure that you know what you are doing. You can use two different tools for creating the partition for AP-Linux.
Fdisk or Cfdisk.
If you are for example going to use “/dev/sda” disk to create partition for AP-Linux, execute this commands:
# fdisk /dev/sda or # cfdisk /dev/sda
Cfdisk is more user friendly tool. If you are asked “Select label type” in cfdisk, it’s important to choose “dos” because otherwise you will not be able to finish installation (GRUB bootloader will not work).
Creating a partition with fdisk begins with typing “n” and then “p”. Saving with “w”. With cfdisk is different. Create new partition for AP-Linux and select “Write” to save new partition table. Quit to get back to the terminal.
Then again type:
# fdisk -l
to view your new partition tables. If you used disk /dev/sda, then you should see your new partition. For example as /dev/sda1.
Now you have to create a file system on that partition. mkfs.ext4 command will do that for you. Again be very careful in the next step.
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdXX. Replace /dev/sdXX with your partition. For example
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
Mount that partition to /mnt folder
# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
Then type these commands:
# time cp -ax / /mnt # arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash # cd /etc/apl-files
The next command will ask you to put your username and password and install some packages.
# ./
Answer “yes” to question and wait till it finishes. If there are no errors, continue with
# grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sda
Replace /dev/sda with your disk, then execute this:
# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Next command will set up super user password.
# passwd root
Next command will setup your timezone
# ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Dublin /etc/localtime
Replace Europe/Dublin with your city. Full list is available with
# ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/
# ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe
Then continue with:
# hwclock --systohc --utc # ./
If you have 4k monitor execute also ./
# exit # genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
Reboot your system, remove the USB thumb drive and let’s hope you’ve done everything OK. If you did, you will first see GRUB boot loader and your system should boot to new AP-Linux. If not, check your boot disk priority in BIOS.
To summarize, these are all commands you need to run after disk partitioning:
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdXX # mount /dev/sdXX /mnt # time cp -ax / /mnt # arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash # cd /etc/apl-files # ./ # grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sdX # grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg # passwd root # ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Dublin /etc/localtime # hwclock --systohc --utc # ./ # exit # genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab # reboot
When AP-Linux boots, open terminal. Make sure your internet is working. You can check if internet is working with:
$ ping
You should see something like this:
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 time=25.9 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=56 time=21.9 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=56 time=25.4 ms
Then become root with:
$ su
Execute these commands. First command will take a while…
# pacman-key --init # pacman-key --populate archlinux # pacman -Sy
Now we need to do few more tweaks. If you have installed AP-Linux on SSD disk, edit /etc/fstab file with
# nano /etc/fstab
and add ‘noatime,discard’ option. Your “/dev/sdX1” line should look like this
Example config:
/dev/sda1 / ext4 rw,noatime,discard,data=ordered 0 1
If you didn’t install AP-Linux on SSD, remove the ‘discard’ part.
/dev/sda1 / ext4 rw,noatime,data=ordered 0 1
What we just told our system is not to write some unnecessary file access information. This will speed up a little our machine which can be good for sound processing.
Music play setup
1. Select “List cards” from the menu
2. Put your card in /etc/mpd.conf. Select “Edit mpd.conf”
3. Change this line:
device “hw:0,0”
device “hw:1,0”
if needed.
It’s better to put the name of your card in mpd.conf like this:
device “hw:PCH”
Because cards in Linux often switch numbers.
Restart mpd when you made changes to mpd.conf
Copy your music files in Music directory and launch “Play music” from the menu.
For wireless or manual IP setup, open terminal, become root and go to /etc/apl-files directory. There you will find “” script. Execute this script with ./ and reboot. After reboot you will find one small icon on the right in the system tray that you can “right click” and edit your network settings.
Hi Marko, what a surprise! A wonderful Christmas gift. Thanks!
Do you recommend keeping the system up-to-date with the Arch distro?
After commands to synchronize with Arch repo you don’t let us the update command pacman -Syu, so my question…
Arch is a system that if you don’t update regularly, you will end up with the broken packaging system. So I recommend updating it regularly. At least once in 2 months. The problem is when this version of AP-Linux becomes 6 or more months old, update might not work like in previous version.
At the moment we have 5.4.6 of the standard arch kernel and 5.2.10 of your rt custom version. Not a big issue for a period of time, but when talking about keeping the system up with updates – do you plan to publish updates to your custom linux-rt packages (the kernel plus docs and headers)? An AP Linux repo to be added in pacman.conf for instance?…
I had installed succefully but Cantata does not play music.
What should I do?
Hello Marko,
thanks for your wonderful work !
I’m joying APLinux since v3.0, now playing with V5.0.1 using an Asus Essence One MKII.
Sounds really great.
One doubt about updating Linux packages: coudl a system update update your realtime kernel, too? As far as I got it is is one of the most important features of AP Linux and I really would not lose the sound performances.
If so, why do you suggest to perform a regular system update?
No, realtime kernel is done by me. I would not suggest packages updates either. Arch system is designed in a way if you don’t update regularly, and if you try to update it later, it will probably break. It’s just the way it is.
Ok, won’t update it but i’ve a more IT technical question to kindly ask you.
In a previous answer in this thread you wote that “… I recommend updating it regularly. At least once in 2 months. The problem is when this version of AP-Linux becomes 6 or more months old, update might not work like in previous version”.
I think I still do not have an answer to my main question: could a system update overwrite your kernel version, too?
Assuming I made regular updates starting after one month from the release of your 5.01 version, apart from (potentially) avoiding update problems, would I have run the risk of overwriting the realtime kernel, during one of these updates.
In such a case, I do undertsand that it is never to be recommended any update to an AP Linux release.
Am I wrong?
Thanks !
I don’t recommend it any more. This OS is for listening music. Not for everything else. And updating Arch Linux in my opinion is for experts only. Sorry I didn’t answer it in my previous post, system update will not overwrite my kernel version so you should be fine (with the kernel). But for the rest, I’m not 100% sure any more. Because I added some other tweaks in this OS that might break after update. For example default mpd server runs differently in a way it doesn’t run with RT privileges, so you will get not so good sound. I predicted that people will update mpd and system and I implemented something that will not change mpd when you update it. But I cannot be 100% sure any more. Arch and packages are changing every day. People explore the configs and acidentlly they break stuff. Even I sometimes break it :-).
Hi Marko. I succesfully set up V.5 and it’s working fine. Do you think it will keep on working IF I DO NOT UPDATE ANYTHING? Are instructions to run Cantata and GMPC you gave for V.3 also valid for V.5 and are they safe to do in order to keep system working? Thanks!
Great – thankx a lot!
The sound is very detailed and “compact”, mainly in the higher frequencies.
Maybe this could be a bit too much for someone, they could try to install a rt-bfq kernel, normally bfq kernels make things smoother.
The only real problem I have is that I can use V5 only headless, otherwise even the terminal
could kill the OS and it sometimes needs several tries to boot to get it running.
You can simply put a # at the beginning of exec fluxbox in .fluxbox/startup file (and the conky line). With sudo loadkeys de (or what else) you get correct keyboard-layout in the terminal if you do not want or can use a ssh connection. But this seems to be a problem of my hardware, it does not like kernels greater than 5.1. with X server.
Thanks and keep on!
Can you elaborate a bit on the sound quality issue, and how to experiment with it?
There seems to be a lot of people who have problems with kernels above 5.1 and x-server.
In my case a workaround is to append ‘i915.enable_psr = 0’ to the ‘linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux-rt root=…………………….’ in grub.cfg. But it’s not perfect, fonts are to big, but it works.
Of course it depends of your hardware, so search the web before doing a really wrong thing. At least you should have the possibility to modify the grub.cfg from an other OS (usb live stick or from an other partition)!
On the other hand I only need a headless system and to comment out ‘exec fluxbox’ (and other lines) with # in .fluxbox/startup is a good idea if you compare the load with htop!
In this case you should not append ‘i915.enable_psr = 0’ to the line in grub.cfg.
upmpdcli and librespot works fine, APL V5 is my new music player!
The moment I start the PC terminal freezes and can’t work with it, just a hard restart?
Do I understand you correctly, if you start the terminal it freezes?
In this case see above, some hardware has problems with x-server and kernels above 5.1
There are workarounds, but they are hardware depending.
If you only need a headless system you can use an USB Live stick (or a linux you have on an other partition) and mount the APL-V5 partition. Now you can modify the startup file in
/home/yourUserName/.fluxbox. Paste # at the beginning of exec fluxbox (and the conky line, maybe all lines), save and reboot.
This way you have a wonderful lean headless mpd audio player you can “pump up” with upmpdcli and/or librespot. Seems to be a good advice for all who use APL headless.
(I tried kernels above 5.1 with APL-V4 and had same problems)
I have a motherboard Asrock N3700M 16gB RAM and PCI-USB card, DVD drive, own 12 + 5V 20A power supply nothing complicated on V4 it worked like this for 2 years
In my case eterm seems to cause all the problems.
I installed xterm and in my home directory in .fluxbox/menu I replaced
[exec] (X-terminal) {eterm -c green -t ml-theme-small -g 90×23 -L 10000 -O –shade 80}
[exec] (X-terminal) {xterm}
The terminal does not look very nice, but you can modify this if you want.
(xterm seems to have other calling parameters than eterm)
Do not use the DAC setup from the menu, it calls eterm and everything freezes in my case if I do. You can modify it in .fluxbox/menu.
The only way to install xterm seems to be to use a ssh connection.
Happy Xmas to everyone, especially to all APL users and most especially to Marko!
Sorry, my answer was a bit stupid. Of course you can install xterm without a ssh connection. But the Text Editor under Misc in the menu has to work.
Open the Text Editor, open in the home directory .fluxbox/startup.
To see .fluxbox you have to right click and enable hidden files.
If the Open File menu is to big right click on the bottom to Open File and choose
Now put in .fluxbox/startup a # at the beginning of the line exec fluxbox.
Save, exit and reboot.
This will lead you to a prompt like you are in a terminal.
If you need an other keybord layout: sudo loadkeys de (de is for Germany, replace it by your needs)
Now you have to do everything after reboot in the install instructions.
pacman-key –init etc.
Then you can install xterm with pacman -S xterm.
Then: nano .fluxbox/menu
Replace the [exec] (X-terminal)… line with [exec] (X-terminal) {xterm}
Save and exit.
Then: nano .fluxbox/startup
Delete the # at the beginning of exec fluxbox.
Save, exit and reboot and enjoy!
Sorry again – Exit Session in the menu will lead you to the prompt in a much easier way. Then do as described above. With startx you come back.
Big thanks Marko for all this work!
Installed it today – followed instructions and install went fine! However when I checked for new upgrades, i.e. pacman -Suy results in this error:
:: installing xorgproto (2019.2-2) breaks dependency ‘xf86dgaproto’ required by libxxf86dga
It’s broken already. :-). It’s Arch again. Will prepare new iso with updated packages.
Just found this:
“when updating, use: pacman -Rdd libdmx libxxf86dga && pacman -Syu to perform the upgrade.”
New iso v5.0.1 uploaded that resolves this issue.
This is great! How is v5 different from v4?
thanks, Thom.
Regarding sound, there is no difference. V5 delivers support for newer hardware. So you can install it on many newer PCs like Intel Nuc.
So using older hardware, would V4 be preferred?
No. V5 should be preferred.
So I tried installing to a Minnowboard Turbot SBC because it allows for I2S output (lots to learn), but after everything appeared to install successfully, it doesn’t boot to a SSD or HDD (tried both), but to Shell instead.
Then I tried AP-Linux V4 just in case, but the same problem. I’m getting these warnings during installation: Possible Missing firmware for modules: aic94xx and wd719x. Could these have something to do with it?
Also getting the following message when I use the reboot command:
Failed Unmounting /run/archiso/bootmnt
Little help? Thanks.
So I tried installing to a Minnowboard Turbot SBC because it allows for I2S output (lots to learn), but after everything appeared to install successfully, it doesn’t boot to a SSD or HDD (tried both, switched to first priority in BIOS), but to Shell instead.
Then I tried AP-Linux V4 just in case, but the same problem. I’m getting these warnings during installation: Possible Missing firmware for modules: aic94xx and wd719x. Could these have something to do with it?
Also getting the following message when I use the reboot command:
Failed Unmounting /run/archiso/bootmnt
Little help? Thanks.
[code]Possible Missing firmware for modules: aic94xx and wd719x. Could these have something to do with it?[/code]
There are aic94xx-firmware and wd719x-firmware PKGBUILD’s available in AUR. If you need these packages to be installed, just build them and then install (sudo pacman -U ).
Anyway, I have also warnings about missed these firmwares and AP (as for now v4.0) works correct (also vanilla Arch on the other machine).
there should be:
sudo pacman -U path-to-the-built-package
In original post I used slashes instead of dashes and the part of line disapeared
Thanks Marko – up and running with v5!
At the end my ACER ES1 does not work properly with rt kernels above 5.1 and the X server.
But the non rt kernel 5.4 works fine with X Server. So if I need a GUI I boot this and if not (most times) I boot the rt kernel. I made 2 sh files to manage this a bit more comfortable.
My ZBOX seems not to have a problem with the rt kernel and X Server, but I run it always headless without X Server.
Marko wrote that there is no sound difference between V4 and V5 – maybe my V4 is to
much modified, I prefer V5!!!
Hi! May I install V5 to GPT? Or should I use only MBR?
Best regards,
You can use GPT if you want.
Installed and doing its job. Minor issues with right-click menu terminal shortcuts, but I’ve been at this long enough to to get MMD configured in terminal without them. I know this is profoundly stupid to ask, but can the background wallpaper be changed? I couldn’t find its directory.
Look at your homefolder/backgrounds
You can set it in homefolder/.fluxbox/startup (/usr/bin/fbsetbg…………)
Happy new year listening!
That was the first time I’ve used the sudo command in Arch, let alone to change my wallpaper.
Worked, thank you!
But there was no need to use sudo because you have been in your home directory. But it does not matter!
Will this build still run on an old processor, i.e. Core Duo 32-bit? I know it’s fine on the Core2, as I used to run v4 on an old Lenovo Core2 workstation.
I figured out how to find out:
uname -m
returns x86_64, so I guess this means a Core2 is the minimum!
USB DAC Topping D10 cannot be used by mpd under AP Linux 5.
Reason of the issue: Linux kernel does not recognize Topping DACs’ ability to play native DSD, as Thesycon’s vendor id is not listed in the kernel.
Here is description of possible way of solving the:
How can I apply the kernel patch for starting of mpd with USB DAC Topping D10?
I can confirm that Topping DACs are supported in v5. What do you mean by “cannot be used”?
Topping D10 DAC can’t play DSD under AP Linux. All other formats can be listened, you are absolutelly right.
I have finished all the instruction but when I boot, I can autologin to my account but stuck at console. FLuxbox could not start.
When I manually run startfluxbox, it come back with error:
unable to open display””
Cannot open display Default display
Conky Syntax Error : ..Syntax error near localhost while reading config file
As noted above (twice by accident), I can’t boot V5 from a Minnowboard Turbot SBC and it appears to be because the firmware is UEFI x86_64, but the specified grub installation commands are for a BIOS or IA32 UEFI I believe.
I’m trying to sort out what I should change through the ArchWiki, but if someone who knows what they are doing can help with commands for the 64 bit UEFI it would be greatly appreciated.
So, as stated above, trying to install APL-5 on system using UEFI x86_64, and spent a whole day going through the various wikis and thought I had it figured out … but failed. Here’s what I basically ended up trying:
– GPT partitions for UEFI instead of MBR
– 4 partitions on hard drive: sda1 with EFI partition, sda2 Linux x86_64 root, sda3 Linux swap, sda4 Linux (/home) for the rest
– formatted sda1 to FAT32
– mounted EFI series partition (esp) to /boot
– made sda2 to ext4
– mounted sda2 to /mnt
– did “# grub-install –target=x86_64-efi –efi-directory=/boot –bootloader-id=GRUB” for the UEFI/GPT, instead of “# grub-install –target=i386-pc /dev/sdX”
– everything went well until this point, when it gave canonical ERROR for /boot in efi directory.
I expect APL-5 installs it’s own partitions based on the MBR/DOS system and Grub doesn’t end up in efi-directory or something like that.
So I’m wondering whether there is some way to get UEFI to boot properly as MBR/DOS for APL-5, even though it would prefer GPT with a efi-partition for booting Grub.
Do everything you’ve done up to and including mounting sda2 to /mnt, your boot partition (sda1) to /mnt/boot and your home partition (sda4) to /mnt/home
Skip the grub install stage – you can add it later if you really want but its not needed.
Follow this procedure:
# time cp -ax / /mnt
# arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash
# bootctl install
# cd /boot/loader
# nano loader.conf
delete any current lines and type:
default arch
timeout 4
(save the file)
# cd entries
# blkid > arch.conf
# nano arch.conf
add following lines at the top:
title APLinux
linux /vmlinuz-linux-rt
initrd /initramfs-linux-rt.img
options root=
(enter PARTLABEL…. from sda2, remove quotes, add ‘rw’, delete everything else)
The last line should look something like:
options root=PARTUUID=c2326a5e-5aac-40244-b8f0-c9b57c3b8b27 rw
(save the file)
You can add more entries by copying and renaming this file and substituting fallback or non-rt images. Any other conf files will appear in the EFI boot menu automatically.
# cd /etc/apl-files
# ./
if you get an error that core files are missing then cancel (ctrl-c) and do the following
# pacman -Sy
# ./
then continue with Marko’s procedure with root password etc
Wow. Many thanks Ed. This got me a lot closer, but I likely screwed a few things up:
– wouldn’t find mount /mnt/boot for sda1, but /boot worked
– likewise sda4 wouldn’t mount to /mnt/home but would with /home.
-“# bootctl install” didn’t work until I typed “cd” to go back directory
– for nano arch.conf, I added the lines and deleted everything else except the “opions root=PARTUUID=……….. rw”
Should I have left the other lines in, or was I to just leave in the partlabel for sda2 as I did?
I then did the rest and went onto root password etc., but when I typed in exit
“# exit”
it did some weird thing and asked me for an ID, hinting that numlock should be on. I entered what I had had chosen, but it failed and then booted into AP5, but it wouldn’t let me do anything. (I did see that root was almost full, though, so I should make it bigger on my next attempt.)
It never allowed me to get to:
# genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
# reboot
When I rebooted, there were a bunch of problems and it dropped into an emergency Shell.
But it’s close! I’ll take another look in the morning with a clearer mind.
Thanks again.
Once you’ve mounted sda2 to /mnt create boot and home directories first if they don’t already exist. Then you’ll have /mnt/boot and /mnt/home. Then mount the other partitions.
If you’ve got any data on the partitions my advice would be to erase them first.
arch.conf should have 4 lines and look like this (your UUID number will be different):
title APLinux
linux /vmlinuz-linux-rt
initrd /initramfs-linux-rt.img
options root=PARTUUID=c2326a5e-5aac-40244-b8f0-c9b57c3b8b27 rw
To Thomas,
I had the same problem to install APL on an old macbook who has UEFI boot. You may follow the general purpose of arch linux about UEFI boot. follow this guide.
You just need to do the steps to make a EFI partition with cfdisk (like sda1) 1G is enough and “type” EFI. Then format in FAT 32
# mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1
and then go directly to the end of the tutorial
# mkdir /boot/EFI
# mount /dev/sdaX /boot/EFI
# grub-install –target=x86_64-efi –bootloader-id=grub_uefi –recheck
the rest of the guide is useless here just follow APlinux instructions.
Thanks, A.
So if I understand, I make sda1 a FAT32 EFI-boot partition and only sda2 as a second partition a Linux File type with ext4 file system, and install AP Linux there other than the stuff related to Grub, which goes on efi (ie sda1).
Does that sound about right?
do you also include the second grub command or not?
# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
What about the mkgrub-config step that appears in this tutorial after doing the efi grub-install? I did it, and think it screwed it for me.
I’m trying to set up a multiboot MacBook Pro, with OS-X, Manjaro and APL. This would suit my use cases well for an office setup. But gettting APL into the mix has been a bit trying.
– Ed
I have MacBookpro. Grub doesn’t work there. I’m using rEFInd to dual boot my Mac and Linux. Don’t ask me how. I did it few times and forget about it.
I’m using refind as well. It works. But I appear to have “lost” the kernel-rt from APL 5. I hesitate to redo the process, but don’t know how I can recover it from within the installation.
Hi A,
this is what i tried to find since today morning !! 🙂
so if i understand correctly, first what we have to do is doing the efi bootloader installation as per your above instruction and then later continue with APL installation,
grub-install EFI Loader doing after finish the APL instruction ?
just finished and if i understand correctly, after made partition, format on f32 format, mount the boot/efi directory, follow all the instruction on APL guide with only replace the grub-install command line with the one provided
# grub-install –target=x86_64-efi –bootloader-id=grub_uefi –recheck
installation done without any error BUT the USB stick still not detected as EFI in MacbookPro not like the AP-Linux installation image.
did i miss something here ?
*. there some different on my installation screen process vs
1. when create the partition, it gave me choice for PRIMARY/EXTENDED for both partition, I choose all PRIMARY
2. when choose the TYPE, instead of showing EFI, in my installation shown ef : EFI
any advise much appreciate ! thank you.
it is suggested that format linux system partion into XFS file system to achieve higher performance.
Thanks again, Ed.
Repartitioned and did everything as you suggested and everything went well except one thing, and now when I reboot it just goes into Shell. I tried boot priorities “Linux Boot Manager” and “EFI Hard Drive” but in both cases it goes to Shell.
A potential problem was when I did
# ./
it listed some problems, as you suggested in might, so I did ctrl-C and some things happened and then
# pacman -Sy
After which it gave pages of error messages. When it was done I did
# ./
again and continued on.
Not sure where I screwed up, but I’ll play around with UEFI settings to see if it will boot into Linux Boot Manager instead of Shell.
Its possible that your installation was successful but like a few people (including me) you’re experiencing instability with the RT kernel. Copy /mnt/boot/loader/entries/arch.conf to /mnt/boot/loader/entries/archrt.conf. Then edit arch.conf as below:
title APLinux-non-rt
linux /vmlinuz-linux
initrd /initramfs-linux.img
options root=PARTUUID etc etc
and reboot
SOAB, that last change did it! Thanks, Ed.
The only ERROR that comes up when booting is “Failed to activate SWAP partition”.
I’ll find out if that affects performance once I get some music loaded up. Thanks again.
I would avoid enabling swap. One of the main purposes of APLinux is to maximise performance and push everything towards bit perfect playback – swap files or partitions will only reduce performance. If you’re short on ram you’d be better off upgrading instead.
Hi Marco, Ed,
finally successfully boot via UEFI after adding –removable during grub-install
however, after so many times reboot, i experience it will not go through apl desktop but went to shell (and freeze). i need to re-install again and setup everything again and works.
Ed, i tried to find as per your above instruction i.e. copy arch.conf to archrt.conf but a bit lost here as i am a noob try to explore linux, cannot find any clue after many times googling. please be so kind to give some step by step to follow ? thank you.
After many a trial on a second machine that multiboots, (first machine was easy), I got APL5 installed, and eventually running. There were issues getting fluxbox to start that ended in my doing an upgrade.
In the process, the RT kernel has been replaced by a normal SMP/PREEMPT one.
I’ve hunted to no avail. How can I build, install and set the RT kernel as the default?
Thanks in advance!
– Ed
OK, looks like I have the source/build package. So it’s just a matter of finding the build and install procedure?
And I found a couple of guides that look like they can by synthesized. But if anyone knows of a “best in class” guide for this, please let us know.
I haven’t built kernels since the mid-aughts, and am definitely no longer in practice, though I can follow instructions.
RT should be default after upgrade. If in doubt type ‘uname -a’ or delete the normal legacy kernel.
kernel-rt got removed from the installation as far as I can tell. No doubt cockpit error on my part. What do you think would be the most straightforward path to getting it back in place: reinstall APL, find kernel-rt in a repository, rebuild it?
Thanks in advance. Wonderful piece of work you’ve done here!
– Ed
1. Select “List cards” from the menu
card 2: Pro [DX3 Pro], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
Subdevices: 1/1
2. Select “Edit mpd.conf”
###Audio section start###
Type “alsa”
name ” Pro [DX3 Pro]”
device “hw: 1,0”
Where to insert my card?
device “hw:Pro”
Hi Marko. Put card in /etc/mpd.conf. Select “Edit mpd.conf”
audio_output {
type “alsa”
name “USB DAC Topping DX3 PRO”
device “hw:2,0”
mixer_type “hardware”
mixer_control “DIGITAL”
auto_resample “no”
auto_format “no”
enabled “yes”
No sound!
Firstly let me congratulate you for the project!
I just discovered this distribution and I am so excited about it so as I decided that I will build a seperate new machine just for it to give it a try.
My special interest at the moment is experimenting with AoIP methods (Dante, AES67, Ravenna) and it is really interesting that especially the AVB/TSN protocol has been a subject matter for some Linux users.
( ,
Personally I have no serious experience with Linux, I hope that this distribution will bring me closer from now on.
Just a question; There is a specific screenshot in which an “ALSA” device driver is mentioned. Could this ALSA driver be related with AVB/TSN signals?
Are there any AVB/TSN capabilities embeded already?
I already ordered an Intel I210 Nic, which supposedly is the one that supports AVB/TSN transmission in Linux.
As soon as it arrives I will install AP Linux and give it a try!
Many thanks again.
Every audiophile should be gratefull for your efforts!
Is it possible to play music from Amazon Music
No, unfortunately not
had AP3 and there I didn’t had and problem with DACs
Installation of AP5 passed flawlessly. But, AP5 didn’t detect any DAC. I have X-Sabre pro and M2 Evo with Hiface2.
Can someone give me direction from where to start diagnostic. Not home with linux, but not afraid to use Arch wiki and google
Thought it would work out of the box with both of DACs! 🙁
First: i am a very normal computer user, no spcial konowledge about Linux. For my Office i use a Windows PC.
Until now hear my Music with AP-Linux 3. Everthing works fine. Today i installes the AP-Linux 5. Installation workd fine with the Documentation from Marco. At the End the system startet fine. But:
The Access to all other Hard- Disk Drives in the System is denied.
I Have an 1TB SSD for the MPD Music- Files. It is formated with ext2. I can see the Disk with the File Manager but the acces is denied
I have two more Disk in the System, 4 TB with Classic Musik formatet under Windows. The Acces is also denied.
With the AP- Linux 3 i can read, write, copy and do anything with these Data.
What is to do that i can use all of the Harddisks?
You have to edit /etc/fstab and add something like this:
/dev/sdb1 /wd ext4 rw,noatime,data=ordered 2 2
/dev/sdc1 /ssd ntfs rw,noatime,discard,data=ordered 2 2
“discard” are only if you use SSD disks
Open terminal and create directories:
$ su
# mkdir /ssd /wd
# chown your_username:your_username /ssd
# chown your_username:your_username /wd
# mount /ssd
# mount /wd
Anyways you will be able to see your disks, you only need to figure out how to see them.
If you see any errors and if you can’t mount it, delete additions from /etc/fstab or you might not boot AP-Linux.
I installed everything successfully. Then I updated the system with commamd ‘packman -Syu’ After that I copied my music collection in to music folder. Cantata was able to see everything and refresh database. However, when I click ‘play’ nothing happens. There are no errors, just countdown stays at 00:00. Could anybody help me to solve that problem? Thank you.
I figured it out. I edited fstab incorrectly. Once I edited fstab correctly Cantata player starts to play music. 🙂
I also got the exactly same problem. Could you elaborate? Thanks.
Hello, I have the same problem; would you be so kind and specify what exactly did you do in fstab that made work ?
Thank you, Alex
It would be immeasurably helpful if you detailed your process for fixing this. I have the same issue with Cantata.
Really great, thanks a lot!
I have two questions for tuning my system perfect:
1. How to change keyboard to Swedish, both for Fluxbox and for X-terminal?
2. I used my 4k monitor during installation and used the 4k script. After installation I now have the pc connected with hdmi to a televison with max resulotion 1920×1080. How to change back to the default resolution?
1. Check “setxkbmap -layout” line in ~.fluxbox/startup file
2. Launch terminal and run “/etc/apl-files/./”. If you want to get back to 4k “/etc/apl-files/./”
Thanks Marko,
With the help of your quick respond and instructions it look just fine. I also found out that I could fix the keyboard layout for the X-Terminal with “Locale”:
One more question before my short review of my AP-Linux v5 installation, is it possible to change the font color to black on the Fluxbox menus? White fonts on grey background it’s rather difficult to see for a young guy born 58, 😉
I have a rather Audiophile setup today with my “Audion Silvernight 300b MK2/b” tube amplifier and my “Carlsson OA52.2” speakers. I have AP-Linux v5 installed on my “MSi Cubi 3 Silent S” computer and my “Rega DAC-R” completes the setup (worked direct with AP-Linux v5). I have been using “Win10/Foobar2000/BubbleUPnP” for a long time and I like to keep it for UPnP remote functions over the web. So I manage to install AP-Linux v5 with dualboot on my computer. So it´s now possible for me to compare my old setup with the new. Of course I can’t do any quick A/B test as I have to reboot between the systems and the “audio memory” is very short. Anyway I am totally impressed by the sound of my system with AP-Linux v5. Yesterday I even spent time in a dark room with Opera music and that´s normally not at all my cup of tea. The sound was fascinating holographic and I could “see” the stage in front of me and imagine the vocal artist from different points of the stage. Their voices came from exact points and I could even “see” their mouths. This have never happened before with my Foobar2000 setup and it was completely fascinating. Even if I like “Captain Haddock” find Opera as an irritating and rather ridicules art form I still had a big smile on my face except when my jaw dropped from time to time.
Thanks again Marko, this AP-Linux v5 setup seems to disperse the fog and give my equipment freedom to show it’s real capacity!
Have been aching to use this distro for years but without a GUI for installation am afraid the process is just too daunting a task. IS there any prospect for a GUI install or people within the community that are willing to make an effort at coming up with a better installation process?
It would take me a year to do something like this. Sorry.
Yes, I would love this too. Have spent many hours trying to install and one time it booted correctly. Then I could not access any music, so started again
Is there no alternative?
Hi Kelly. I am linux absolute beginner. No experience at all. I followed the instructions letter by letter and (at third attempt, which is when I made no mistyping) I got it istalled. The result is amazing. When Linux people help, they do it not knowing you know nothing of what they talk about, so their help is often useless. But Audiophile Linux installation hassle is well worth the result. In my opinion it sounds better than anything else before. Good luck 🙂
Can’t seem to boot from my flash drive! Using a known-good drive. Have flashed the .iso image using both Rufus (from a w10) machine, and using the dd command from an Ubuntu machine.
Have tried on two machines and neither seem to recognize it as a bootable drive (both will recognize and boot from a different OS on the same flash drive).
Going in circles, any advice?
Hello guys
how can i disable automatic monitor shutdown?
in ~.fluxbox/startup file put:
xset dpms 0 0 0&
xset s off&
Try disabling secure boot in your bios. Where and how depends on your machine.
It was a bad flash drive 🙁
Searching help for a strange problem: everything went well, but after reboot I’m stuck in ”failed to start login service” loop. No advancing.
I have a MacBook unibody with aftermarket SSD, 4gb RAM and 20GB partition for AL.
Previously I had v.3 running perfectly.
EFI bootloader and the other Linux distro (Ubuntu) running perfectly.
TIA for and help
Update to my last post: everything went well if I unplug ethernet during boot, but I cannot start MPD . Cantata doesn’t work, but Audacious does. Any hint how to troubleshoot?
Hey there,
at first I wonna say THX for all that work on APL versions till yet!
I’m happily using V3 over years and actually tried out v501, with an analog setup on two SSD disks containg system and data.
fstab looks like this :
/dev/sda1 / ext4 rw,noatime,discard,data=ordered 0 1
/dev/sdb1 /storage ext4 rw,noatime,discard,data=ordered 2 2
In storage folder the “Music” directory was created by mkdir, the “/storage” directory was chown -R to user, new files can be put there.
mpd.conf is default, except ‘music_directory’ was pointed to “~/storage/Music”
Installation worked out fine so far, my cards SMSL M7 and MuFi M1-Dac are recognized by defalt value hw:0;0 and they repaly their feeds as well.
Just the behavior of mpd is much different than to v3.
In Cantata I’m able to pick out music files from the folder tree /storage/Music/, add them to queue and play them. But, after restarting Cantata the queue is broken, files are shown but unable to restart replay.
AND, the library contains any files! Displayed message ” No music? Looks like your mdp is not configured corretly.”
Alternativly I reset mpd.conf and store music files in “/home/user/Music” directory with the same result like discribed above.
Connecting via mdp-App shows an actual playing queue, but library is empty like in Cantata.
Please help. Where’ s my fault or what’s the trick about the new mpd-config?
Firstly let me congratulate you for the project.
AP-linux V5 up and running wonderfully but I have 2 minor issues.
1. I want to run it as a headless system but can’t get the ssh connection to work, so my question is does the ssh connection work out of the box?
Below is the connection message I get.
Waiting to retry…
Status: Connecting to…
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message…
Response: OK MPD 0.21.11
Error: Could not connect to server
2. If run as a headless system, how do you get jack to restart each time on boot.
It’s possible to try AP Linux on VirtualBox ? there is a tutorial about ?
You can, but the sound will be terrible. It’s not designed to run virtual.
Where put persistent static ip address for eth0 ?
Can I add AP-Linux to an existing Arch Installation or do I need to do fresh install?
Hello Marko,
I used Ap-linux V4 for a long time with great success. Thanks for your good job.
I decided to install V5.
I scrupulously follow command lines but after reboot, the system don’t boot to AP-LINUX.
The system boot on the good disk, but “GRUB Loading” & “Welcome to GRUB” appear and that’s all.
No disk access (led) after that.
I try twice with the same result : blocking windows.
Do you have any idea ?
I am striving for the best sound, I do not care about the video quality like many. I’m trying to get the best sound quality for as little investment as possibble. Therefore this pure aplinux is not a bad choice :).
In the audiophyl sites I have not read about the followings before.
The common known bases for the best sound:
– less power to the cpu, that’s why:
– switch off the unnecessary programs,
– separate the media server from the playing computer (i have an audiopc + synology)
– headless audiopc (ssh server enough, no GUI).
– the pure mpd and its clients are the best by my experience (better then Tydal, Roon – wonder?).
And the point of my comment:
– switch to the lowest cpu frequency.
– switch off the unnecessary cores of the cpu. How?
(The following is on your own risk only etc…)
Use a terminal, be root (sudo -i). Info about the cpu:
# cat /proc/cpuinfo
What range of freq can be used?
# lscpu | grep Hz
We can see the actual cpu freq (after that CTRL+c):
# watch -n 0 ‘egrep -i “cpu MHz|core id” /proc/cpuinfo’
Let the freq be low:
# cpupower frequency-set -u 800MHz
Boost off:
# echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost
Switch off the second and third cores:
# echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online
# echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/online
Enjoy the music,
I have tried to install AP Linux 5.0.1-x86_64 in a VM (Virtual Machine).
I’m not sure if I have done it correctly…
I have gone into cfdisk, clicked on “New”, chose xvda (29,54 GiB), clicked on “Write” and then quit – according to the installation guide.
Thereby the boot partition and the system partition is on the same partition. I wonder, is that a correct way to do it ?
I haven’t got any errors before I executed this command: “grub-install –target=i386-pc /dev/xvda”. Then I get:
Installing for i386-pc platform.
grub-install: warning: File system ‘ext2’ doesn’t support embedding.
grub-install: warning: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged. .
grub-install: error: will not proceed with blocklists.
How shall I proceed ?
Hi, just finished install v.501
am new in Linux. already able to get my dac play music from youtube via browser.
now i want to access my music files on my wdmycloud drive via local network but couldn’t find any guide 🙁 pls help. thanks.
hi all,
just installed v.5.01 and all good. can play sound from my USB DAC from youtube via browser. however i cannot find the way to connect to my music database on mywdcloud NAS. i tried to connect to server in file manager but not worked.
also, i cannot find the way to setup static IP.
thanks for any assistance.
after some serious struggle I was able to install APLinux 5 with EFI-boot. So far it is running now but I have noticed the following restrictions with my installation. BTW, I have an USB ifi iDSD micro DAC:
– Autologin doesn‘t work at all
– Manual start of the GUI via startx is possible as Root only but not as normal user
– Cantata doesn‘t play music at all, although the mpd database is up and running
– Playing flac in Audacious works after selecting my DAC as output device
– When I start DeaDBeeF the message pops up „plugin not found or failed to load“
– When I select my DAC as output in DeaDBeeF the following error message pops up: „selected output plugin: ALSA output plugin failed to init sound output“
So basically I like APLinux very much but with the bunch of functional restrictions described above it makes not really much fun to play with at the moment. Any hints how to overcome these problems?
Thanks a lot in advance and stay healthy these days!
There are no restrictions that you mentioned here. I don’t know why is this happening on your computer. Autologin and automatic X (GUI) should work. Did you upgraded the system after install? Sometimes system breaks after update.
is it possible to use Qobuz on AP Linux 5?
hello…I’d like to try audiophile instead to ubuntu studio just to check if the audio quality in output change a little.
There are some little adjustment in the code for optimize the toslink optical outpit?
Hi Marko,
thanks for your great job. A question about V.5.1:
do you see any problem in installingf mpd-sacd (mpd-sacd 0.22.0-4) instead of the original mpd package?
No. There is no problem. But two of them can’t be installed at the same time.
Hi and thank you for your work with AP Linux it is greatly appreciated! I installed the latest v5 and everything went fine. I then tried playing music in Cantata and the music would not play. I then also noticed that MPD is paused and it is saying that it is paused on the right side of desktop. I went into DAC setup and edited MPD and and made sure that it was set to my DAC and restarted MPD and Cantata still won’t play music and MPD is still paused. Audacious does play music but while it is playing music it stills says on the right side of desktop “MPD paused”. So, my other question is Audacious playing without MPD and I appologize this may be dumb question? I did not ever use -Suy to update because from what I understood -Suy may cause the system to break and please correct me if I am wrong if I should try using -Suy to update? I have only used the pacman -Sy that was in your guide. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
I have already installed AP-Linux on a computer without UEFI and the installation was successful. Now I have tried to install AP-Linux on a computer with UEFI but failed. I had ARCHLINUX installed on that same computer and it ran without any problem.
Please if you can update the installation for computers with UEFI, I will be very grateful.
I tried with:
# mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2
# pacman -S grub efibootmgr dosfstools os-prober mtools
# mkdir /boot/EFI
# mount /dev/sda1 /boot/EFI #Mount FAT32 EFI partition
# grub-install –target=x86_64-efi –bootloader-id=grub_uefi –recheck
I would love to. But I don’t have PC with UEFI. Sorry.
your command is missing “–efi-directory” parameter. It should be as below
# grub-install –target=x86_64-efi –efi-directory=/boot/efi –bootloader-id=”grub_uefi” –recheck
Hi Manuel,
In case you didn’t make progress with your UEFI install, try this;
replace your last line with;
grub-install –target=x86_64-efi –bootloader-id=grub_uefi –recheck –removable –efi-directory=/boot/EFI
Then do;
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
That worked for me.
HI Manuel
I would like to know if you were able to boot from your uefi partition with the info given by Antony or DanB.
Great product and many thanks for your efforts.
Suggest putting a –verbose flag on the ‘time cp -ax / /mnt’ command to show progress. I cancelled the action a couple times before realizing how long it may take to cp from memory to disk on my low-resource rig.
Nice. Thanks.
Hello Marko, excellent work, thank you very much, I’d love to buy you a beer and a donation.
I managed to install V5, populate my /Music directory. For some strange reason I do not have the “List Cards” menu option so I didn’t edit mpd.conf. I can play music with VLC when I select Audio/Device/Combo384 Amanero, USB Audio Default audio Device…this is my DAC. But what exactly do I specify in mpd.conf ? Is there some line command to list all “audio devices”.
Thank you very much.
Hello, I tried many audio release (Volumio, Moode, etc) but Ap-Linux V.5 is absolutely the best.
Is it possible to install it on a rasperry?
Unfortunately no. Raspberry is ARM CPU.
I have a laptop with 1 SSD and a slot used by an internal ancient DVD drive. On the SSD Ihave AP Linux v5 and it works like a charm!
I want to replace the DVD unit with a bracket with another SSD. On this SSD I want to install Ubuntu 18.04. I was wondering if this will “bite” each other? I mean, maybe it’s incompatible? The best would be something like a default boot -> AP linux, but when I hold F12 at the boot, I can select another boot device, and then I could select Ubuntu. Please advice, thanks in advance!
Yes this will work like a charm as well. You can use bios to select which OS you want to boot or in Ubuntu Grub menu.
Grub can find out that you have other disks and Operating systems installed.
Hi Marko,
thanks for the beautiful AP-Linux, all my collection now sound “differently” in the good sense ! 🙂
i would like to ask if the MPD music library can be change ? i already mounted cifs share to /mnt/songs and want to use /mnt for my MPD folder but seems cannot ?
indeed i can browse to /mnt/songs folder to play in Cantata but just wonder can it show in LIBRARY instead ?
thank you and stay safe
hi Marko,
its me again. i would like to try boot aplinux from usb thumb drive on my mac mini, installation already success but when mac mini boot, press “ALT”, the usb drive that i just install not shown as EFI drive. is there any work around to make it able to boot from macmini ? thanks a lot.
hi, i am using mac mini 2012 and boot in aplinux,
it is via refit, for new version macos, you have to diable some checking on diagontics
Just installed finally 😀
(I have just started getting in this hi-fi world)
I had to pull out the other hard disk, because I could not started after install (no grub_file_filters) , but after that, it went nice. The only problem I have there is no proper settings for keyboard and char-code. In my terminal “mc” is looks terrible. Despite I did everything what I read in the net to set keymap in arch linux, still I dont have my correct one (hu101…)
I also like to be able to choose, xfce or budgie or some other DE.
Cheers from Hungary!
You can choose whatever DE you want, but it will affect sound. So I don’t recommend to change it. Use Fluxbox or use headless.
Good morning to all! I know that it is a very noob question, but I need to change the keyboard layout to italian.
I look some Arch Linux forums, but it seems that the tips that I found didn’t works 🙁
is it possible to install AP-Linux on external disk on MacBook Pro (High Sierra or Yosemite osx)?
I tried to follow the instructions but MacBook doesn’t recognize the external disk.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions
Does anyone know how to change the brightness? Version 4 brightness is great but V5 is too dark
I got figure out. If anyone likes to change your LCD/LED brightness, you can try the steps below. I haven’t figured out how to write the scripts yet since I don’t know linux much
# su
# cd /sys/class/baclkight/intel_backlight
” My laptop max is 3484 while the default is 175, so I set 1000 is perfect for my eyes”
—–These commands below to get max and default config—-
# cat max_brightness –> this command will show the max on your sytem
# cat actual_brightness –> Default config
—–To set the brightness with command below—–
# sudo echo 1000 > brightness
—–Neno File Manager——
– I also installed Nemo FM for easy install plugins of DeafBeef (copy and paste)
– The built-in File Manager doesn’t allow to copy the files to sys folder.
I created a script file to facilitate installation of Ap-Linux. You do not need to type so much. Put the following text to the file for example “” and place this file to the root of your AP-Linux boot thumb-drive.
In line 12. you can change Europe/Budapest to your country location of course.
After boot you can start it by typing /run/archiso/bootmnt/
You must type user name and passwords only.
Have fun…
cfdisk /dev/sda
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
echo “Copying… Please wait!”
time cp -ax / /mnt
cd /mnt/etc/apl-files
arch-chroot /mnt /etc/apl-files/
arch-chroot /mnt grub-install –target=i386-pc /dev/sda
arch-chroot /mnt grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
arch-chroot /mnt passwd root
arch-chroot /mnt ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Budapest /etc/localtime
arch-chroot /mnt hwclock –systohc –utc
arch-chroot /mnt /etc/apl-files/
genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
Can’t perform update (pacman -Suy)
Yeah, I was testing the update too and it didn’t boot after complete. But why do you need the update for since most are working? The only problem was Deadbeef, forgot what the message when run the Deadbeef, something was missing so I updated Deadbeef to the latest version and everything is fine.
Thanks appreciate it.
Hi Marko,
So far I was using version AP-L 4.0. Now (due to kernel limitations) I have switched to version 5. I have noticed following difficulty – in v4 you have configured Fluxbox to use Terminator terminal emulator. It was working just fine. Now in v5 you have configured Fluxbox to use Eterm terminal emulator. There is a problem with displaying multibyte characters (for instance borders of Midnight Commander). Any help appreciated,
I had problems with Terminator when building the v5 so switched back to Eterm. Now I think Terminator is fixed. Install it and use it instead of Eterm if you want.
Hello everyone.
Everything went well for me regarding the installation of APLinux. On the other hand, I cannot configure MPD and therefore have sound. I have sound with Audacious and Deadbeef but not with Cantata (so MPD). I can enter the name of my card (UAC2 [hiFaceTWO UAC2], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio] by deleting words or not … it doesn’t change anything! Same with the ‘Device’ field hw: 0 , 0 or hw: 0.1 or hw: 1.0 or hw: 1.1 or the name of the card or delete it or what? !!
This system worked with APLinux 4 without problem … But I do not remember how …
Does anyone have a solution?
Disable the built-in sound card, then just use 0:0. I didn’t spend time to figure out but that’s way I did.
Hello Marko & friends,
Not being able to configure MPD with Cantata on (in the ‘Preferences’ tab) “Collection: Personal”, I created a new collection with a ‘localhost = 6600’. So I have sound.
But I was wondering if this setting affected the sound?
I don’t understand why the collection: Personal is not working and after reading several pages on Alsa, MPD and even Cantata, I deduce that maybe there would be a permissions problem. True ? Wrong?
Thanks for your responses and a big hat! for Marko (French expression of recognition …)!
Recent pacman -Suy has resulted in Conky breaking, it can’t seem to parse the .conkyrc file.
Conky version is 1.11.5_pre
Error is:
conky: Syntax error (/home/username/.conkyrc:1: syntax error near ‘localhost’) while reading config file
conky: Assuming it’s in old syntax and attempting conversion.
conky: [string “…”]:159: attempt to call a nil value (global ‘loadstring’)
Seems it’s been a long time that the config file is supposed to be in Lua script syntax – I am not sure but perhaps it was converting the .conkyrc file without problems before? any help appreciated!
I have been able to fix up the conky problem. There is a lua script to convert the old configuration file to the new lua-based configuration. All you have to do is run the converter – if your .conkyrc is pretty much “as is” from AP-Linux, then it should be converted without issues. Here’s what I did:
Open up an instance of the terminal then make a backup copy of the conky configuration file:
>cp .conkyrc conkyrc
Find out where the converter program is:
>sudo find / -name convert.lua
You should get something like this:
Execute the convert.lua script:
>/bin/lua /usr/share/doc/conky-1.11.5_pre/convert.lua conkyrc conkyrc_new
It’s a good sign if there are no error messages…
Verify that the converted file exists:
>ls conkyrc_new
>rm .conkyrc
>cp conkyrc_new .conkyrc
Execute conky and verify that everything works…
Exit the terminal if everything’s ok:
Does AP-linux packed with native DSD patch ?
I’m able to play DSD files, but the sound is VERY low.
I have updated my .conkyrc file and now it works great.
If it could be useful…
conky.config = {
mpd_host = 'localhost',
mpd_port = 6600,
mpd_password = '1234',
-- = 'maintain spacing between certain elements',
use_spacer = 'none',
-- = 'set to yes if you want tormo to be forked in the background',
background = false,
use_xft = true,
font = 'xos4 Terminus:size=10',
--= xftfont DejaVu Sans Mono:size 10,
xftalpha = 0.8,
-- = 'Update interval in seconds',
update_interval = 3.0,
-- = 'Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)',
draw_shades = false,
default_shade_color = 'gray',
--own_window = false,
--own_window_type = 'desktop' -- the window cannot be moved or resized,
--own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager' -- make it behave like it belongs to the desktop,
--own_window_argb_visual = false,
--own_window_argb_value = 100 -- make the background semi-transparent,
--double_buffer = 'false',
-- = 'Draw outlines?',
draw_outline = false,
-- = 'Draw borders around text',
draw_borders = false,
-- = 'Stippled borders?',
stippled_borders = 0,
-- = 'border margins',
--window_border_inner_margin = 3,
--border_margin = 9,
-- = 'border width',
border_width = 1,
-- = 'Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)',
double_buffer = false,
-- = 'Minimum size of text area',
--minimum_size = 280 5,
--maximum_width = 280,
--maximum_width = 1350,
-- = 'Default colors and also border colors, grey90 ==',--e5e5e5
default_color = 'grey90',
default_shade_color = 'black',
default_outline_color = 'DarkGrey',
-- = 'Text alignment, other possible values are commented',
--alignment = 'top_left',
alignment = 'top_right',
--alignment = 'tr',
--alignment = 'bottom_left',
--alignment = 'bottom_right',
-- = 'Gap between borders of screen and text',
gap_x = 5,
gap_y = 5,
-- = 'Subtract file system buffers from used memory?',
no_buffers = false,
-- = 'set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase',
uppercase = false,
-- = stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen,
conky.text = [[
${color #ffcb48}USER$color${color white}$alignr$user_names
${color #ffcb48}LOAD: $color$loadavg$color${color #ffcb48} UP:$color$uptime
${offset 110}${color slate grey}${time %a, }${color }${time %e %B %G}
${offset 110}${color slate grey}${time %Z, }${color }${time %H:%M}
${color #ffcb48}KERNEL ${color white}$sysname $kernel $alignr $machine
${color 1793d0}AC STATUS ${color white}$alignr$acpiacadapter ${battery BAT1}
${color 1793d0}BATTERY TEMP ${color white}$alignr$acpitemp°C
${color 1793d0}MB Temperature $alignr ${execi 30 sensors | grep 'temp1:' | cut -c17-18}
${color 1793d0}CPU USAGE AND TEMPERATURE: ${color white}${execi 5 sensors | grep 'Core 0' | awk '{print $3}'} C
${color 1793d0}CPU FREQUENCE ${color white}$alignr ${freq_g cpu0}GHz
${color #1e90ff}$cpubar
${cpugraph 25, 350 000000 6495ED}
${color #ffcb48}NAME PID CPU% MEM%
${color #e5e5e5}${top name 1}${top pid 1}${top cpu 1}${top mem 1}
${color #c4c4c4}${top name 2}${top pid 2}${top cpu 2}${top mem 2}
${color #a3a3a3}${top name 3}${top pid 3}${top cpu 3}${top mem 3}
${color 1793d0}MEMORY USAGE$color
${color #ffcb48}RAM${color #707070}:$color $memperc% ${color #1e90ff}${membar 6}${color}
${color #ffcb48}SWAP${color #707070}:$color $swapperc% ${color #1e90ff}${swapbar 6}$color
${color 1793d0}DISK USAGE:
${color #1e90ff}/root ${color #1e90ff}${fs_bar /}
${color #1e90ff}/storage ${color #1e90ff}${fs_bar /home/celtic/Dati}
${color 1793d0}NETWORK
${color #ffcb48}ACTIVE INTERFACE ${color white}${alignr}$gw_iface
${color #ffcb48}eth0 IP ADDRESS: ${color #e5e5e5} ${alignr}${addr eth0}
${color #ffcb48}wlan0 IP ADDRESS: ${color #e5e5e5} ${alignr}${addr wlan0}
${color #ffcb48}wlan0 ESSID: ${color #e5e5e5} ${alignr}${wireless_essid wlan0}
${color #ffcb48}Signal Strength ${color4}${alignr}${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}% ${wireless_link_bar 8,75 wlan0}
${color #ffcb48}Gateway IP ${color white}${alignr}$gw_ip
${color #ffcb48}Public Ip: ${color white}${alignr}${execi 3600 curl -s}
${color #ffcb48}DNS ${color white}${alignr}$nameserver
Down:${color green}${downspeed eth0}k/s ${color}(${totaldown eth0})${alignr} Up:${color green}${upspeed eth0}k/s $color(${totalup eth0})
${downspeedgraph eth0 17,110 000000 ff0000} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth0 17,110 000000 00ff00}$color
${color 1793d0}${if_mpd_playing}
${color FF6744}*MPD* $mpd_status
${color 1793d0}Artist: ${color #e5e5e5}${mpd_artist 25}
${color 1793d0}Album: ${color #c4c4c4}${mpd_album 25}
${color 1793d0}Title: ${color #a3a3a3}${mpd_title 25}
${color 1793d0}Length: ${color #e5e5e5}${mpd_length 15}
${color 1793d0}Format:${color #e5e5e5}${execi 3 /etc/apl-files/conky/ | cut -d ":" -f 2}
${color 1793d0}Rate:${color #e5e5e5} ${execi 3 /etc/apl-files/conky/ | cut -d ":" -f 2}
${color 1793d0}Period size:${color #e5e5e5}${execi 3 /etc/apl-files/conky/ | cut -d ":" -f 2}
${color 1793d0}Buffer size:${color #e5e5e5}${execi 3 /etc/apl-files/conky/ | cut -d ":" -f 2}
${color #1e90ff}${mpd_bar}
${color 1793d0}Random: ${color #a3a3a3}${mpd_random} ${color 1793d0}Repeat: ${color #a3a3a3}${mpd_repeat}
Thanks! I will use some of that for my Conky!
Is it possible to upgrade MPD using pacman? I have performed a pacman -Syu to the system, but dont see MPD updated. Im experiencing difficulties with album art Im hoping a newer version will address.
What version is installed now? ‘pacman -Q | grep mpd’
NM, I was looking at the protocol version not the application version.
So, I have Win 7 with fidelizer and im fairly happy. My card is M-Audio Delta 2496. I want to try AP Linux.
So what I did is that first I tried to get a bootable USB out of it. Unfortunately LiLi USB Creator and Unetbootin are unable to do it.
Second, I tried to run it live by burning the image onto a DVDRW. I need to try it before I will install it. The boot process stopped at root login with me stuck at a terminal. Vaguely I remembered startx of freebsd and tried it. I got a fairly basic GUI. This wouldnt recognize my hard disc. Absence of music collection means operation failed. Thus im stuck. Help.
So you have 2 things here :-
1) make it usb bootable.
2) Make it proper Live tryout.
It wont work this way. This is not a live OS like Ubuntu or some other. It needs to be installed first to check it out. So you need to find some old PC or something and try to install it there and see if your M-Audio will work.
LiLI, rufus, unetbootin, and a few others can’t boot.
1. Burn the ISO to 64 GB or more
2. Then boot up from the USB and follow the step for configuration
3. Recommend to disable on board audio on motherboard so you can config HW: 0:0, otherwise it may not detect even you set 1:0 or 0:1
Hi all,
I made a discovery the either day. I was able to play a 2ch DSD 64fs zip file as is, bought from Native DSD. Is this a known fact.
Last year I was able to install apl4 with the help of PHG.
Is it worth to install apl5 in the custom made transport with components listed below? My DAC is Metrum adagio. Also last time apl4 couldn’t detect Matrix X hi usb card and USB from mobo was directly connected to DAC.
Asus Q87T/CSM mobo
Intel Pentium G3220T processor
HDPlex 200W LPS
Dogfish mSATA 60GB internal ssd for OS
1TB SATA SSD for music library
Hi and thank you for ap-linux !
Yesterday, after an update, I have got an issue with mpd. I can’t fix it.
neric@apl ~ % mpd
Oct 04 14:29 : exception: Tag list mismatch, discarding database file
Oct 04 14:29 : exception: Failed to configure output in line 16; Unrecognized mixer type
my mpd.conf
# Don’t forget to copy this file to /etc/mpd.conf!!!
### PATHS section start ############################
music_directory “~/Music/Music”
playlist_directory “~/.mpd/playlists”
db_file “~/.mpd/mpd.db”
log_file “~/.mpd/mpd.log”
pid_file “~/.mpd/”
state_file “~/.mpd/mpd_state”
sticker_file “~/.mpd/sticker.sql”
### PATHS section end
password “1234@read,add,control,admin”
user “neric”
### AUDIO section start ############################
audio_output {
type “alsa”
name “Amanero”
device “hw:2,0”
mixer_type “no”
dop “no”
# dsd_native “yes”
# dsd_native_type “2”
# buffer_time “200000”
# period_time “1024000000”
use_mmap “yes”
auto_resample “no”
auto_channels “no”
auto_format “no”
### AUDIO section end ##############################
### MISC section start #############################
filesystem_charset “UTF-8”
#id3v1_encoding “UTF-8”
auto_update “yes”
connection_timeout “3600”
restore_paused “yes”
bind_to_address “”
### MISC section end ###############################
decoder {
enabled “no”
plugin “wildmidi”
config_file “/etc/timidity/timidity.cfg”
I tried to downgrage mpd but it doesn’t work. Cantata can’t connect to mpd.
I use aplinux v5.
Have you same issue since last arch update ?
I have got an issue with mpd since the last arch update, with aplinux v5.
neric@apl ~ % mpd
Oct 05 20:26 : exception: Tag list mismatch, discarding database file
Oct 05 20:26 : exception: Failed to configure output in line 16; Unrecognized mixer type
1 neric@apl ~ % 🙁
Is anyone have an idea to solve that ?
I’m an happy user of aplinux anyway ! Thx !
is there any way to have an icon with bluetooth connections (so as for the wifi)?
I would like to connect my smartphone with bluetooth to AP linux and make it sound to my equipment
Seems to be a problem installing from Step 1
Typed in fdisk /dev/sda
Then n (asked for Partition number, so answered 1)
Then First sector, so Enter
Then Last sector, so Enter
Then p (showed Disk dev/sdaL 931.53 Gib….)
Then w
(At this point, message appears in red – Failed to add partition 1 to system: Device or resource busy)
Have done this exercise 5 or 6 times with same result each time after a reboot
I do not have sufficient knowledge to figure out what might have gone wrong
You have to resolve the issue “Device or resource busy” before you can do anything else. I think you are trying to fdisk the wrong disk. Type “fdisk -l” and copy it here.
The installation notes are 11 months old
What has changed in the meantime?
What I cannot figure is how to proceed when the prompt shown in the documentation above does not correspond what is shown on the screen
Example 1:
Type: mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
The answer shown is “Partition cannot be written”
So start again, delete everything, and then this works
Example 2:
Type ./
A series of messages follows, ending with “This must be done manually” and does not end with the same pompt
Example 3:
Type grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Response – “Cannot install grub”
Example 4:
Type exit, and then
genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
“Nothing to mount”
HDD won’t boot
I think I have done this 5 or 6 times now but are not making any progress
How is is possible to overcome the situation when the expected response differs?
Thank you
Just completed the install as far as “If you didn’t install Linux on an SSD”
Is n’t there supposed to be a GUI version?
On rebooting, I am offered
Arch Linux
*Advanced options*
Both of these require me to log in and present me with a [~]$
That is all
Did you follow exactly step by step? I have done many times without problem.
# fdisk -l
# fdisk /dev/sda n, p, w
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
# time cp -ax / /mnt
Option # time cp -ax –verbose / /mnt
# arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash
# cd /etc/apl-files
# ./
# grub-install –target=i386-pc /dev/sda
# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
# passwd root
# ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Pacific /etc/localtime
Full list is available with
# ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/
# ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe
# hwclock –systohc –utc
# ./
# exit
# genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
# reboot
Continue after reboot:
Hook up the nextwork
$ su
# pacman-key –init
# pacman-key –populate archlinux
# pacman -Sy
Now we need to do few more tweaks. If you have installed AP-Linux on SSD disk,
edit /etc/fstab file with
# nano /etc/fstab
and add ‘noatime,discard’ option. Your “/dev/sda1” line should look like this
Example config:
/dev/sda1 / ext4 rw,noatime,discard,data=ordered 0 1
If you want to add more apps
Example # pacman -S chromium
(firefox, Deadbeef, Audacious, qjackctl, Kodi, VLC, Audex, Asunder, Atom, Joe, Zim, unzip, xarchiver)
#cd /etc/apl-files
# ./
startx at prompt if it doesnt go directly to GUI
I have a problem installing the operating system.
in step “./”, system saying me: line 5: /home/Max/ .zprofile: No such file of directory.
After reboot system not boot, error: User not to the underlying autentication module.
How can i fix that?
Big thanks!
Sounds like you didnt chroot. Reinstall following all of the steps.
Sorry but this doesn’t work, I followed all the instructions and it doesn’t install, no matter what I did, it just doesn’t work, never gets installed, no boot, no nothing, I want a system that will gonna work, not one that gives problems to install everytime, I don’t have that problems in Windows 10, all runs flawless there.
I think that you might have some special hardware. What is the PC where you are trying to install it?
Thanks for your great work!
About updates, I do them regularly.
pacman -Q | grep mpd
libmpdclient 2.19-3
mpd 0.22.3-2
rtmpdump 1:2.4.r96.fa8646d-6
Is it correct versions ?
If not, should I reinstall or is there an other solution ?
I installed the 5.0 on my desktop PC and I get only to the command prompt. how can I install the AP Linux GUI? thanks and regards
Has anyone any experience with installation of ap Linux on an intel NUC – more specific an Intel Core i5-4250U @ 1,30 GHz?
Is it for instance powerful enough for playing DSD files?
Thanks a lot
Core-i3 and 4Gb ram should be enough. To play DSD files, find out if the DAC is support or not. I believe it doesn’t play DSD ISO files.
Thanks Ray for reaching out. The DAC is a Chord Qutest – I managed to play DSD files using another ap Linux installation.
If anyone else lik me finds the style of the window manager (fluxbox) to be unreadable with white on light grey..
Out of the box theme path in the init file is not relative to the user.
In the file ~/.fluxbox/init
set find the paramater and set as follows : session.styleFile: ~/.fluxbox/styles/Font-18
Try to select some other Font size and apply. I’ve seen this white on light gray appear on some PC’s after installation. Don’t know why.
I have tried to install Chromium by using “Pacman -S chromium” but I’m not able to run the browser from within the menu entry under “Browsers” – can anyone help?
Is it advisable to update the package with “Pacman -Suy” at the moment or is there a better way of doing an update?
I’m asking because I’m experiencing problems with keys.
I tested with and without updates.
It sound much better without updates, in my case.
if I’m not mistaken, to add entry in the menu, add lines in ~/.fluxbox/menu.
If someone need, for read dvd in vlc, i added libdvdread libdvdnav libdvdcss and it works.
Thanks again for work ! Is it the lastest version or maybe there will be another ?
Hi neric,
Thanks for reaching out. I checked the menu’es but I couldn’t get Chromium to work without an update. As I couldn’t import PGP keys I decided to reinstall the “archlinux-keyring” package and do an update afterwards:
– sudo pacman -S archlinux-keyring
– sudo pacman -Syu
Now Chromium works and I will check the sound.
But I have lost the ap linux system information in the top right corner of the desktop – anyone who knows how to get it back?
Thanks for reaching out and for the work done over the years.
Hi Torben,
I’m not 100% sure, but this info panel is Conky, custom designed by author…
Hm… a day after my first post I fallen in same situation, like Torben 🙂
OK, a couple minutes after this happen, I find a Solution in same thread, some posts above 🙂 Thank you, ClemO!
So copy text again:
” I have been able to fix up the conky problem. There is a lua script to convert the old configuration file to the new lua-based configuration. All you have to do is run the converter – if your .conkyrc is pretty much “as is” from AP-Linux, then it should be converted without issues. Here’s what I did:
Open up an instance of the terminal then make a backup copy of the conky configuration file:
>cp .conkyrc conkyrc
Find out where the converter program is:
>sudo find / -name convert.lua
You should get something like this:
Execute the convert.lua script:
>/bin/lua /usr/share/doc/conky-1.11.5_pre/convert.lua conkyrc conkyrc_new
It’s a good sign if there are no error messages…
Verify that the converted file exists:
>ls conkyrc_new
>rm .conkyrc
>cp conkyrc_new .conkyrc
Execute conky and verify that everything works…
Hi Kiril,
Thanks for reaching out – highly appreciated – I have been working with Conky too but couldn’t make it with the conversion – I’ll give it another try thanks to your description and reference – thanks a lot for sharing 🙂
Kind regards
I have installed apLinux and Cantata don’t play music. However, I think the mdp.conf file is ok as the complete library appear in Cantata. All other player work fine.
For now I use Audacious but is very limited without library.
Maybe a problem with mpd or with alsa ?
When I use the command “play”, I have the message:
play sr001-01-2496.wav ~/Music/MUSIQUE/TELECHARGEMENT_HIRES
play WARN alsa: can’t encode 0-bit Unknown or not applicable
File Size: 104M Bit Rate: 4.61M
Encoding: Signed PCM
Channels: 2 @ 24-bit
Samplerate: 96000Hz
Replaygain: off
Duration: 00:03:00.00
In:100% 00:03:00.00 [00:00:00.00] Out:17.3M [ | ] Clip:0
But the music play maybe with pulseaudio ?
I have tested also to launch a music from the music folder, right click, open with cantata. I have an error message for the flux:
MPD a retourné l’erreur suivante: Failed to decode http://:43765/home/jmfa/Music/MUSIQUE/CLASSICAL/Adam%20Laloum_Victor%20Julien%20Laferri%C3%A8re%20-%20Brahm…
Thank you for your help
So as Cantata/MPD don’t play music, I do a new install from the begining and I see there is 2 mode for the first launch of Cantata: “Standard – server” abd “Local” . On my first install I’ve choosed “Local” but now I have choose “Standard – server” mode. And now it’s work fine and have bit perfect !
Thank you
is it possible to install JRiver Media Center on AP Linux?
Robert – I can confirm that I ran JRiver 24 & 25 on Aplinux 4.0. I have since moved away from Aplinux and cannot say if 26 or 27 would work.
Hello everybody
After the last pacman -Syyu
linux rt kernel does not boot.
If I boot the arch linux base kernel, it starts normally.
The following message appears on the start screen:
“initramfs unpacking failed invalid magic at startup of compressed archive”
Possible solutions ?
Thank you
not sure in 100%, but here I find some hints for issue:
Strange, or not, I updated Arch regulary without any glitches (keeping only Marco’s RT kernel).
Unfortunately, I can’t describe how update affects sound quality….
Will be great if Marco have a time and effort to update so great AP-Linux.
Or give a hint how to perform update without to break sound capability.
The problem is I don’t have time to work on AP-Linux that much now. The new kernel has support for many new graphic cards and new PC’s so I must update it one day.
When you do, is there any chance of multichannel DSD via HDMI?
not sure if you’ve come up with a solution yet, but I believe I’ve got one.
The problem is solved simply by upgrading the realtime kernel to its latest version. When searching for answers, I checked out Arch’s wiki and its list of unofficial kernels. That pointed me to the RT kernel’s AUR site:
If you look at the top-most comment (pinned), it will tell you that they’ve moved the repositories to a new location. Click on that and you will have your answer. Just add
Server =$arch
to /etc/pacman.conf, run pacman -Syyu, and then reboot with the RT kernel. It solved the problem for me.
Also, the [realtime] section appears to not be present in AP-Linux’s pacman.conf. If it does not disturb the natural balance of things, I wouldn’t mind having it in there by default.
Hope this comment was helpful.
The reason why it’s not there it’s because AP-Linux kernel is different from the official and AUR repos. It’s custom build just for AP-Linux.
I had also thought about the possibility of updating the rt kernel that is on AUR (as also says by Marko).
The truth is that AUR contains the generic rt kernel which is very different from the one compiled and customized by Marko for audiophile needs. Probably the difference would not be noticed in the ear, but surely there would be (in my opinion).
For this reason I ask Marko if (when he has time) he can compile his rt kernel in the new version.
I believe this is the only definitive solution to the problem.
Thanks for the support anyway.
Well my bad then… TBH I am new to AP-Linux, only installed it for the first time on the day I wrote that post and thought this would solve it. I’ve been an Arch user for some time now and got used to solutions of this sort; didn’t realize that AP had a further modified build of an AUR kernel.
Hope everything works out and Marko finds some time to publish the build.
I wanted to inform you that I solved the problem by following the advice of user Al.Piotrowicz. at this link
You need to re-enable mkinitcpio lz4 compression which is disabled with the latest update.
Thanks everyone for the support
ok, thanks for the tip.
I think you need an updated rt kernel as Marko wrote.
However, I will try the solutions indicated in the Arch Linux forum and maybe the problem is solved.
I update you soon.
ok guys
I inform you with my great satisfaction that I was able to solve the hitch following the advice of Al.Piotrowicz in the link below
In short:
The default compression algorithm has been changed to “ZSTD” in the recent updated version of mkinitcpio, making it impossible to decompress the old rt kernel, compiled by Marko, at system boot.
To fix this, simply re-enable the “lz4” compression in the appropriate configuration file “/etc/mkinitcpio.conf” in the line:
COMPRESSION = “lz4” and doing new update with the command:
sudo mkinitcpio -P.
On reboot the rt kernel starts normally.
I’m very happy !
Thanks to everyone for the advice and I hope this can help others who fall into this trap.
Greetings to all
The solution can be found in the official Arch Linux forum as suggested
“Kiril Pahlev” in a previous comment.
the error during startup is this:
“initramfs: unpacking failed: invalid magic at start of compressed archive”
The problem arises from the mkinitcpio update (29-1 -> 30-1)
The default compression algorithm has been changed to ZSTD in the recent version.
It is therefore necessary to chroot from liveusb and regenerate the initramfs image
changing the compression to lz4.
From live USB Arch Linux or from the system booted from your hard drive:
open the configuration file “/etc/mkinitcpio.conf” with nano or other text editor
uncomment to enable the line: COMPRESSION = “lz4”
save the file and regenerate the initramfs image with the command: “sudo mkinitcpio -P”
on reboot the rt kernel starts normally.
I would like to add that the problem also occurred with the updated linux rt kernel on other arch linux installation on another device and I solved it by the same method.
Hope this helps other users with the same problem to solve easily.
Good Listening to all
Hello Celtic Warrior
I need a little more help here please – how do I come from the live usb Boot to my existing system on the hard drive?
I believe you should follow the installation procedure that you find in the guide.
You need to understand if your system is uefi or legacy / mbr.
Hi Celtic,
Thanks for reaching out. You are right and it works again now. I mounted the system partition and afterwards I used arch-chroot.
Thank you to you and anyone else for the solution.
PS …..and thanks to Kiril and ClemO for the solution to the Conky issue mentioned above.
Best regards
I’m glad to know that you have solved it.
Good Listening
Hi Marko, We are waiting for your 2021 ap-linux distro. Thanks in advance for your work and time
Hi All, for people doing package updates, I’ve noticed a potential issue with the update of mpd; I’ve pasted this from the changelog of the major update of mpd to V0.22;
ver 0.22 (2020/09/23)
* lower the real-time priority from 50 to 40
Since many of the AP-Linux RT processes run at priority of 50 I’m thinking that potentially this lowering of the mpd RT priority may cause a degrade in sound quality. Marko, can you advise on this? Thanks
I didn’t hear any major differences after the update.
My system is vintage entry level.
Maybe on hi-end systems …
Is it possible to play sacd .iso in mpd ? The package mpd-sacd doesn’t work with pacman -S
Thank you.
Yes, it’s possible.
on terminal:
pacman -S archlinux-keyring;
sudo pacman -Syu;
sudo -Sy base-edvel liburing twolame;
sudo pacman -Rs mpd;
sudo pacman -S git
git clone
cd mpd-sacd
makepkg -si;
that’s it.
You can also install Jriver media player:
git clone
Good Listening to all.
There would be the jRiver media Center but it is paid and requires a lot of ram and cpu.
It is convenient
convert .iso files to .dsf files that you can play on mpd with bitperfect.
You get the same result for free and saving a lot of resources on the system.
I hope I was helpful
I have apl4 on my system and want to go straight to apl6. Any update about the apl6 would be appreciated.
Is anyone know how to install brutefir on aplinux 5?
I would like to do convolution.
Thank you.
I remember last time I installed AP Linux it was pretty easy but with USB Stick and CD medium. Now if I want to install new V5 AP Linux I have to type a lot of commands. If some gone wrong, it is for sure that Linux non familiar guy would be fried. and stuck. Are there any script or automated way to install Ap Linux? Or is it announced any plan for automated way for installing AP Linux in near future?
It’s not tested by self, but here in thread МОТ64 suggest:
“I created a script file to facilitate installation of Ap-Linux. You do not need to type so much. Put the following text to the file for example “” and place this file to the root of your AP-Linux boot thumb-drive.
In line 12. you can change Europe/Budapest to your country location of course.
After boot you can start it by typing /run/archiso/bootmnt/
You must type user name and passwords only.
Have fun…
cfdisk /dev/sda
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
echo “Copying… Please wait!”
time cp -ax / /mnt
cd /mnt/etc/apl-files
arch-chroot /mnt /etc/apl-files/
arch-chroot /mnt grub-install –target=i386-pc /dev/sda
arch-chroot /mnt grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
arch-chroot /mnt passwd root
arch-chroot /mnt ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Budapest /etc/localtime
arch-chroot /mnt hwclock –systohc –utc
arch-chroot /mnt /etc/apl-files/
genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
Hi guys,
I desperately trying to install some package from AUR without to destroying APLinux v.5.1
and without to update OS 🙂
Especially Tidal-HiFi-git
Anyway, this package sounded Great on my other installation (Manjaro, for audio I use PipeWire).
Any solution to do this?
I would like to remote control my AP-Linux v5 with the free version of TeamViewer as I do with other computers on our family’s LAN. I am not so familiar with Arch Linux so I am afraid to mess up my nice working installation. Can someone hint me how to do in a secure way?
Why not control remote directly mpd? You will have a huge choices.
Hi! any instruction to remote control mpd by an android phone? I tried without success.
Hello, is it possible to add volume control to AP-Linux configured with ALSA output and still keep the bit-perfect mode when volume is set to maximum?
Marco, just curious, but is further work on AP-LINUX dead?
I didn’t give up :-). Just don’t have time now to release the new version.
Understood. Thanks for all you do.
Hi Marko does that mean there is a version 5 in the offering. Thank you for the good work.
Nice to hear it. But is it really necessary to make a new version? Maybe a short howto about upgrading (just for fun I have done it just a moment ago – took less than half an hour including installation of yay) is enough?
It’s not the packages only. The current version is built on an older kernel and all the new hardware, NUC’s, PC’s, chipsets, mainboards, etc… will not work.
Well, both kernels (main and -rt) has been upgraded to newest existing version (5.14.8 and respectively) and everything runs smoothly as I have mentioned.
So, can you at least compile RT-Kernel?
When was exicuting, at user creation I used “Audio”
It failed user creation (but did create a group) – I assume it does not like capital letters.
Everything else in setup seemed to work.
But at boot i get a autologin loop with unknown user error.
I was able to ^F2 to get a terminal
# useradd -m Audio –badname
This allowed me to create the user as “Audio” that the autologin was trying to use.
I then used passwd to set the password to match as well.
Now it will boot, but only to terminal.
I can get to GUI with startx
Is there a startup configuration that didn’t get created for the user?
How do I correct the startup without starting from scratch again?
Well, both kernels (main and -rt) has been upgraded to newest existing version (5.14.8 and respectively) and everything runs smoothly as I have mentioned.
Just got APL5 loaded up and running, but when I went to load files from a 64Gb flash drive in file manager I keep getting the message “this location could not be displayed … Sorry, could not display all the contents … Input/output error.” I tested a smaller flash drive and the contents (not music) showed up fine.
Is there a size limit on the size of flash drives that APL5 will recognize, or is it something else that I’m missing? (Used the same flash drive lots of times loading AP3 on an older laptop without issue.)
Thanks, Thom.
Never mind about 64Gb flash drive issue. Turns out it was a corrupt file so AP-Linux wouldn’t mount.
Okay, here’s a less dumb question: is there a way to get AP-LinuxV5 to show battery status on a laptop?
Thanks again. (Great job Marko!)
Also, the laptop I am using for AP-LinuxV5 has a cd/dvd drive, but it doesn’t show up in File Manager and isn’t recognized, so I can’t use it to copy music files or play CDs.
Is there a way for AP-LinuxV5 to recognize the optical drive?
Bios change enabled optical drive, so ignore last question.
BIGGER problem: Cantata starts but, like some other users have noted, it won’t play music. Seems mpd won’t start.
With “systemctl status mpd” it gives:
Loaded: loaded/usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service; disabled; vendor preset:disabled)
Active: inactive (dead)
Some help here, please. Had no issues with V3, so I don’t get it.
Thanks, Thom.
hi, i am using macmini, there is build in sound card,
is it possible to disable under v5?
Would it be a bad idea to do an Archlinux update in Audiophile Linux 5? I would like to have an up-to-date system, but don’t want to do harm.
Hi! first of all I thank you for this wonderful job that is AP 5. I wonder if a new version is planned, as the installing of the current image is getting more and more complicated if you want to reinstall the image (having eg SAMBA packages, a lot of dependencies doesn’t work and so on..). Thank you!
Has been enjoying APL since 2017, thanks Marko.
Since last week update with Suy, I noticed that the USB wifi dongle no longer works.
This happen to several desktops.
Can someone help?
Is the web browser in AP-Linux tweaked so as to allow for bitperfect streaming to external DACs from online services that support sending hires files? Or does the web browser do the usual mix-down?
Greetingsgreeetings Marko, and thank zou for creating AP/Linux
I dont know how to define my DAC in mdf config. and if I try to with different numbers (1.0 for example) in the file it wont play Music in Cantanta and my DAC wont play music.
Here is (my) Card List:
card 1: A20 (Audial USB Audio 2.0), device 0: USb Audio) (USB Audio)
Subdevices: 0/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
Thank you.
since a few days ago my system will not boot from USB. Yet I understand during installation it is required to write on the installation medium. Or is it possible to install AP Linux from DVD? If not so, can you perhaps provide an .iso which works with DVD only?
Thank you!
Hello. I have been using aplinux for a few months now and I must say that it sounds really good. unfortunately the only flaw it has (imho) is the absence of a webserver to be able to remotely control it without the need to install an mpd client (win / android / linux etc), the web interface would be much more flexible. is it possible to install a webserver like myMPD or RompR? or even better to include it directly in the aplinux package? thank you
my internet does not work, because I have an I219-V network controller.
how can i install driver on i219-v ?
Can anyone explain to me why 16-bit files are played correctly, while 24-bit files are played with distortion?
I am in a very strange situation.
As long as MPD has to play a file at 42100 : 16, everything works perfectly, but as soon as it has to play a high-resolution file, the sound is distorted. The problem is temporarily solved by forcing playback at 42100, i.e. by entering in the mpd.conf : format ‘42100 : * : *”.
OK, so there is no more distortion, but things are still not as they should be.
Is there anyone who knows the problem and can help me? I would be very grateful.
I am still looking for a solution. I should mention that I installed Ap-linux following the instructions and that nothing was altered in the mpd.config.
I have noticed that there are noticeable changes by setting different values for buffer_time and period_time, so that currently the sound is ‘approaching’, if I may say so, an acceptable level. This is the setting: buffer_time “4020”, period_time “179”. I am aware that this is not the solution and that there must be a sensible way to achieve the best results. I am grateful for any suggestions.
The dac in question is the Nuforce DAC 80.
Hi, nice distro with rt kernel, love it, but i can’t permanently mount nfs share, i tried using fstab and nfs.mount command, after reboot not work, but nfs.mount works for session only, how to solve this?
Thank you
Hello Martin
did you succeed with the NFS connection? How did you do (if). Thanks
In order to perform a successful system upgrade, you need to uninstall ‘terminator’ first.
pacman -Rs terminator
pacman -Suy
Answer YES to all questions.
Hi guys. I just found out that the upgrade will break the sound quality. So I suggest fresh install if you experience bad sound performance. I can’t listen to it how bad it sounds…
Hi Marko, do you or anyone else know why a system wide update would cause a loss of sound quality? I did post (over a year ago I think), that
the newer versions of mpd have a lowered Real Time priority, but it
would be surprising if that caused a drastic loss of SQ. Other users in this
thread have reported doing updates and did not seem to notice SQ issues.
I can’t say which package update messed it up. There were thousands of changes. Arch is replacing Pusleaudio with PipeWire. But it doesn’t need to be that. It can be some changes in core operating system. I don’t know. I know only it messed it up. I did new fresh install and musicality was back. Also I know it would be harder now for me to release a new version. So we are stuck with the older hardware. Sorry guys, just don’t have time.
on a working copy of updated APL-5, I potted it into an Intel i7-11gen NB. after tweeting the boot with grub, it workings fine. The new kernel is realtime1-2-rt. but i am not sure if th SQ is the same.😇
Hi Marko,
have you found the way how to update AP-Linux safely?
Hi again,
as I’m interested in updating AP-Linux I started to experiment a little bit. In original 5.01 PulseAudio is not installed – there is only one library installed, namely libpulse-13.0-2 which is a part of PulseAudio.
During update (by pacman) libpulse is updated to version 16.1.6 and is installed libpipewire 1:0 3.71-1. Still PipeWire is not installed.
PipeWire itself is most probably installed during updating AUR files (by yay for instance)
Hi all. Is there an installation guide more comprehensible than this one here (wich is pretty confused/confusing)? Thank yoi
No, installation is hard. But if you make it, you will get a nice treat 🙂
Thank you. Your OS sounds LOVELY but really the instructions are more confusing than explicatory. I could manage to install it and get it play (wonderfully playing) but all fine setting instructions are not working and unclear. I cannot use etem, I cannot change colors of theme, I cannot install samba, I cannot get AP to communicate with the net in whatsoever ways, and so on… ANd this in two FULL days of trials. I am new to Linux but its illogical and unnecessary crypticism is really disturbing. I cannot installa anything without getting into the corrupted issue….. I like AP so much more than Daphile (sonically very good but simply… ugly to me) but wasting days to get AP working is absurd!
VERY true Marko. I am very happy I made it!
Just for your info, I’m now mostly using roonserver and roonbridge on AP-Linux for listening the music from Qobuz streaming service. If someone would like to install roonserver or roonbridge on AP-Linux, let me know. It’s easy.
Hello Marko,
First at all, thank you very much for the work you are invested in this project.
I have installed version 5 and I can say it sounds superb. I would like to install Roonserver on AP-Linux. Could you tell me how can I do that without mess the good sound of AP-Linux?
Still another question:
If I use Roonserver to hear my music, do I still need mpd, or could I uninstall it without disadvantages?
You can install Roonserver with Arch AUR packages It will not mess the sound like some other stuff. Don’t remove mpd. Roon can coexist with MPD without any problems.
If you deinstall something, you might not be able to install it later.
Hello Marko,
i would like to install roonsever, some tips?
Hi Marko, thanks for the fine work, I have been using Ap-linux V5 successfully since its introduction. If it is still possible, I would like to receive the instructions to install roonserver.
kind regards
Why this Audiophile Linux has to be such a pain in the ass??? It sounds lovely, but anything else is as cryptic as a sanscrit inscription! Eterm for instance, why on earth has to be so unusable? How do you paste commands into it? More: the colors of AP desktop why cannot be changed without a misterious lssession “as session manager”?! And how do I acquire session manager rights? I cannot read the white toolbar and menus and neither I can change the color! And so on for a hundred other linuxish useless complications. And someone complains about Windows!!! They obviously never had the luck to have to deal with Linux!
Unfortunately “eterm” does not allow copy and paste.
I installed “terminator” which is a lightweight terminal emulator and does its job well.
Hi Celtic. If you click central button/wheel in mouse, do you not get text pasted in eterm?
My bad! Following by the letter all went smooth. And plays wonderful. Installed in 3 NUCs so far. Only issue, I cannot get to access NASes via NFS. Thanks Marko for instructions, but it didn’t work for me!
I got through (which isn’t obvious for an absolute linux beginner) and it definitely WAS WORTH the hassle! Audiophile Linux plays better than anything else (or at least this is my impression – which is only thing that counts). See for yourself, you won’t regret. Thanks, Marko, indeed.
Hi everyone
after the last conky update (1.18) , the script stopped working.
Has anyone encountered the same problem?
Is there a solution?
Thank you
i was able to fix the .conkyrc file in my home directory and it works fine now.
Hi! from the tenth time I was able to somehow install it. but after installation (when I entered reboot), the boot window came out (GNU GRAB version 2.04). I select the top line (Arch Linux). The screen shows the following: Arch Linux 5.2.10–rt5-1-rt (tty1), below apl login: 1 (automatic login). And below the line: User not known to the underlying authentication module. And everything. It doesn’t output anything else. What to do about it?
after installation (when I entered reboot), the boot window came out
GNU GRAB version 2.04)
I select the top line (Arch Linux).
The screen shows the following:
Arch Linux 5.2.10–rt5-1-rt (tty1)
apl login: 1 (automatic login)
User not known to the underlying authentication module
And everything. It doesn’t output anything else. What to do about it?
It’s like you didn’t add the user or something is messed up with the user.
Thanks Marco! Reinstalled and entered the name Muse. Everything worked. Now I’m trying to figure out how to output sound to iFi Zendac in Contata. I think it can turn off the internal sound card? From other players, the sound goes to the headphones.
thank you sir…
im korean,
im english ..very bad..sorry…
my case ..
1….. aplinux ..install—> i think …….wow sound very good…
2…. so i think…——–> um ….apple music app …maybe…very good.
3….. i want ……………apple music…………….i.dont know…how???
thank you…
my audio system,,,yamaha a-s801 ..its… usb dac + inti amp
Anyone have any idea if this can be installed as a dualboot along side windows 10? I have a laptop with windows 10 and zorin installed already.
Many thanks.
Hi, it depends how you boot W10. If it is legacy boot, then no problem. If it is uefi boot you can’t, as AP-Linux is made in legacy mode.
Has anyone used PaXoverRack? My whole system is based around software crossovers.
Hello, Marko. Thank you for the nice os. Great sound.
Recently I saw a video saying Freebsd has best audio than Limux.
This is the video:
What do you think? Maybe the next version of you system could be Freebsd.
Thank you, man!
This is an interesting video. However, it is 1 person making a sweeping statement. It could be true on his PC hardware-DAC combination, different in
other systems. He does not state whether he has tried Marko’s APL or other real-time linux systems.
For me, the most interesting point is the fact that FreeBSD uses the OSS audio
architecture (as opposed to alsa), so that simpler sound architecture (although much older) may give improved sound quality.
Is it possible to update Cantata starting from the original v5 installation?
I would not change anything because it will break all the things.
Hi Marko, other geniuses,
I am using AP-Linux on different computers since it’s version 1 (that was Mint based).
In my latest install (on a new laptop) I am not able to reach desktop. Can you please help
The errors of importance are:
(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.
(EE) Fatal server error:
(EE) no screens found
(EE) Server terminated with error (1).
My laptop uses Intel 4628 Integrated Graphics
I can provide the whole log if needed.
Please help.
Intel Celeron N5100 (4-core, 4-thread, 1.10 – 2.80GHz, 4MB cache)
Hello, I also have this problem and the same errors.
Does anyone have a solution to the problem?
On older ap linux versions and also before that on ubuntu I always used jack-rack (via qjackctl) in order to activate a ladspa plugin. However, it’s not in the repositories and I read that it won’t run on arch linux (?)
Is there an alternative for jack-rack or a way to install it in more obscure ways without breaking the system? I really need this ladspa plugin to run. Thanks in advance.
Hello ,
I’m new here , my first post. I would like to try AL so please little help. My audio streaming hardware is :
1. NUC 7i3BNB server
2. rPi4 B+ AlloDigioneSignature streamer
Where I can found instructions how to install AL on NUC and rPi4 ?
Thanks for build!
1. How to make a stream (qobuz) play from firefox to MPD?
2. How to add another keyboard (Russia) support i the system?
Finally, I moved from v3 to v5, works very well.
A couple of questions I would like to have an advice on.
I would like to add whipper cd-ripper and dr14 t.meter, both are OK for Archlinux, but are they compatible with AP Linux?
Thank you.
How can I play music from another machine via network?
Openmediavault server.
Please help.
Trying to install AP-Linux on a Lenovo-NB with i915-Intel-VGA.
Errors after Installation (GPT and UEFI) and Reboot:
module fbcon not found in directory /lib/modules/5.2.10-rt5-1-rt
intel: waited 2020ms for i915.ko driver to load
Here you can find the same errors:
So after Rebbot no GUI.
running pacman -Syu brings up about 20 Questions like:
Replace bin-tools with extra/bin? [Y/n]
Replace at-spi2-atk with extra/at-spi2-core? [Y/n]
After answering all with Y
python-dbus and python2-dbus are in conflict (dbus-python). Remove python2-dbus? [y/N] Y
xorg-fonts-alias-100dpi and xorg-fonts-alias are in conflict. Remove xorg-fonts-alias? [y/N] Y
and now
error: failed to prepair transaction
Doing pacman -Syu and answer all with n
util-linux-libs and libutil-linux are in conflict. Remove libutil-linux?
Checking all combinations but pacman ended all times with error.
Next I tried to get xorg/Fluxbox running without pacman -Syu.
I spend a few hours to make intel i915 running. For the errors “fbcon” and “i915.ko” I checked all of ARCH Wiki,, reddit and so on and all of what Google throws out.
I tried Grub / nomodeset i915.modeset=0 and all the stuff you can find here:
etc. etc.
No way to make AP-Linux run.
I think we need an new AP-Linux-Install.iso or an instruction how to make it run with old iso and i915.
AP-Linux is now old, if it doesn’t work out of the box, that means the graphic drivers are not in the kernel. Trying to upgrade everything with
Pacman -Suy
will break everything and it will not be successful. Sorry.