New AP-Linux in the works
December 4, 2016
AP-Linux-V4 available
April 16, 2017If you haven’t already, grab your copy of new AP-Linux here.
April 5th 2018. There has been some issues with upstream Arch packages so install brakes when you want to upgrade packages. Check down for the fix…
DISCLAIMER! This installation can ERASE all your data if you don’t know what you are doing. We are not responsible for any of your data or hair loss. If you feel uncomfortable working with Linux disk tools, and you have sensitive data, make a backup first.
– USB thumb drive to burn the iso file
– blank disk or free partition on the disk. Use at least 25GB minimum.
– internet access
Put/burn the iso on the thumb drive, power up your PC and select to boot from USB. Standard Arch Linux boot will appear. Just press enter and wait for system to boot. If you don’t know how to burn/put iso file on the USB thumb drive, there’s a lot of documentation on the internet. It all depends which operating system or software you use. But if you using Linux, it’s easy. In terminal just do this:
dd bs=4M if=/path/to/apl-v4.iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress && sync
where /dev/sdX is your thumb drive. Make sure you put correct /dev/sdX or you will loose all the data on that disk.
After boot finishes, use this commands:
If you have 4K Monitor, the fonts will be very small. Execute this command if you have 4K Monitor:
# setfont ter-232b
‘fdisk -l’ command will list disks and partitions on your machine.
This is needed for you to know where you are going to install AP-Linux. When you are sure where you are going to install AP-Linux, write down on peace of paper your disk name. For example “/dev/sda”.
Now we need to create partition for AP-Linux on that disk. Warning! If you have existing operating system or any data on the disks, this steps can overwrite and delete all of your data. Make sure that you know what you are doing. You can use two different tools for creating the partition for AP-Linux.
Fdisk or Cfdisk.
If you are for example going to use “/dev/sda” disk to create partition for AP-Linux, execute this commands:
# fdisk /dev/sda or # cfdisk /dev/sda
Cfdisk is more user friendly tool. If you are asked “Select label type” in cfdisk, it’s important to choose “dos” because otherwise you will not be able to finish installation (GRUB bootloader will not work).
Creating a partition with fdisk begins with typing “n” and then “p”. Saving with “w”. With cfdisk is different. Create new partition for AP-Linux and select “Write” to save new partition table. Quit to get back to the terminal.
Then again type:
# fdisk -l
to view your new partition tables. If you used disk /dev/sda, then you should see your new partition. For example as /dev/sda1.
Now you have to create a file system on that partition. mkfs.ext4 command will do that for you. Again be very careful in the next step.
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdXX. Replace /dev/sdXX with your partition. For example
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
Mount that partition to /mnt folder
# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
Then type these commands:
# time cp -ax / /mnt # arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash # cd /etc/apl-files
The next command will ask you to put your username and password and install some packages.
# ./runme.sh
Answer “yes” to question and wait till it finishes. If there are no errors, continue with
# grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sda
Replace /dev/sda with your disk, then execute this:
# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Next command will set up super user password.
# passwd root
Next command will setup your timezone
# ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Dublin /etc/localtime
Replace Europe/Dublin with your city. Full list is available with
# ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/
# ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe
Then continue with:
# hwclock --systohc --utc # ./autologin.sh
If you have 4k monitor execute also ./4k-mon-setup.sh
# exit # genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
Reboot your system, remove the USB thumb drive and let’s hope you’ve done everything OK. If you did, you will first see GRUB boot loader and your system should boot to new AP-Linux. If not, check your boot disk priority in BIOS.
To summarize, these are all commands you need to run after disk partitioning:
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdXX # mount /dev/sdXX /mnt # time cp -ax / /mnt # arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash # cd /etc/apl-files # ./runme.sh # grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sdX # grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg # passwd root # ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Dublin /etc/localtime # hwclock --systohc --utc # ./autologin.sh # exit # genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab # reboot
When AP-Linux boots, open terminal. Make sure your internet is working. You can check if internet is working with:
$ ping
You should see something like this:
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 time=25.9 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=56 time=21.9 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=56 time=25.4 ms
Then become root with:
$ su
Execute these commands. First command will take a while…
# pacman-key --init # pacman-key --populate archlinux # pacman -Sy # pacman -S archlinux-keyring
April 5th 2018 fix. This command brakes
# pacman -Suy
The solution is to first remove libxfont like this:
# pacman -Rc libxfont
Answer yes and do it again
# pacman -Suy # pacman -S terminus-font # pacman -S xorg-server # pacman -S chromium
The last command will install web browser Chromium. Use pacman -S to install other
programs like deadbeef, audacious or firefox.
We need to reboot because April 5th fix
# reboot
!!! Important!!!
After updating the system with “pacman -Suy”, mpd config will brake. In order to fix this you will need to do the following:
# cd /etc/apl-files # cat mpd.service > /usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service # systemctl daemon-reload # systemctl restart mpd.service
Now we need to do few more tweaks. If you have installed AP-Linux on SSD disk, edit /etc/fstab file with
# nano /etc/fstab
and add ‘noatime,discard’ option. Your “/dev/sdX1” line should look like this
Example config:
/dev/sda1 / ext4 rw,noatime,discard,data=ordered 0 1
If you didn’t install AP-Linux on SSD, remove the ‘discard’ part.
/dev/sda1 / ext4 rw,noatime,data=ordered 0 1
What we just told our system is not to write some unnecessary file access information. This will speed up a little our machine which can be good for sound processing.
Music play setup
1. Select “List cards” from the menu
2. Put your card in /etc/mpd.conf. Select “Edit mpd.conf”
3. Change this line:
device “hw:0,0”
device “hw:1,0”
if needed.
It’s better to put the name of your card in mpd.conf like this:
device “hw:PCH”
Because cards in Linux often switch numbers.
Restart mpd when you made changes to mpd.conf
Copy your music files in Music directory and launch “Play music” from the menu.
For wireless or manual IP setup, open terminal, become root and go to /etc/apl-files directory. There you will find “enable-wless.sh” script. Execute this script with ./enable-wless.sh and reboot. After reboot you will find one small icon on the right in the system tray that you can “right click” and edit your network settings.
Any chance for Paypal?
I’m not a fan of Paypal…. But let’s try it. Can you try now?
I would gladly pay if PayPal was available, even PayPal’s percentage.
For some reason I have to manually approve every Paypal transaction so I can’t enable it until this is fixed. You can use normal credit card payment via Stripe. This works without problem and it’s secure as Paypal.
Thaaank you!!
Have a Gday and good rakja
I’ve gone through all of the steps twice. Every time I get to configuring Grub, I get this.
“grub-install: warning: File system ‘ext2’ doesn’t support embedding.
grub install: warning: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged..
grub install: error: will not procede with blocklists”
Did you used mkfs.ext4 or mkfs.ext2 command when creating filesystem? Be sure to use mkfs.ext4. Ext2 is old and not supported. Also check that you don’t have this filesystem from some old install on that partition. To be sure, remove it first, then reboot and create another. Then use mkfs.ext4.
Had some wonky issues with Grub, but I figured it out. Absolutely loving the new version! Thank you again.
how did you solve it Samuel? I’ve tried multiple times, even formatted as ext4 first, or unformatted, definitely ran mkfs.ext4 and still having the error
So I finally figured this out. First, since this is a stand-alone system (a Dell Inspiron Micro Desktop) that will be used for sending files to an external DAC (Emotiva Stealth DC-1) via USB, I didn’t care if I wiped the hard drive clean.
So, using a program like gparted, I deleted all partitions from the disk. (You can do this with fdisk or cfdisk but I like to start from empty unformatted drive and this was easier for me to work with). I then created one primary partition….
but the key here was to make sure I left space at the beginning of the drive for GRUB to install properly. I left 2 gigs of space at the front, unallocated. Then I created one primary partition, unformatted. (this system only had a “32” gig SSD, if yours is larger you may consider making other partitions for storage, etc).
THEN I followed the install instructions – installed to /dev/sda and everything seemed to go well from that point onward. Formatted with mkfs.ext4 and so forth.
GRUB can have problems if you had some previous installation on the disk. So if it doesn’t work, it’s best to wipe disk clean. And I never needed to left space in the beginning.
It’s still not working on my ssd…
I tried everything explained above and it still didn’t install grub.
It always says ext2…
For me it seems like a bug.
Try to modify BIOS of your PC. Sometimes there’s a problem there. Or take the SSD drive to some other PC, install it there and put it back in the old one.
same problem for me.
spent days wiping drives and reinstalling, always the same problem with grub.
Ubuntu installs with no problem on my set up
what bios settings could cause this?
GRUB complains about ext2 and embedding when it doesn’t find the 1MB space between the 1st sector and the first partition clean: this happens if the HDD or SSD you are trying to install into is a drive that’s had a previous OS installation. cfdisk doesn’t clean out this space (dunno if fdisk does) when you created the partition.
The solution I found here:
I tried (and confirm to work) uses dd :
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX seek=1 count=2047
Hope this helps.
Why on earth isn’t there a live install media?
Because I am the only one developer who works on it. And I work on it in my free time. Don’t have time or resources to create live media or proper graphical installer. The only important thing is the sound. If you closely look at install instructions, you only need to run few commands after disk partitioning and you are done.
I just did a fresh install on an older Dell Laptop. Very well documented install. I did notice the formatting for setting the time zone needs a little TLC but otherwise everything is working as it should. I messed up my username and tried to use backspace, it didn’t actually backspace but rather add characters. I used Ctrl+c to break the script and just ran the command again.
I can’t wait to get everything set up and ready for my garage Audio Zone.
If you messed up with the username, do the whole install again. Username part is bound to the sound quality. If something got messed up, you will have poor results in sound. Better do it again.
Install to sda4 on a W7 notebook. boot with grub without W7.
How to recover W7?
* absolutely love the sound quality.
When GRUB loads, you should be able to select W7 from the menu. If not, istall os-prober “pacman -S os-prober” Then run “# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg” again. OS-prober should find your W7 installation.
Works perfectly. Thank You.
What’s the best way to set up the system to send .flac (and mp3) files to an external DAC via USB ??
Any particular configurations, settings, programs that are needed?
How? Any combination 0,1 in mpd.conf (device “hw:0,0”) had no result on USB DAC. DAC is listed in Card List…
“hw:D20” or “hw:Audio” whatever your name is in “aplay -l” or “hw:1,0” or “hw:2,0” etc….
How to enable Bit Perfect playback?
Oh and regarding wireless… I had originally tried installing version 3 and had terrible time dealing with the Intel WiFi card in my system, and gave up after never getting the drivers to install, never getting the system to see the card, etc.
This new version 4 is much better – at least it recognized the wifi card.
I did have some configuration issues with connecting to wireless (iw, iwconfig, etc) so I eventually just dowloaded the wpa_supplicant package and the NetworkManager packages and installed that, and was able to connect to WiFi.
Thanks a lot of your big effort and time-consuming work on the new distro, AP-4 up and running on my PC :-). To create linux-bootable pen-drive using windows, I do recommend Rufus:
The step “# time cp -ax / /mnt” is a bit time consuming, at least on my old AMD-based PC (Athlon X3 450).
THANKS a lot!
Firstly – thank you for your work!
I installed Linux today on a new computer ASRock Beebox N3150 / V. But the network card is not detected. Could you tell me how to install the driver for the network card?
If the network card is not recognized, then it’s not working. There’s no support in Linux kernel. No drivers. It’s better to buy cheap USB network card and use that.
Can I ask the author to add fresh net drivers to the kernel?
Sorry. It’s not that simple.
Hi andrey
Are you sure it’s an issue with your network card?
What’s the output of # ip a ?
Cause the device is supported by Arch according to ASRock…
Ik the answer is kinda late….
There are two hard disks in my computer (ssd) On the first disk, I installed Linux and the second disk I wanted to use to store music. When I go to the file manager, I see both disks, but I can not open the contents of the second disk. The message appears : UNABLE to ACCESS LOCATION . Not authorized to perform operation .
What can I do ?
Change the ownership of that disk so you can access it with ‘chown -R username:username /directory-of-the-disk’
I have tried this chown -R still can’t access my sperate HDD. Anything else to try?
Hi Cole
Do you know how you formatted the HDD?
If you post me the output of lsblk I can may help you.
Ik my answer is a little bit late…
I once again want to thank the author for his work. You have done a good and important job! Thank you for that!
However, after two days of fighting version 4 I decided to return to version 3. It seems to me more stable.
I have one important wish: Is it possible to write instructions for all versions of AP Linux that will help you configure the remote desktop? It seems to me that the music computer should be managed remotely, without using a monitor.
Thank you in advance to the author!
The no-monitor setup is very easy with AP4 linux. You can access remotely to AP4 linux using an ssh client like putty etc at the 22 port. As a root you can switch off your PC typing the ” poweroff “command. The access of MPD server can be done remotely by cantata for example. You can run cantata on windows as well and organize your music easily.
I agree with you. But I need to see the desktop and not just the command line. Plus, I’d like to remotely copy music files to a computer running AP Linux. How to do it?
Hi, Janos_904,
I used other mpd for few yrs. I’m new to AP Linux. My cantata in other platforms and mpd client in mobile phones work seamlessly with my previous MPD linux (voyage mpd linux). Now they don’t work with AP Linux. Would you pls tell me how to make it work with cantata on other platform? Thank you very much for your help. 🙂
Sorry Billy. You have to read the howto docs. MPD works out of the box on AP-Linux. If you need to change something, for example where are your files or DACs you need to configure one file. /etc/mpd.conf.
Thank you mlerota,
Yup, I can play music with built-in Cantata, just not with other Cantata in other platform. Thank you for your concern.
Billy – you should check the user name and password on the ap-linux mpd.conf file. You probably aren’t using the right log in credentials.
Installng to UEFI-dedicated PCs possible?
I tried to install on Intel Compute Stick, but in vain.
could you write an alternating AP Linux v4 install instructions for EFI boot ?
Here are the steps for EFI boot IF you are installing the x86_64 version:
After “# mount /dev/sdXX /mnt”, where sdXX is your partition for AP-linux
1) # mkdir -p /mnt/boot/efi;
2) # mount /dev/sdXY /mnt/boot/efi; where sdXY is your partition for EFI system, usually /dev/sda1. Check fdisk -l for confirming.
3) Do the rest of the steps UNTIL you hit “# grub-install –target=i386-pc /dev/sda”. Use “# grub-install” INSTEAD of “# grub-install –target=i386-pc /dev/sda”.
4) If there is no error, keep following the instructions. Once you finish and reboot your machine, you’ll find arch uefi in boot option in BIOS.
Good luck!
Hi Joe,
I followed your instruction in attempt to fix my problem not booting after grub screen appears. I am trying to install AP-Linux on a USB Flash Drive. I have UEFI and Legacy modes in BIOS Boot setting. My PC is ZBOX CI325 Nano.
I got the below error message. Please advice!
[root@archiso apl-files]# grub-install
Installing for x86-64-efi platform
grub-install:error: /boot/efi doesn’t look like an EFI partition.
I am sorry but I have no Linux knowledge!
I figured it out, of course, it was sudo su
In install document, you forgot to set the root password.
A few questions – sorry I have all my experience in Debian/Ubuntu:
1. It seems my display is set to a larger desktop than my 1980 monitor.
The APL background image runs off to the right.
How do you change the Display size in Arch?
2. Since I am running headless (Roon Server/Bridge), I don’t need Conky, Is there a
way to stop it from starting?
3. Ok to update Arch with pacman -Syu – or will that break things?
4. How about updates from APL – how will that be handled?
Same here my desktop is extended outside the monitor I see only the upper right corner and I cant see the open app Unusable
How to fix it? Using radeon driver with HD6850
1. See “man fbsetbg” and then change the .fluxbox/startup file.
2. Also in .fluxbox/startup file.
3. It will only brake MPD when new version is out, but it can be easily
fixed. Everything you need is in /etc/apl-files
4. We’ll see.
is it possible to control this like Runeaudio/Volume/Moode thrue web browser
An update via pacman -Syu will also update the kernel to the current version 4.10.11-1. This is no realtime kernel.
Yes it’s not RT kernel. But you are not using this one. Type ‘uname -a’ in terminal.
Firstly fantastic work, doing something like this isn’t easy in your spare time and arch can be a bit of a nightmare to set up, thanks. Happy to pay 4 euros!
@ Jeff. You can just remove conky which is easy. Can also uninstall fluxbox, X11 etc etc. Did it myself and got a very bare bones system with all the benefits of someone else’s hard work! Don’t think it made a great deal of difference though to be fair.
I got stuck at grub-install, it reported that:
“warning: Attempting to install GRUB to a disk with multiple partition labels. This is not supported yet..”
“warning: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged”
“error: will not proceed with blocklists”
The partition in that SSD is already deleted by fdisk, and created a new partition. No matter setting it as boot or not, grub-install doesn’t work.
Pls. help , your words will be highly appreciated. Thank you. 🙂
How do you create partition? With fdisk or gdisk? What do you get in “Disklabel type:” when you type “fdisk -l”?
Dear mlerota,
I’ve tried both fdisk, cfdisk. “Disklable type” is dos. Pls. help.
What “fdisk -l” says about this:
Device Start End Sectors Size Type ?
/dev/sdb1 2048 250069679 250067632 119.2G 83 Linux
Try to add “–force” at the end like: “grub-install –target=i386-pc /dev/sdb –force”.
I’m sorry that –force doesn’t help.
I’ve unplugged other HDs in the same PC during installation, but still got no luck. Pls. help. 🙁
grub-install just shows the same error messages.
I don’t know what’s wrong with your PC. Check on the internet about your motherboard manufacturer and problems with Linux. Maybe you will find something. Maybe it’s the BIOS problem so check BIOS options. Disable the UEFI in BIOS if you have it. And try to wipe completely the disk with some other tool. Sorry, I run out of options there.
Finally the –force works and I can boot into the GUI of AP Linux, let me try, Thank you, mleorta! 😀
I installed AP linux v4 on my intel nuc last week and I also ran into the grub-install problem.
I tried to repartition the ssd in various ways but everytime I got the message:
“warning: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged”
“error: will not proceed with blocklists”
I have made a partition called sda1 and thought you should therefore use the command “grub-install –target=i386-pc /dev/sda1″ . After several tries, I decided to use the command without the 1 after sda and voila it worked!
I guess some people also makes this mistake so I think this may be helpful.
Thanks for the hard work on the AP linux! I do not have paypal so I choose the limited download but I hope to be able to donate for this very nice piece of softare soon…
Yes I think many people put /dev/sda1 instead of /dev/sda when installing Grub. Thanks. I will highlight this in documentation.
Hi, mlerota,
I used other mpd for few yrs. I’m new to AP Linux. My cantata in other platforms and mpd client in mobile phones work seamlessly with my previous MPD linux (voyage mpd linux). Now they don’t work with AP Linux. Would you pls tell me how to make it work with cantata on other platform? Thank you very much for your help. 🙂
Can anyone tell me how can I get a remote view program like Teamviewer to run automatically (sign on, log in, launch itself for “unattended access”) when I start up my system with AP-Linux?
They have a startup file but I’m not sure where to copy it to.
Hi Mlerota!
Thanks for your fine work with AP Linux v.4. it really sounds good!
How can I use the browsers chromium or firefox?
I used the command “pacman -S chromium” and “pacman -S firefox”.
Seemingly they were installed fine, but finally I can’t start these browsers from the fluxbox-menu.
I get to the last line on install
Genfstab -u /mnt …..etc
But I get the response. ‘ u’ invalid option
Any idea what I have done wrong
You should always do “pacman -Syu” (fully update the system) before installing any applications, this is mandatory, as this installer installs packages from the iso & not the current version from the fastest mirror. Arch is a rolling distribution, it is very bad practice to pull the latest Firefox or Chromium etc from the mirror & install them over an old Arch snapshot (AP-Linux).
Also, there will come a time when Pacman will probably not work.
Why is there no firewall? Do people know there is not one?
I used the commands in the following sort order:
pacman-key –init
pacman-key –populate archlinux
pacman -Sy
pacman -S chromium
Do you have working chromium or firefox in ap-linux v.4?
Dera, try starting them from a terminal, if there is an error it will tell you.
You should always do “pacman -Syu” to fully update the system before installing any programs, as you did not do this, it may be the root cause of your problems.
I disagree with the installation instructions telling you to do otherwise.
Yes “pacman -Suy” is the correct way, but if there’s new MPD in the repos, it will overwrite the current config of MPD and MPD will not work without reconfiguration. So I just recommend “pacman -Sy” for start. If there’s a problem, “pacman -Suy”
Arch doesn’t overwrite config files, you have to do it manually, one of the reasons it is not recommended to folks new to Linux. People need to read https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman/Pacnew_and_Pacsave
I’m afraid you couldn’t be more wrong in recommending people do “Pacman -Sy” instead of “Pacman -Syu”. From the Arch wiki:
“When installing packages in Arch, avoid refreshing the package list without upgrading the system”
See https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/pacman#Upgrading_packages
A lot of the users are going to end up with broken systems in a very short time.
Yes Arch doesn’t overwrite config files if they are from Arch. But mine are overwritten. Like files for MPD. Yes it’s better to use “Suy”
Many thanks! now the browsers are working
Hi guys, Is it possible to install it along with other OS (dual boot)?
Yes. Grub should auto detect other OS. If it’s not working, after install, run “pacman -S os-prober” and “# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg” again.
Hi mlerota!
Many thanks for your work with AP Linux v.4. I love your great sound.
I have a problem. I made changes to mpd.conf like the following,
device “hw:0,0” to: device “hw:1,0” and restarted mpd.
But Cantata won’t work though both audacious and deadbeef work.
Any advice? Thank you in advance.
I had the same problem. In the last step (MPD) I did wrong. I did not know how the problem could be solved 🙂
I repeated the installation with the correct selection
How do you know what to set here? It’s not clear for me :-/
It’s better to find your card with “aplay -l” and then put this instead of device “hw:1,0”. Like device “hw:D20”. For example if “aplay -l” lists: card 1: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 1: CS4208 Digital [CS4208 Digital], you put “hw:PCH”. The second thing after “card 1”.
In one of the last install steps you have to choose one of two options (something about mpd, I dont remember what is exactly). I was chose the wrong one and any combination in mpd.conf had no result on USB DAC…
Thanks mlerota, then it means I did it OK but then I don’t know why do I get this error: Unable to set hw params for PLAYBACK: Input/output error
This is what I found in the list of the cards:
card 0: D2Qute [2Qute], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
And this is what I have in the conf file:
device “hw:D2Qute”
Many thanks for your help!
Having device “hw:0,0” gives me this error:
[17:17:0503/114418.940158:ERROR:render_media_log.cc(30)] MediaEvent: MEDIA_ERROR_LOG_ENTRY {“error”:”Invalid header data : sync 0x7fe version 0x2 layer 0x1 bitrate_index 0x1 sample_rate_index 0x1 channel_mode 0x3″}
It worked! Now I can get good sounds through Cantata. Thank you very much for your appropriate advice.
Hi, is there also a description available how to remote control the AP-Linux by tablet or smartphone via VNC or similar?
Kind regards
This is more easy than V3, installed and booted from usb stick without modify any config files.
Thank you.
Strange behaviour with uda18-usb-and-spdif-dac(Hifime), Volume is decreased a lot.
I don’t think that’s a problem of AP-Linux V4, other Dacs or USB to SPDIF Converters works perfect(HiFace, the first too!). On the other hand with other OS (Win7/10, Mac, AP-Linux V3.1!) uda18-usb-and-spdif-dac has no problems. A bit strange.
I installed V3.1 and V4 on my old ZBOX and Win10 on an eSata, no problem with os-prober installed on V4 when running Grub(it takes a long time!). Because V3.1 does not support .m4a files I have to refresh MPD database always when I change the AP Versions, but it’s fast and I rarely listen to .m4a files. It seems to me that V3.1 is a bit smoother and V4 a bit more analytic, but………it seems and I think……you (should) know what I mean. Both are the best I ever heard on my (more mid-range) audio-system(s). They sound open, better resolution!
What’s about pacman -Suy? What are the mpd files to recover? (V3.1 is not updateable anymore) And does someone knows an audio driver that streams to a file? MPD supports a Http file server(works nice) and with this kind of audio driver maybe it is possible to stream TIDAL and Spotitfy to AP-Linux? But I think MPD needs a “closed” file, so it will not work – but I want to try it.
Big thanks to Mlerota – you are doing a great “job”, I hope you get enough money for it!
Thanks Phillip. I have enough money from my daily job :-). Don’t need it from AP-Linux.
If your Dac has hardware volumen control check the volumen with alsamixer.
(F6, select the soundcard and with + set the volumen to max. AP-Linux saves the state, not every OS does this)
Hi, the AP-LINUX it is very beautiful.
Please,I want ask information on keyborad IT.
I have a Qwerty keybord and I want change the keyboard in format in IT on X-TERMIN.
Please help me .
Look for the setxkbmap -layout line in your .fluxbox/startup file in your home directory. Change it to it and restart.
thanks a lot
Dear all,
has anyone successfuly managed to install AP-Linux alongside with OSX on a Mac Mini? All my attempts have failed so far. I cannot achieve a working Grub installation. I think it is because of the Mac’s UEFI. Can anybody give a hint on that? You help would be very appreciated.
Not with grub but with systemd-boot.
Can you give me a hint where to find some more detailed description on that?
Thanks a lot.
Hi mlerota, I successfuly managed it to get a bootable and well running AP-Linux insatallation on my Mac Mini. I have a Roon Server running in AP-Linux and can say that everything is running absolutely stable and smoothly, including upsampling to DSD512! Sound quality is excellent and I really prefer that solution over Windows and OSX too. Thanks for your very good work.
Hi, I tried over and over again to install APLv4 on a Mac mini late 2012 model, not alongside OSX but just APLv4.
Fdisked everything and followed all instructions. No errors so far. But when I boot I just got the grey ? icon and nothing ever happens. Can you please help me out here, how did you manage to get it running? Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Hello. Please detail here. What command lines did you put to make your install sucefull on mac thanks
It should be the same principle. Only if you want to preserve your macos and have dual boot then is different. There are lot documentation on the internet how to install Arch linux on Mac. But instead of using official Arch image, use AP-Linux one.
I’m not familiar with Linux and I want to ask information about
I have configured CANTATA as a sigle user, Because in multi user it did not work (he did not connect to MPD)
That’s right ? I can use app MPDdroid with this
configuration ?
I tried to install GMPC, later I uninstalled CANTATA,
GMPC does not find the MPD server, where did I go wrong ?
Thanks for your help
for MPDdroid
in the ‘/etc/mpd.conf’ mpd config file try to add the line:
bind_to_address “”
for cantata fail to connect
try to delete all local configuration of cantata in ‘~/.config/cantata’ directory
and replace the file ‘mpd.service’ in ‘/usr/lib/systemd/system’ directory with that ‘mpd.service’ what is located in the ‘/etc/apl-files’ directory
HI Dera,
Thanks for the help, CANTXX is now connected, it works, but I have no audio.
My dac is a Topping D30 24bit / 192kHz S / PDIF & USB DAC, support DSD64 and DSD128.
With aplay -l I have the following sound cards:
0: MID [MID Intel ..] Analogic [intel audio]
1; X20 [xCORE] [USB Audio 2.0] [USB Audio]
In MPD config I have entered:
Name “USB 2.0 Audio”
Device “hw: x20”
Device “hw: 1.0”
In both cases I do not have audio
Install Deadbeef and try to play with that player. In settings select ALSA. I see that your DAC have support for Linux. So it should work. Also try running “alsamixer” in the terminal to see if your card is muted. Sometimes mute is the problem. Let me know if Deadbeef or mute worked.
Also try Deadbeef and “alsamixer” in terminal first to see if it works or is it muted.
I did not write this, I tried the DAC with AUDACIOUS and ALSA, the sound is spectacular.
I have inserted the changes in the MPD.conf file in / ETC.
Thanks for your help
I read in your guide “Playing audio in AP-Linux with MPD” , this comment
“…If you have DSD capable player, you should change configuration with Menu -> DAC Setup -> Set DSD-PCM playback and restart mpd service…”
My DAC is DSD, Do I have to set the playback ? What option do I find ?
Hi Mlerota,
I check DAC with “alsamixer” in terminal, I have select DAC x20, after I see this situation:
I see three indicator
– first name “XMOS” = 00
– second name xCORE… 0 = 100 %
– third name xCORE… 1 = 100 %.
con DEADBEEF player and ALSA the DAC don’t start, the player start and it stops after 1 second.
other check I test other small DAC “MUSE DAC” (I ask to my friend), and fuction perfectly (I don’t change any configuration).
Thanks you for your help
This means that your DAC don’t have support in Linux kernel. Sorry.
It’s not particularly a DAC driver issue.
Do you have a PCI-E USB card? I have a PPA v3 card and for some reason, it does not work with AP linux. It works on Ubuntu, OSX and Win but does not work on this AP ARCH distro. So if you have a USB card, try connecting your DAC into your mobo. Otherwise have a look at this thread that I posted on the ARCH forum, maybe you can find something useful:
Hi, i have problem with installation, command “grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg” found only memtest86 image on /boot/memtest86+/memtest.bin , daphile image not found !! (should be something like vmlinuz) but grub nothing found , please help me . Iam booting from USB flash x86_64 kernel
I think you messed up something. This is not Daphile! 🙂
Sorry, only “word” mistake, grubconf cannot find kernel vmlinuz-linux-rt , only memtest86, where is the problem ? , in chrooted /boot directory is memtest and syslinux , not vmlinuz … . Please help me .
Hi everyone! 🙂
Just some hints for people like me:
If you want to configure mpd in mpd.conf – use Cantata standard configuration! This is very important, because if you use the “basic” configuration option – mpd.conf will not have any influence on Cantata.
AP V4 sound is very sharp, focused and detailed.
If you want to make it a little bit thicker and warmer – add format “*32:*” to your device configuration in mpd.conf. (if you have 32bit capable DAC) The difference is subtle, but noticeable.
Problem with missing kernel in grub config RESOLVED ! . For sucessfull installation you need working internet connection !! , without connection install script canon download necessary files from servers and cannot resolve conflict depencies. Offline installation not work !
Is It possible to use AP as roon endpoint “bridge” ?
Thanks for all the work!
Heard big differences in V3, now attempting to install V4.
When running “Cantata First Run” I run into the following error: Connection to “Default” (localhost:6600) failed.
I have tried editing MPD.conf directly to see what is out of sorts. Looks like the port won’t work? Any advice from anybody on the forum would be welcome.
I did install deadbeef and audacious by issuing the terminal commands:
pacman -S deadbeef
pacman -S audacious
Which worked, but re-reading all of the posts above, I’m wondering if I “broke” MPD. Still I should be able to fix this by editing the .conf file, if I knew what the problem was. By the way when I use the linux command “hostname” it returns “apl”.
You could brake mpd only by updaiting it with Pacman -Suy, or with Pacman -S mpd.
These are the instructions for fixing mpd after an update:
cat /etc/apl-files/mpd.service > /usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service
Mlerota gave me this command when I had the same question.
Good luck!
The problem appears to be permissions. I use the command “systemctl start mpd” and the deamon fails to start. I then use “systemctl status mpd.service” and “journalctl -xe” and see that mpd has failed to access my storage device (permission denied) and fails to create a .pid file under .mpd.
I have tried adding mpd to the root group to no avail. I did change the default name (during the installation) to my name, with my own password. Perhaps this is causing this problem?
OK I did “sudo chmod -R 777 *” and “sudo chown -R *” to my music directory, and to my home directory and I’m now able to start MPD. The strange thing about Cantata is that it was not enough to say where my music library was (on a USB drive that I have to click on to mount – will change this in fstab to mount on boot) but I actually had to do a device scan. The “refresh database” didn’t do anything. Now I cannot find where “scan device” is in the menu list. It may only appear when the device isn’t scanned.
Can you give me detail instruction how you fixed that permission problem? Thx
howe can I change default GRUB to RT kernel
install os-prober?
This os is great for my htpc using kodi. Many thanks for all your hard work.
Unfortunately, I can only get sound out of Kodi. Chrome, smplayer, etc. Don’t give audio output. I’m using an Onkyo AVR via HDMI, so there basically no connections to mess up, config is pretty simple and I know it works in Kodi via PCM and passthrough (Dolby/DTS, even the hi res).
Alsamixer shows nothing muted.
Any ideas?
Yes I know why. In ordinary Linux distributions, there’s a thing called Pulseaudio who automatically configure your browser, smplayer and the rest of the system to have sound. But this thing also do damage to “our” sound that we want. It sometimes down sample, up sample, mix and do many other things that we don’t want. That’s why this is disabled and your browser, smplayer and the rest of the things don’t work out of the box. So you have to configure this manually. Look at the file called .asoundrc in your directory. And change the ‘default “hw:0,0″‘ to something like ‘default “hw:PCH”‘. I got this values by “aplay -l” in terminal. I have:
card 1: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: CS4208 Analog [CS4208 Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 1: CS4208 Digital [CS4208 Digital]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
So I put “PCH”. Then restart your browser or smplayer.
Thanks! It took a second, but I got it to use “hw:0,3” and now it works fine!
FYI, I tried “hw:HDMI” and “hw:PCH” but these didn’t work. I don’t know if I did something wrong, but I know you mention it’s important to have general descriptors rather than device numbers because they can change.
aplay -l shows:
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 8: HDMI 2 [HDMI 2]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC283 Analog [ALC283 Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
Somehow I could never get it working with either hw:0,3 or hw:0,benchmark, ect….The only way I can get working is Disable only board audio device, then my benchmark dac works right away.
Just for info if anyone has the problem with built-in audio devices.
Putting USB-SPDIF bridge between DAC & computer makes DAC invisible to AP-Linux. How can I get round this? MT
You mean USB to SPDIF Converter?
AP-Linux can’t see the DAC behind, but the Converter!
Hey man, ty for the distro. The sound are more punch and detailed than 3.1, i really liked it.
How can i get the flashplayer work on chromium? I want to use the Tidal Hifi, i tried a few things but couldn’t get it. Ty again and sorry for my bad english.
Runnng for a month now and the initial response to v4 is holding up just fine. In the same league as microRendu 2.5 IMHO.
The new Sgt. Peppers is terrific on v4!
Thanks Jeff
Hi Marko, you mention .asoundrc – where should this file be? I think you have covered the answer in a previous reply – I have installed a usb dac/headphone amp that is recognised as a sound card, but emits nothing but hiss. As the setup works perfectly in mint, I assume it is a specific alsa issue within APL. Best wishes, Greg
It’s in your home directory. /home/user/.asoundrc. If you deleted it by accident, you can copy it from /etc/skel directory.
Thanks Marko!
I’ve downloaded the iso image, but md5 doesn’t match. I can mount and dd the iso, but get a kernel panic at the start of arch image initializations.
Any suggestion?
Just to download it again. md5 must match.
I have a problem crashing some applications, especially those that work with video. The music goes absolutely fine, mostly I’m going through deadbeef and the improvement against V3.1 is enormous. Once I run Kodi or a Web browser and run any video with yotube, so after a few seconds, the whole PC will stiffen and nothing else but hard restart. In Version V3.1 everything was fine. Even though I have a PC mostly for music, it is an unpleasant thing I can not do any kind of concert eg from BD. Of course, is a regular update of all the packages. The configuration is: Intel Motherboard, SSD disk, BD drive, USB PCI card with jitter and 30A linear power supply
Sometimes this happens when new packages arrive. Arch people usually will fix this quickly. Do regularly “pacman -Suy” and the fix will come.
How to setup network interface for static IP?
Founded solution at https://www.ostechnix.com/configure-static-dynamic-ip-address-arch-linux/
My problem is Cantata “Connection to “Default” (localhost:6600) failed”. Why?
First starting is alright. Cantata is work very good. After then is this problem.
I got exactly the same thing that took me a while to figure out but I forgot what I did. I believed I ran something in command that relate to below. Or something to the host. Try below while I will search the note on my pc to see what I did to fix it.
Why don’t you run the the last 4 commands again at the bottom.
# pacman-key –init
# pacman-key –populate archlinux
# pacman -Suy
!!! Important!!!
After updating the system with “pacman -Suy”, mpd config will brake. In order to fix this you will need to do the following:
# cd /etc/apl-files
# cat mpd.service > /usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart mpd.service
My library is 2TB and it takes a while for MPD to be fully up and running is my take on this issue. I regularly get ‘connection to “default”‘ messages but just wait and (you when you get an option to connect – connect) reconnect and things are up and running. I am running an Intel i7 fanless CPU which is no slouch either.
Then something is wrong. I also have large database of files and I don’t get any connection problems.
MPD scan the files once and that’s it. You only scan it again when you add new files. Maybe you have
some permission issues with the file storage. Make sure that the file storage has access rights for
I have found out how to use Chord Mojo with AP-Linux
With editor you need to make following changes to Audio section of /etc/mpd.conf and than you can play DSD native files
[code]audio_output {
type "alsa"
name "Card Name"
device "hw:Mojo"
mixer_type "none"
dop "no"
dsd_native "yes"
dsd_native_type "1"
dsd_usb "yes"
I’m pretty certain that Mojo only supports DSD over PCM, but I’ve confirmed your config works. Maybe it’s actually outputting DoP?
Colors on the Mojo’s button showing DSD stream. Is it relevant indicator?
First, I want to say I’m excited by this distribution. I’d like to get back in to linux music making this summer and this seems like a great way to do it.
Problem is, I’m having trouble with the install. Perhaps its the first step. Not sure. Don’t have enough experience. The line,
“dd bs=4M if=/path/to/apl-v4.iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress && sync”
doesn’t like the term “progress”.
I also tried burning a bootable cd which didn’t work too well. It wouldn’t boot from that CD.
I got a couple of missing this or that error messages so I redownloaded the ap linux image, but that didn’t do anything.
Thinking maybe more automation would help, I was able to boot into an archbang live cd. I was unable to install this to the hard drive despite the automagic install process and online instructions.
I was able to boot into a shell prompt using uefi on my strangely designed HP elitebook, but I have no idea whether that was the ap-linux shell or the archbang shell
Was able to create some possibly helpful partioning with arch anywhere install. Starting to think my problem is with booting from usb with the HP’s weird UEFI setup — will read more :/ and try the install tips above again from this other arch-relative. If you have any tips I’m grateful, but not expecting it so no worries. I also may try finding a friend with a DVD burner to get this installed that way — seems to work okay with install CD-DVD media.
Hi !
Many thanks for the great job!
I have a small advice for anyone who wants to install AP-Linux alongside with Windows in dual-boot and lives in a timezone with local time different than UTC.
Because Windows treats hardware clock as local, and standard linux always treats hw clock as utc, I highly recommend to issue command (as root):
# hwclock –systohc –local
instead of
# hwclock –systohc –utc
By doing this you avoid problems with different times showed by your systems clocks.
Another way is to force Windows to treat hw clock as the utc time.
Thorough description is placed in https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Time
installation went smooth . after succesful reboot – no network anymore .. how ever i cannot get my network to connect .
eth0 is shown in ifconfig
driver is loaded but no chance to get the network up ?
same with wifi card i installed
ping resolves nothing ( network unreachable )
What does “systemctl status dhcpcd.service” say?
Hi. I’m new to linux, Installing AP Linux 4 all went well till I rebooted.
Can not load crc32c driver. Being dropped into emergency shell
any advice?
Maybe this could help…https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=210673
I have two questions ..
1) How to enable battery status indicator on desktop or tray , is some method to check actual battery drain status ?
2) My WiFi card is detected BUT, Network Manager ignore Enable Wireless menu option (nothing happen) , hardware switch is ON and lights , lot of people have this issue . Maybe old version of Network Manager ??..
Thank you
For battery add this to .conkyrc
${color #1e90ff}Battery$alignr${battery_percent BAT0}%
${color #1e90ff}${battery_bar}${battery_percent BAT0}%
${color #1e90ff}ACPI $alignr ${acpiacadapter}
Hello Mlerota,
I am new to Linux,
Hope you can explain with a little more details on how to do this.
Thank you.
Forget to inform,
Battery details has been added to Conky.
I’m using this setup for laptop:
${color #1e90ff}Battery$alignr${battery_percent BAT0}%
${color #1e90ff}${battery_bar BAT0}
${color #1e90ff}ACPI $alignr ${acpiacadapter}
I installed ap linux well but in conky I have massage “MPD not responding ” ?. I can play music well on other players and Cantata too but in a local mode, because it failed to connect … In conky my ip address is ok and internet is working well. What about VLC ? When I click on it nothing happens. Is it possible to put some shortcuts of players on the desktop and how? Also I need permission to mount internal ntfs drive. I am new in this matter. Thanks.
hi mlerota .. This is the easiest install yet .. have done 2’s and,3 .. had it installed and running in about a hour- which included a reinstall cause I tried a shortcut during the install.
But, while editing a fluxbox config or two trying to get two desktops rather than one (dual monitors), I mnaged to lose the custom menu with the apps and mpd scripts, etc – and just now have basic fluxbox menu with non working term . I have tried a few things, but is there a way to restore the apl menus short of a reinstall?
ok I have fixed it by hand but a replacement would be better …more specifically if someone could point me to a fluxbox backup menu file (” /home/user/.fluxbox/menu”) .. thanks..
Hi, many thanks for the work you have done on AP-Linux, much appreciated. I am a newbie so my problem is written in plain English…sorry. The installation of V4 went well and straight forward, but once it’s running the OS freeze’s for about 5 seconds after any operation…key press, mouse usage etc. then normal operation and would then freeze again. I have reinstalled V3 on the same disk using the same laptop and that combo works fine. Any thoughts? keenly awaiting your response.
First of all many thanks for all the work developed.
I’ve used all previous versions but I’m now trying to install v4 on a Intel NUC with SSD (where I always install) and I follow aal the steps but when I restart I can’t get it to boot…
Once the installation was done I rebooted and got this error message:
“User not known to the underlying authentication module”
Now the boot is stuck in a loop.
Any ideas?
I’d got the latest version of AP-linux V3 and it worked good. But, one day, the second disk fell and the system crashed. So, I took this new version and I tried to install it. I respected the following but I never had sound. My DAC (Musical Fidelity) is connected to UAC2 (from M2TECH) and all is connected on PC via USB port. I tried, after reading post and information on the network, every solutions. None worked. I reinstalled AP-linux V4 but nothing…
What’s the bug ? I think that MPD and USB are not friends… UAC2 worked with the latest version (and so USB).
Can you help me mlerota or the community ?
After the fourth resettlement, it works !!!
I have tried all the written solutions you mentioned : hw:2,0 works !
Sorry for the previous message… Like what, perseverance always pays!
Thank you very much !! Good Sound !! Clear !
I just have to configure the keyboard in French ! 🙂
The installation seemed to go okay, but when I rebooted into AP Linux there is no menu in the upper left part of the desktop so I can’t access terminal (or anything). Also under “Network” heading on the right it shows no IP address. I’m using an Asus wireless adapter. Tried moving the wireless adapter from a USB 3 to 2 port, no change. Tried cycling through the workspaces, no change. Any suggestions are appreciated.
You didn’t read the full direction above
For wireless or manual IP setup, open terminal, become root and go to /etc/apl-files directory. There you will find “enable-wless.sh” script. Execute this script with ./enable-wless.sh and reboot. After reboot you will find one small icon on the right in the system tray that you can “right click” and edit your network settings.
But the first thing I recommend is hood up the wire network to update everything you want and make sure it works before change to wireless.
There is no menu like windows. Just right click the mouse anywhere on desktop to access the menu.
Please go back the instruction step by step and don’t skip anything that you don’t understand
Should have mentioned that I installed AP Linux V4
I am trying to get audio via HDMI
I have tried HW 1.0 and HW 1.3
in mpd conf
can someone tell me what to put in mpd.conf
please see below for my setup
PS to install ap linux I used sda1 throughout untill the grub install where I changed to sda as sda1 did not work.
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: ALC887-VD Analog [ALC887-VD Analog]
Subdevices: 0/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 1: ALC887-VD Digital [ALC887-VD Digital]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: HDMI [HDA ATI HDMI], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
/tmp/cards (END)
I would like to install AP Linux alongside windows 10. I can install AP Linux on its own SSD.
I followed the instructions, which are very clear, but in the end, after reboot, I don’t have the possibility to boot on APL… in the boot option, i just can see the windows SSD. Is there something to do with EFI or something?
Sorry to not being used with linux but it would be very nice if I could install it.
You should be able to choose the boot disk in BIOS or with some F8 or F12 when your PC starts. It depends on the manufacturer of the motherboard.
Thank you for your answer, that is exactly the problem, all I can see in the bios is the windows SSD. When the USB AP Linux is in, I can boot on USB or windows, I follow each step of the process, install AP Linux on sda (windows is on sdb) but when I reboot, take off USB stick and go to bios, the only boot option is windows.
I probably do something wrong, I mention that I go to the bios with windows recovery reboot, and choose the advance option “modify the UEFI program”.
Thanks for your help
Try to disconnect sdb – does sda boot?
Try legacy (?) mode in the bios.
If it works install os-prober “pacman -S os-prober” Then run “# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg” again. OS-prober should find your Win installation.
Having problems installing AP. After reboot I’m choosing Archlinux, then it’s booting until the
“blocks” display and then it stops. Nothing more happens. I think it’s the moment it normally switches into the correct resolution and shows all the following boot-steps. This is my experience with a lot of other distros I’ve installed. Could there be a problem with the X-Org server, or fluxbox and my Nvidia ION Chip?
When this happens, it’s usually that your graphic card is not supported. Try this:
Install again and when you get to this step: “./autologin.sh” don’t do it. Pass this
one and do the rest. This will not bring up the X after boot. So you will be able
to login to command prompt without X window system. Then do:
$ su
# pacman -Suy
Pacman command will upgrade the whole system and maybe this will include new drivers
for your graphic card if they have it. Then try to do bring X system manually with
“startx” or “xinit”. Hope this would help.
Thank you, I’ll try this.
But when I use pacman -Suy the original (RT)Kernel will be upgraded (overwritten) with a generic Kernel (or another) too?
Done it, but when I reboot, this happens:
starting version 232
/dev/sda1: clean, 139711/1921360 files, 812413/7680000 blocks
[ 2.986351] EXT4-fs (sda1): Cannot load crc32c driver.
mount: mount(2) failed: /new_root: No such file or directory
You are now being dropped into an emergency shell.
sh: can’t access tty; job control turned off
[rootfs ]#
typing su:
[rootfs ]# su
sh: su: not found
It was going fairly smoothly until I tried installing grub. Then came: “error: failed to get canonical path of ‘airootfs’.”
Any clues?
Thanks again.
Are you doing this in chrooted environment? Did you do “arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash”?
If I recall correctly you have to install it on sda, not sda1 which device did you install it on?
Maybe that’s where I went wrong. I did put it on sda1.
Back to the drawing board.
Yes, used “arch-chroot/mnt/bin/bash.”
as Belgian with a azerty keyboard i can’t find howto set these instead of qwerty. I always used ubuntu and debian so I am not used to use comands often. but these azerty grrrrr lol
I love these distro and face some more issues for example kodi can not see my firewire edirol fa66 , but is in the cardsettings so for the mpd. conf i enable this card. excelent music by the way congrats 🙂 I am now working in the puter with ssh because of the keyboard settings.
is there a way to add nas networking drive for music. i used ciffs and this is working, but cannot add to my mpd
Yes there is a way to add NAS as a drive. Just search on the internet for “Arch linux nfs client” or “samba client” depending on what your NFS server runs.
When I awoke this morning I had convinced myself I’d never get this right, and it was time to do something else…especially considering I know nothing at all about Linux. BUT, something said, “Give it one more try.” And I’m really glad I did. Clearly, the sounds coming from the speakers let me see right away why I used the piles of patience you recommended. Unfortunately, some years ago I used my allocation of Rakija (along with those belonging to several other people), so I’m afraid that option is not available to me. 🙂
I’ve still got a few minor issues to work through, but we’ll get to those another day. Tonight, I’m just enjoying the MUSIC! Thanks a million!
BTW…how do I send a donation?
Hello mlerota,
you really did a great job. After Foobar < Daphile < Tinysqueeze , this is the way , effectively killing competition.
A very good quality sound !
However I twice installed Ap -linux , and VLC didn't want to run… I installed others softwares.
And, is it possible to remote -control MPD by tablet ?
Thanks for all.
Yes. Search for MPD client on app store.
Just installed AP-Linux, everything went well the first time, but when I update software there are 7 packages that are always corrupted and I can’t install them.
It seems not important, but the same things also happens with Chromium, and if I try to install Firefox instead it need one of the famous 7 packages to be installed…
So everything fine but no browser.
Another thing: Cantata don’t want tu use the default output I choose, and keep sending music to the loudspeaker. The other players work well instead (but I’d like to use cantata, it’s way bettere than the others…).
Thank you for any help
The “7 corrupt packages” has a common author, and it appears his keyring wasn’t included or has changed recently. I got the same problem and solved it by repeating the following install sequence:
# pacman-key –init
# pacman-key –populate archlinux
# pacman -Sy
# pacman -S archlinux-keyring
I installed AP Linux successfully. Now I need some advice.
This computer is optimized for audio. This has a linear power supply, no fan, solid state hard drive and no sound card. I want to use the computer as a server to send music directly to a Sonore Signature Rendu renderer via LAN ethernet. I want to use a crossover ethernet cable to avoid having a router or hub in the signal path.
The Sonore Rendu is a DLNA device.
Can anyone tell me what I need to do next? I know a little bit about Linux but will need help.
What you are trying to do is to copy music from AP-Linux over
ethernet to your box and then play it. This way you will not
benefit of having AP-Linux installed. Actually it will be worse
because AP-Linux is optimized for playing music. Not for sending
files or “file sharing” over network. I mean it will work but
that’s not it. What you need is file sharing server. And the best
one is not Linux. But FreeBSD. I would suggest installing latest
FreeBSD with ZFS filesystem and NFS server for sharing files if
Sonore supports NFS. If not minidlna or Plex for dlna servers.
Choose gigabit ethernet card that has good support in FreeBSD
and you will be OK.
Hi mlerota
Thank you for all work done to make this available to the public. Good Work.
I have version 4 up and running. Play wonderful.
Got an error in Cantana “MPD report the following error” No Such directory”. I only get this error when I mount NSF disk, but it still work.
Did you implement Cover-art download like you did in version 3? This is not working on my setup?
I’m trying to install on a dual core atom netbook (32bit system). I can’t get past the initial boot menu as it’s trying to load boot/i686/vmlinuz, which doesn’t exist in the ISO…. Did you drop 32bit support?
Yes. Since I think version 3.
please help on:
1. how do i make windows 10 as default os in a dual boot setup with ap-linux?
2. can you pls recommend a picture viewer for ap-linux.
3. i have installed ap-linux in ssd following your guide and windows 10 on first partition of another hard drive(not ssd) with “media” on the second partition. My problem is I can’t access the “media” (formatted as ntfs) in ap-linux. i didn’t follow your guide for adding another hard drive because i want the drive to be ntfs and not ext4. i tried:
mkdir /mnt/ntfs
mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb2 /mnt/ntfs (sdb2 is the second partition;media)
cd /mnt/ntfs/
mount | grep sdb2
In file manager, sdb2 is not showing. The above commands dooesn’t work for me. Oh i did install ntfs-3g too.
Please help. other than the three issues, I’m very happy and thankful for your Ap-linux v4. It sounds wonderful.
for your pb :
2. can you pls recommend a picture viewer for ap-linux.
You can choose “Feh” or “Gpicview” . Both work on AP-Linux.
pls ignore item 3 (solved)
Hello to everyone,
I just installed AP-Linux on a laptop and it runs okay. What led me to write this post is the fact that I have compared the sound quality of AP-Linux against Audirvana software because I can’t understand why two applications who claim to be bit-perfect have so different results. I can’t say now that one is better over the other, but is a fact that they sound different. Someone can explain why?
Of course that, I have used the same output component for both software.
Thanks to all.
Yes I wondered about that too. If it’s played by the same Samplerate and same Bitdepth
there should be the same bits at the output and I think in most cases there are the same bits.
Seems to be a matter of timing, timing should be as perfect as possible, I think that’s the way AP-Linux does it.
Hi! Thank you for this gem.
I tried to add a shared nfs directory of a nas, but i got stuck. First I tried it through fstab with /home/username/Music/NAS nfs nfsvers=3,users,ro,nofail 0 0
where MSC is the name of the shared directory on the nas containing music and a directory called “NAS” was created in the directory /home/username/Music. The system’s response was:
Unable to access “NAS”
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting
Then I tried to mount manually as written in https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NFS#Manual_mounting
Since both nfs3 and 4 are enabled on my nas, I tried it in both ways. For nfs3 “showmount -e servername” lists all the shared directories on the nas, but when i tried to mount “MSC” i got the same message (access denied by server). For nfs4 the root nfs directory was successfully mounted, but when I looked around there I saw nothing except the directory called Public (a factory setting).
I guess I should set a username and password for mounting, but I did not find any option to do it in arch. Can you help me to solve this problem?
Problem solved (or at least got around) with using samba through fstab.
(However in File Manager with clicking on Other Locations I cannot connect to any server at the bottom on the window, since the Connect button is always dimmed.)
I modified the password in /etc/mpd.conf. Cantata is playing well after changing the password too. I would like to know what file I need to modify for what the menu in AL-Linux show me the correct sound playing instead of the message “MPD not responding”
After every update of mpd, you have to do:
1. Become root
2. run this commands
# cat /etc/apl-files/mpd.service > /usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart mpd.service
And this will be fixed.
After running those command the problem persists. I don’t know if I explained well before.I am talking about the menu on the right side that shows system and MPD information.
Solved. I also changed the password in .conkyrc and it has started to work.
How large is your database? Mine is 2TB and MPD needs some time to start up after boot. Even on an SSD drive (for the OS). You should have a “connect” button appearing. You just click on that and then go back to looking up stuff in your library and it should function.
“GRUB can have problems if you had some previous installation on the disk. So if it doesn’t work, it’s best to wipe disk clean.”
I deleted all partitions on the SSD by fdisk, and gparted and I created a new partition. No matter, grub-install –target=i386-pc /dev/sda –force didn’t work.
What helped was, before I started to install:
# wipefs –all /dev/sda
You do not left space in the beginning! So wipe all.
And, “Yes I think many people put /dev/sda1 instead of /dev/sda when installing Grub.”
It is probably my lack of Linux knowledge (I am fine on the command line\power shell in Windows, but I have never had to play with Linux before) , but I can’t get MPD to recognise the NTFS formatted USB hard drive that all my music files are stored on. It doesn’t mount at start time, I guess I need to add an entry in fstab for that, but even when it is mounted and MPD is restarted it is not recognised, even though I can see and manipulate the files in both Filemanager and in a terminal window.
Check the file permissions on your usb. You can do something like “chown -R your-username:your-username /path/to/mounted-usb/music”. Of course become root first with “su” in terminal.
Assume you have right clicked on the USB icon and selected update?
Sorry reply meant for Andy.
Thanks – permissions and getting to grips with what mount actually does and how to use it did the trrick
I have two problems using AP-linux :
1- Second SSD hard disk (Winddows) on the same computer and Network hard disk, can’t be seen.
AP-Linux tells me there’s a problem.
USB storage is always seen in the file manager.
2- I installed “MPD remote ” on my android phone and it needs to configure mpd server, I don’t know what IP Address to choose . or (given by conky) do not work.
For those interested, FreeFileSync /Debian is working on AP-Linux : huge time saving (audio files compare)
Otherwise Ap-linux is THE audio source regarding the audio quality.
Thanks for your job.
Following the install procedure I spent hours getting things to work. You need to work on the installer before asking for money my friend. I’m moving back to a more reliable distro.
Hi, actually i´ve no idea how to change my card. Tried to follow your description, but i didn´t get it
I like to get card 1 (USB Audio) –> DAC of my Amplifier
But only type “alsa” works
@nihil: don’t go back yet. i believe you can do it too. before, i don’t know anything about linux but i was able to do it by following the installation instructions, this forum and google.
this is the best distro for audio in my opinion.
@fraha try this: works for me
dac setup> list cards (look for your dac. card 0, card 1, card 3 etc…)
then misc> set def card> (choose your card)
try play some music…goodluck
I followed the installation process and everything was just fine. I got the installed system. Then I updated the system following farther steps, installed chromium browser, checked if it can start and enjoyed music. After a month I needed to reinstall system. Following the installation process I installed the system again. I got the installed system again. However, I could not update the system by using command ‘pacman -Suy’. I got failed updating process. After I used command ‘pacman -Suy’ I got an error and updating process was interrupted.
I got this error:
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: libxfont: removing fontsproto
breaks dependency ‘fontsproto>=2.1.3’
I just ignored that error and continued to install chromium browser. The installing process seemed okay, but the browser did not started.
I checked mpd.config if it got broken as a result of update. I checked it before applying farther steps to fix it. However, mpd.config was not changed and Cantata player still could play music without any problem. Looks like the system was still not updated.
What I did wrong? Did I skipped any installation steps? The first time everything was okay. I reinstalled system several times following step by step.. However, I got the same update error and I could not start chromium browser. I have no idea how I correctly installed the system the first time. Could anybody please help me? Thank you.
It’s not your fault. Sometimes the upstream repository of packages gets broken.
It can be solved. Try first “pacman -Rs libxfont” then “pacman -Suy” again.
Then to fix mpd “cat /etc/apl-files/mpd.service > /usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service”
and “systemctl daemon-reload” and “systemctl restart mpd.service”.
Thank you Marko. Unfortunately, the “pacman -Rs libxfont” command did not work. However, “pacman -Rdd libxfont” worked and I successfully updated the system. Could you please explain me what are differences between “pacman -Suy” and “pacman -Syu”. Which command will result in the kernel updating/upgrating? I did not find the discription of “pacman -Suy” command in pacman – ArchWiki, just the description of “pacman -Syu” command. Does it make sence to to use any of this commands if the kernel is going to be updatedg/upgrated. Thank you.
root@apl ~ # pacman -Suy
:: Synchronizing package databases…
core 129.7 KiB 378K/s 00:00 [############################################] 100%
extra 1596.5 KiB 2.80M/s 00:01 [############################################] 100%
community 4.2 MiB 2.96M/s 00:01 [############################################] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade…
:: Replace compositeproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
I’m not really sure if I should choose”Y” here. Please help.
I’m having a problem with SAMBA, i.e. the MPD service will not start and I receive the error message related to the problem with the file /usr/lib/libldb.so.1. The version LDB_1.1.30 required by /usr/lib/samba/lib cannot be found…
Additionally, the OS always starts in the non-GUI mode, I always have to type “startx”. Not a big problem, just asking…
Thanks in advance!
I’m happy that you resolved the first problem. For the second, check the .zprofile file in your home directory. Maybe you changed username after installation.
But it should have something like this:
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ -n "$XDG_VTNR" ] && [ "$XDG_VTNR" -eq 1 ]; then
I resolved the first problem by installing the ldb package.
I have mounted my collection located on another PC (Ubuntu server, cifs).
Cantata now works well with my DAC.
The desire to try your Linux AP turned out to be a failure.
For 2-3 seconds, you receive a starting page AP Linux, but soon, the system throws an error. To watch the screen.
What type of error, where to find the answer?
Where can I send a screen screenshot to show what the system gives
Well… to this thread obviously… use a link from google drive or dropbox…
Please link from dropbox or something like that. I really appreciate your kind help.
I am not quite sure, what you want now… You want a link to a webpage that helps you setup a link or am I wrong? Cause i can’t get you that link… you gotta go into your dropbox and share a file…
Hi. I can’t install v4. Already deleted Win7. The process comes to grub-install and proceeds to install apk-files. Running grub-install, I receive an error “failed to get canonical
path of airootfs.
Hi Alex
I had the same issue once… try the following:
grub-install –target=i386-pc –recheck –debug –boot-directory=/mnt/usb/boot /dev/sdc
replace sdc with the name of the device.
Thanks. Reinstalled WINDOWS-7. Then I started the ARCHLINUX installation again. And everything began to work. Windows deleted the directory loop.
Hi Alex
grub-install –target=i386-pc –recheck –debug –boot-directory=/mnt/usb/boot /dev/sdc
replace sdc with your device
What’s about when pacman -Suy:
:: Replace compositeproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n] n
:: Replace damageproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n] n
:: Replace dmxproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n] n
:: Replace fixesproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n] n
:: Replace fontsproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n] n
:: Replace gnome-themes-standard with extra/gnome-themes-extra? [Y/n]
Just press enter and follow along. If you will have problems after that, check this line from documentation:
pacman -Rc libxfont
thank you very much
After enjoying my APL for some time I ran into a problem. We had a blackout today.
After that I am encountering the following problem. Cantata cannot connect to MPD, and typical messages are:
exception: Failed to bind to ‘[::]:6600’
exception: nested: Failed to bind socket: Address already in use
I have tried changing port number in the mpd.conf, killing mpd with mpd -kill, killall mpd and starting again etc. but to no avail…
Any idea what happened?
I have resolved the problem, although I do not quite understand how.
I removed the netctl package and set static address by the means of systemd.
Now everything works again.
Just to say that before cat mpd.service > /usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service I have to give permissions to the file chmod 777 /usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service
Hi I am running a virtual Parallels machine . after the latest package update for audiophile linux I cannot get x-org server to start and the VM does not load. Can anyone help with this issue?
Why do you using virtual machine at all? The sound is bad from virtual machine…
Hi I use the virtual because I don’t have a dedicated machine to use for AP Linux. The virtual machine does sound better than the mac though. Can this issue be resolved?
Whenever I reply to somebody, my reply is not shown in the thread afterwards… Is there something i don’t understand?
Because of spammers, every new comment needs to be approved. Otherwise the site would be full of junk.
God bless you
Dear Friends,
Please i need your help.
I am trying to install ap linux 4, but i got 2 issues:
1.– after installing all according the steps, i got the message:
“User not known to the underlying authentication module”
Then a loop persists.
2. Then if i omit the “autologin”” the booting seems ok but the system is not launched, just i got :
Arch Linux 4.9.9-rt6-1-rt (tty1)
apl login: ( here i entered user name)
Password : ( here i entered password)
[~]$ ( here the cursor is blinking y that´s all !!
Anyone can guide me what i am doing wrong?
I have the images of all the steps if needed.
I have already wrote to info@ap-linux.com but i have not received reply yet.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Luis
I suppose the username you entered is root…
then you’ve done everything alrighty, but the Xserver(which i suppose is the default display server) maybe isn’t into your setup.
That funny little cursor you’re seeing is the sweet ol’ Linux terminal cursor and he’s blinking cause he’s hungry for fresh linux meat…
try $startx there. No idea what will happen, but it will may be pretty funny. Post the result…
Dear my friend,
happy to tell you now i got the main screen!! thanks you!. Now , i guess i can start to know and use it.
Dear my friend what about how to set automatic login and that “startx”, because as i explained my fisrt issue was the :
“User not known to the underlying authentication module”
Then a loop persists.
How i can set auto “startx” , my idea is to turn on and forget that steps for a while, easy for any user at home 🙂
thank you!!!!
Dear your friend
To be honest with you: I have never installed AP-Linux and i have absolutly no idea what our god and saviour mlerota put in that autologin script. 😀 Still waiting for my download to arrive after starting and stopping it for the past weeks(I left my credit card at home) 🙂
So back to the point: I cannot really help you with autologin… but I don’t think that nice little login windows is that much of a problem(or is it?)
maybe you can open the file with nano and find the error yourself…. if the login name is not root or the password is incorrect… i don’t know, but this would solve the other issue, I guess
for the startx after login do the following:
check if you already got this script:
cat /root/.bashrc
(if you get an ouput… it’s there. I don’t know this cause i still never set AP-Linux up 🙂 )
if yes just add startx to the end of this file with the command:
echo “startx” >> /root/.bashrc
if no just grab yourself a copy of it at /etc/skel/ with the following command:
cp /etc/skel/.bash_profile /root
cp /etc/skel/.bashrc /root
and then to the echo thing
reboot your baby and pray to the Linux god
I love this distro and i use it since a ong time without matter but now…
I try without succes an update
[~]# pacman -Suy
:: Synchronizing package databases…
core is up to date
extra is up to date
community is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade…
:: Replace compositeproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace damageproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace dmxproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace fixesproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace fontsproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace gnome-themes-standard with extra/gnome-themes-extra? [Y/n]
:: Replace inputproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace kbproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace randrproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace recordproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace renderproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace rfkill with core/util-linux? [Y/n]
:: Replace scrnsaverproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace videoproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace xextproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace xf86dgaproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace xf86vidmodeproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace xineramaproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace xproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
resolving dependencies…
looking for conflicting packages…
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: ffmpeg2.8: installing libvpx (1.7.0-1) breaks dependency ‘libvpx.so=4-64’
:: ffmpeg2.8: installing libx264 (2:152.20171224-2) breaks dependency ‘libx264.so=148-64’
:: ffmpeg2.8: installing x265 (2.8-1) breaks dependency ‘libx265.so=110-64’
If i remove libvpx libx264 x265 it’s possible to update
after i put this libs… again
but cantata won’t start when i run it in a shell, i see some messages like “painter not active”
who could hep me ?
Sorry for my very English…
Again there is an error in upstream repo of Arch packages. Try to remove conflicting packages with “pacman -R ffmpeg2.8” and then do pacman -Suy later.
Thanks for your help. The path was not easy.
Removing ffmpeg2.8 removed Cantata too…
pacman -Suy give me something like that :
:: Import PGP key 4096R/753E0F1F, “Anatol Pomozov “, created: 2014-02-04? [Y/n]
I do :
pacman -S archlinux-keyring
pacman -Su
by this way i can update :
pacman -Suy
next :
pacman -S terminus-font
pacman -S xorg-server
pacman -S cantata
but cantata still won’t work, so :
pacman -Rc cantata
I get the source of cantata :
and… make / make install later all works perfectly 🙂
I need sleep now… I hope this could help someone
for some perfection, cantata like this packages :
for replaygain, burning cd,dynamics list…
“and… make / make install later all works perfectly”
can you please show me how to do it in terminal.
what should i do next after dowloading the source (cantata)
thanks in advance
unzip the source and go to the directory and :
Build & Installation
1. mkdir build
2. cd build
3. cmake ..
4. make
5. sudo make install
I had to remove /usr/lib/libmozjs-52.so.0 too.
After reboot there are no players in AP-Linux (working) – but MPD works.
I removed Canata from AP-Linux, don’t need it. But how to remove Deadbeef and Audacious?
Is there something like apt autoremove or apt clean in Arch? (The Internet is a bit confusing about this)
Thanks again for the perfect sound!
Deadbeef and Audacious had not beeninstalled, so there is nothing to remove.
Dear friends,
anyone knows how to set screensaver off in ap-linux ? I want to keep the screen always on.
Thank you in advance
Check the file .fluxbox/startup. In there you have line “xset dpms 600 1200 12000&” 600 represent 10 minutes. Replace the values with 60000 120000 120000. This should be enough 🙂
Dear Marko,
Sorry i have no experience with linux , i tried but could not get the file, could you describe me how to, please? do i need to do by x-terminal or filemanager?
Thank you
Dear Marko, i tried again and i got it ! thank you very much! Xset works fine for screensaver.
Best regards
Hi friends, after rebooting ap-linux the original setting of xset persists, any idea how to keep the changes?? , while i change the xset i can see my new setting with “xset q” but after reboot everything come back to original setting.
open terminal
cd .fluxbox
nano startup
(then change the settings)
ctrl & o
ctrl & x
Dear friend PHG,
thank you very much for your perfect instructions, it worked very fine!
Please, is it possible to use SRC Resampler in AP Linux
Dear friend. I can’t find a solution. After using these commands.
# pacman-key –init
# pacman-key –populate archlinux
# pacman -Sy
# pacman -S archlinux-keyring
April 5th 2018 fix. This command brakes
# pacman -Suy
The solution is to first remove libxfont like this:
# pacman -Rc libxfont
Answer yes and do it again
# pacman -Suy
# pacman -S terminus-font
# pacman -S xorg-server
# pacman -S chromium
The last command will install web browser Chromium. Use pacman -S to install other
programs like deadbeef, audacious or firefox.
We need to reboot because April 5th fix
# reboot
I have reset. And get the following…
Arch Linnux 4.9.9-rt6-1-rt ( tty1)
apl login: alex (automatic login)
Last login: Mon May 28 14:23:21 on tty1
/usr/bin/Xorg: /usr/lib/libc.so.6: version ‘GLIBC_2.26’ not found (required by /usr/bin/Xorg)
xinit : giving up
xinit : unable to connect to X server: Connection refused
xinit : server error
then I applied
After updating the system with “pacman -Suy”, mpd config will brake. In order to fix this you will need to do the following:
# cd /etc/apl-files
# cat mpd.service > /usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart mpd.service
And did a reboot. Receive
Arch Linnux 4.9.9-rt6-1-rt ( tty1)
apl login: alex (automatic login)
Last login: Mon May 28 14:23:21 on tty1
/usr/bin/Xorg: /usr/lib/libc.so.6: version ‘GLIBC_2.26’ not found (required by /usr/bin/Xorg)
xinit : giving up
xinit : unable to connect to X server: Connection refused
xinit : server error
Help to solve this problem please.
What you can try is to use a bootable USB stick with a Linux Distro (Slax is nice and automounts all discs) – look at “https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=audiophile”
and download the glibc 2.27. Unpack it and if you find libc.so.6 you can try to copy it to
/usr/lib/ (Ap Linux). That’s the way i would try it.
I unpacked glibc 2.27(just for interest), but I don’t find a libc.so.6 file – seems to be the wrong way.
I also faced similar problem.
After reboot, I received following message;
Arch Linux 4.9.9-rt-6-1-rt(tty1)
apl login
Last login
/home/*****/xserverrc: line 3 /usr/bin/Xorg: No such file or directory
xinit: giving up
xinit: unable to connect to X server: Connection refused
xinit: server errpr
Pls help.
Do you think I may solve above by:
(a) Do not input #./autologin.sh
(2) Skipping $ pacman -S xorg-server
Thanks in advance.
Hi. If your computer has Nvidia optimus driver installed will not work xserver. You need to replace the driver with intel. It’s not easy. I can’t do it yet.
I am a newbie to Linux but I downloaded a copy of payed AP-Linux-V.4.0.iso and used Rufus to make a USB installer. I am using a mini PC with Windows 10. Installing APL on a 64 GB USB Flash Drive. After many attempt I finally arrived to the point where I see the following without any error massages;
Arch Linux 4.9.9-rt6-1-rt (tty1)
apl login: MyUserName
Password: xxxxx
Last login: xxxxxxxxxxx
{~]$ _
I modified fstab as described. And rebooted many times.
Am I missing something simple that everyone knows or have I done something wrong during installation? (I have two lines in fstab, the second one is for EFI)
Please help anyone!
fstab does not have anything with GUI. Try running startx or xinit from the console and look for the errors. Maybe your graphic card is not supported…
Thank you so much for your help!
I typed startx and xinit then i got the followings.
# startx
xauth: file /home/shin/ .Xauthority does not exist
# xinit
/usr/lib/Xorg: /usr/lib/libc.so.6: version ‘GLIBC_2.26’ not found (required by /usr/lib/Xorg)
xinit: giving up
xinit: unable to connect to X server: Connection refused
xinit: server errow
That means that installation didn’t pass OK. You have to install missing packages. Can you try this commands?
# pacman -Suy
# pacman -S terminus-font
# pacman -S xorg-server
I was able to install Suy after removed ffmpeg2.8 with pacman- Rc, not pacman -R.
I finally got GUI.
However I cannot connect to my NAS server. No sound from my DAC.
I installed KODI, and I could connect to my NAS and got sound from my DAC only through KODI.
Also I have few more problems.
1) Loud popping noise when starting new track. (My Audirvana on Mac and PC make no noise using the same DAC)
2) AP-Linux freezes in the middle of playing video or music and using Chromium.
Please advice!
One solution.
for NAS access you need to create a dummy directory (mine in /home/media so it doesn’t get backed up when I backup /home/jerry).
Then put an entry into your /etc/fstab file like this (at end of file) /home/media nfs _netdev,auto 0 0
Beware if your NAS is off you computer will wait for 2 minutes during boot to try to attach to this location. So put a # before this entry before you shut down your NAS.
(You need to know your NAS address – in my case fixed for this exact reason)
Don’t run # pacman -S xorg-server
I have tried to install 3 times, I got the same messages as you are, couldn’t boot up. So I gave up. Just install are normal but don’t run that command.
I know Marko said installation didn’t pass but I have retried 3 times without success. I will play around more later to see what happen.
I think I have to clone my old APL V.4 partition.
I have still a V 3.1 partition, unable to update, but without a internet connection……….
after removing libxfont it keeps asking if I wanna remove this and that and I can no longer see the desktop…
Marko, could you please help me to disable suspend mode. I do not need to suspend the ap-linux operation system.
I found out from wiki.archlinux.org that I need to add the following to file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf in the ‘ServerLayout’ section:
Section “ServerLayout”
Identifier “ServerLayout0”
Option “StandbyTime” “0”
Option “SuspendTime” “0”
Option “OffTime” “0”
Option “BlankTime” “0”
However, I did not find any files in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/. The folder /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ exists, but it’s empty.
Thank you.
It’s in a .fluxbox/statup file. Look for xset dpms 600 1200 12000& line. The numbers are seconds. Replace them with bigger numbers or
disable with. “xset -dpms”. I don’t know if this “-dmps” works.
Dear ruslannik,
i share you my startup, it worked very fine for me, thanks to the people from aplinux .
Below you will note the line for what you need “xset s off -dpms&”, so the screen will never suspend.
I hope be useful for you.
#/usr/bin/fbsetbg -f ~/.fluxbox/backgrounds/deb2.jpg&
/usr/bin/fbsetbg -a ~/.fluxbox/backgrounds/deb2.jpg&
xset m 1 2&
xset -b&
#xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources&
setxkbmap -layout hr us&
#stty erase ‘^H’&
xset s off -dpms&
#vlc -I http –http-host
exec fluxbox
I want to rerun “Cantata First Run” and configure from the beginning.
How do I do? I just installed v4 and trying to configure for mpd+cantata.
go to .config directory and remove cantata directory
Hi Marko,
I’ve been trying to install ap linux two times. Everything worked fine until the reboot. Then the record “invalid partition table” appeared. What have I done? I’ve chosen the option “amd64” in “legacy boot” during the installation because “i686” didn’t work. Again, I’ve tried the option “uefi boot” with the same result. Now I wonder if some changes in the BIOS are necessary. Whats’ wrong an what can I do further more?
Thanks in advance
Can you send me the output of “fdisk -l” command? And the /etc/fstab file?
The message “invalid partition table” is all I can achieve. No more other commands are possible.
I meant launch the installation image again and when you get to the prompt, type this command.
Hi all,
I read on the web that ARCHLINUX 32 bit is no longer supported.
I have a 32 bit pc, is this a problem?
Hi Marko,
I have install AP4 in my computer (32 bit). The installation is it finish good, Bat after update system with this command see:
Execute these commands. First command will take a while…
# pacman-key –init
# pacman-key –populate archlinux
# pacman -Sy
# pacman -S archlinux-keyring
April 5th 2018 fix. This command brakes
# pacman -Suy
The solution is to first remove libxfont like this:
# pacman -Rc libxfont
Answer yes and do it again
# pacman -Suy
# pacman -S terminus-font
# pacman -S xorg-server
# pacman -S chromium
and REBOOT I have black screen and cusor blink.
Please help me
Ran into the same problem when I re-installed recently after several months of smooth sailing..
Then I saw Ray Ton’s comment from July 28, 2018 at 02:23.
And sure as sh_t when I ignored the “pacman -S xorg -server” command I got things working smoothly again.
As I’ve stated before, I know next to nothing about Linux and even less than that about Archlinux. What it means to leave off the xorg thing I have no idea. But all that matters now is that I can enjoy my glorious music AGAIN!
Maybe some of the experts will have pity on us one day and show us the way forward.
Until then, just listen to Ray Ton on this one.
Good luck
Thanks Ronald
Hi Marko, is it possible to run AP-Linux in headless mode, i.e. without screen , keyboard and mouse and to remote control the User Interface by let’s say VNC?
Works perfect with NoMachine 👍👍👍
Hi Marko,
Thank you so much for this excellent distro! I’m using it for the streamer I built for my hifi minded sister. And I’m planning to switch from Daphile to AP Linux on my own streamer.
I have one question: it seems that log level is set to “verbose”. Since I’m a bit concerned about the future log file size, I have been trying to change the log level to “default” in MPD’s configuration file. To no effect. It just keeps logging the “verbose” way. Can I change that some other way, or shouldn’t I be worried about the log file size in the long run?
You can always rotate the log file…
Type the following to check user and group for mpd.log:
ls ~/.mpd/mpd.log
Then create a file in /etc/logrotate.d:
sudo nano /etc/logrotate.d/mpd
Enter the following (replacing USER GROUP with info from above):
~/.mpd/mpd.log {
size 1k
create 644 USER GROUP
rotate 1
Save and quit nano (CTRL+O ENTER CTRL+X). The instruction will automatically run once a week keeping a single log file with the last 1KB of data
Hi Marko,
how can I change the standard en-us keyboard layout to german layout? I tried it according to the Arch Linux manual but wasn’t successful so far. Obviously I make a mistake here. Can you help me please?
Check the ~/.fluxbox/startup file and change this line “setxkbmap -layout hr us&” to “setxkbmap -layout de&” and restart AP-Linux
Hi Marko,
Thanks for the swift reply. Will try it out in the evening and report back then. Let me ask another question. Yesterday I have installed the HQPlayer in AP-Linux. It works fine so far but my Mac Mini is getting quite warm when I use the HQPlayer, especially in upsampling mode. Conky shows CPU-Temperatures of around 92-95°C. Basically I think that this is quite normal considering the computation demand of HQPlayer but I’m wondering whether the AP-Linux Kernel fully supports Multi-CPU/Core usage here? Do you have an idea?
AP-Linux is multi core. It’s not normal to have this high spike in CPU. It’s a sound processing. Not the huge video editing/rendering or playing games on windows. I think something is wrong with the HQPlayer.
That’s my feeling too. What I can see in Conky is a little bit strange. The CPU Temerature is around 92-95°C (as described above) whereas the CPU load is shown with 25% only. By the way: what does Conky with standard configuration show regarding CPU load? Since I have 4 Cores I would expect Conky shows 4 horizonatl bars, but it is only one. Maybe I have to change the Conky configuration first to see the load of all 4 Cores?
Don’t use Conky. Run “top” in terminal.
Perfect. Problem solved. Thanks a lot.
Fantastic work Marko – many thanks for making this available to the audiophile community.
For anyone running a headless system I recommend installing abcde for cd ripping/tagging/encoding – makes the whole process very straightforward:
pacman -S abcde
Then install this conf file for flac output: http://www.andrews-corner.org/linux/abcde/abcde_lossless.html#flac
I couldn’t find a comprehensive command line tagger to batch process audio files so I wrote my own. If anyone wants to try it you can download it here: https://github.com/arcamagna/tagall – there are 2 scripts that should be copied to /usr/local/bin – once installed navigate to a directory with audio files you want to tag and run tagall.sh in your shell.
Hi Marco,
I’ve installed APLinux. It has gone ok for the begining but in the end it seems something is missing.
I’ve got a black screen with :
usr/lib/Xorg: /usr/lib/libc.so.6: version ‘GLIBC_2.28’ not found (required by /usr/lib/Xorg)
idem 2.26 idem
xinit: giving up
xinit: unable to connect to X server: connexion refused
xinit: server error
will try again tomorrow…
I get exactly the same.
The solution is there :
Lucky guys!
How can I add a ‘sleep’ or ‘suspend’ in the Fluxbox menu?
I understand I can do it manually by – systemctl suspend.
Thank you.
Finally I figured it out the method to do it.
After each completed install I get the same error :-
/usr/lib/Xorg: /usr/lib/lib.so.6 version ‘GLIBC_2.28’ not found (required by /usr/lib/Xorg
usr/lib/Xorg: /usr/lib/lib.so.6 version ‘GLIBC_2.26’ not found (required by /usr/libXorg
xinit giving up
xinit unable to connect to Xserver: Connection refused
xinit: server error
Any ideas?
My hardware in an Intel NUC 6i5
Look there
Hi Marko,
I did the latest update and suddenly my mpd is no longer working. I could see it when apl boot mpd is not working. I tried to reinstall and do full update – still same problem. Just now I did another fresh install, leave it on version 232 and then update “only” mpd – have same problem now. Any clue how to fix it? Thanks.
Become root in terminal with $su
Then enter this commands:
# cat /etc/apl-files/mpd.service > /usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart mpd.service
You have this in install instructions. Every time you update mpd, you have to do it.
Hi Marko,
Thanks for the reply – I have done several update from in the past and run smooth – only this time I face the problem although I have done all the necessary action as mentioned. Wondering if any other person face the same problem.
I have been updating with # pacman -Suy, regularly for sometimes.
Following the instruction given in this forum always result in a good working copy of APL4 which I enjoyed so much. – Thank you Marko.
But recently I noticed *.wav files no long playback in Cantata, or it just playback for a few seconds, then repeat and repeat the few seconds of music.
On the Cantata interface, ‘show track rating’ no longer workable.
I installed ‘gmpc’ which also behave similar to Cantata, wav files no longer playable.
On other media player like vlc, smplayer, wav files playback without any problem.
Can someone help.
Cantata is just an interface to mpd which actually plays music. So probably with the update of mpd, came bug in mpd code that relates to *.wav files. You will have to check mpd forums and wait for another update that will fix it. The other solution is to install older mpd until they fix it. You can find older packages in /var/cache/pacman/pkg directory.
I updated APL4 (and MPD) without any problems.
Try to update the mpd Database.
Does someone have experience with upmpdcli (upnp front-end to mpd) and AP-Linux (or other arch linux distributions)?
I have a problem in relation to the internet. When I finish the installation and start the operating system I do not have internet. I do not understand how I can have internet if I do not enter the Wi-Fi password previously.
And another thing, with cfdisk I have to make the disk bootable, if I do not do it, the operating system does not start.
Even with the grub installed.
Hi Marko,
Thank you for your work and for the really great sound ( I used APL from APL3.1 and I was a happy user of APL4.0 until my old pc died).
I tried to install APL4.0 on my new pc – nvidia 1080 video card. I use my tv as monitor(4k). After X start, my mouse pointer is stuck on top left corner, but the mouse is functioning normaly (same after # pacman -Suy). I tried to downgrade libinput down to 1.10.0 but with no succes (mouse and keyboard didn’t work at all – had to hard reset). As i read online, the solution for this bug is to use a linux kernel greater than 4.10 – APL is 4.9…
I don’t know much about linux… so any help is appreciated. Thnks
If it’s only a problem because of 4k monitor you can try to start ap-linux with an other (lower)
resolution. You can connect with ssh, so you are able to change the files – look ät the web.
Please how can i autorun jack on system startup.
Hi all, every time that i try to setup samba client the MPD client does’nt work anymore..could you please someone help me why?
After i install samba client with pacman command, mpd configuration will be corrupted…help me please is the last stuff that i have to configure to access my music library on the nas…thanks to all.
Dear Marko,
I installed upmpdcli as an upnp frontend to mpd.
(I stream TIDAL with Audirvana plus to APL)
It’s a bit crazy – only 88,2khz(or more) are working, no 44,1khz, but I can upsample with Audirvana.
I think in this case of use it’s better to run MPD as mpd, not as user.
Do I have to change in the mpd.service files the user to mpd and in /etc/mpd.conf I should use the path /var/….(not /home/user….). for directories ? Or do I have to do it otherway?
Thanks for your time!
That’s the way to run mpd as mpd, as discribted above.
But that was not the problem – something ist too fast for upmpdcli and/or mpd.
With upsampling to 384khz the only problems is that very short tracks (around 30 sec) don’t play and I have to wait a long time if I want to skip to the next track. With 192khz this could happen to tracks around 1min30sec.
But the sound is great -I newer liked the sound of my Headphone-Dac very much. But with DSD256 (dop) upsampling it’s very nice.
Hello to all! Installed AP Linux 4, as stated in the installation. there is such a mistake
xinit: giving up
xinit: unable to connect to X server: Connection refused
xinit: server error
Please tell me what to do?
What graphic card do you have?
video card radeon eah 4670. Already made this link https://opensource.com/article/18/9/audiophile-linux-distro
It all worked.
Thanks for such a great job, cool stuff !
please tell me how to choose a language in the settings
please help me
after run
# pacman-key –init
# pacman-key –populate archlinux
# pacman -Sy
# pacman -S archlinux-keyring
# pacman -Suy
# pacman -Rc libxfont
Answer yes and do it again
# pacman -Suy
# pacman -S terminus-font
# pacman -S xorg-server
# pacman -S
# reboot
# cd /etc/apl-files
# cat mpd.service > /usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart mpd.service
mpd not responding
Don’t know if you done it – the last 4 lines have to be executed as su.
thanks PHG
the first I run Su
and run last 4 lines
If this does not work:
sudo systemctl status mpd.service
Look at the message, if mpd is running, (active) you have to check and edit your mpd.conf.
look at the Audio Outs with aplay -l
sudo nano /etc/mpd.conf
Set the correct Audio out (hw:0:0 or hw:1:0…..) and set a direct path to your music directory.
make a # before user and password. Save, close and restart (replace status from above with restart) mpd.
If this does not work……….I don’t know.
mpd id running
and how to play music on USB storage by cantata
I down know if there is an automount for USB storage. But you can mount the USB storage with the File-Manager (should be) and then your device should be on /mnt/sdb1 (or sdc1 or…)
(Maybe it’s an other Directory)
Set the music path in mpd (something like /mnt/sdb1/Music).
You can mount it with the fstab file so it’s mounted while booting. But pay attention, a wrong fstab could make your system unbootable, so carefully look to the web (google fstab USB) and try to mount it manualy before rebooting! The nofail option has to be set.
Thanks for your enthusiastic help
As an enthuasiastic AP-Linux listener………..
Please tell me how to reinstall cantata. First remove and reinstall.
I did and I think the new version doesn’t compatible which I have to reinstall the OS again. I didn’t have time to look at it yet.
Hey. Tell me how to configure mpd to play SACD-R discs? I have an image of ISO, but Cantana does not even see it.
Hello! I installed cantata, she sees the music, but does not play. I click to play, the countdown does not go 00:00. And GMPC all works great. What to do Cantata?
I have done the installation but the keyboard and touchpad is not working. If I exit the AP session the keyboard starts working again. Can anyone give me a hint and a direction to proceed? Does it have to do with configuration of libinput?
I have installed on my PC and Laptops without problem. What’s your hardware? You didn’t install it on VM, right?
It’s Installed at an ASUS EEE PC 1018P Netbook.
Hi, after auditioning AP Linux V3, I was very much anticipating V4 when it was released!
Finally got to installing it. After that, I was not able to apply FAQ3 on attaching network drives to this version. It might be because I’m missing something I’m not familiar with in the instructions. I ended up adding this to /etc/fstab:
// /mnt/NAS cifs username=x,password=y,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8 0 0
The challenge I’m having is that when I issue the mount -a command it takes, but after a reboot it does not. What am I missing?
Is there an update or clarification to FAQ3 that may help?
Do you really have a folder called disk on your NAS?
Yes. OEM configured …
You can try: sec=ntlm in fstab
and/or try this: nolock,noauto,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=10
(I use it on an other Arch distro, so don’t sure that it works on APL too)
PHG – thanks for your recommendations, but neither one worked on their own, or together. They both raised errors with mount -a. As such, I never tried to see if the mount would be re-established through a reboot.
I don’t think that x-systemd.automount will make sense with mount -a, may be this causes the errors. So take your heart and reboot, but first try it with the nofail option (after noauto and after ),
this should prevent your system to become unboottable. (If it’s unbootable you need a USB stick with a linux system to boot from to re-fix the fstab)
This is complete from the archphile (I use it for Spotify) manual: /change uid= and may be opmit gid=
// /mnt/nas-samba cifs
The saga continues. No harm no foul with /etc/fstab as follows:
/dev/sda1 / ext4 rw,noatime,data=ordered 0 1
// /mnt/NAS cifs vers=1.0,username=share,password=this,ro,uid=
mount -a returns to the prompt without errors, but /mnt/NAS is not present.
The reboot goes fine (phew!) but /mnt/NAS is still missing.
Removing the 0 0 from the end of my original statement and adding sec=ntlm to the end properly this time results in:
mount.cifs: bad UNC (/
Restoring the 0 0 on the end the statement and mount -a it is accepted and /mnt/NAS is present.
After a reboot … the mount is not re-established 🙁
I don’t recall other Linux variants being this ornery.
I’d still like to see an updated / alternative to FAQ3 .
Do not use uid=mpd, under APL mpd runs as user.
I think uid=1000 is correct.
And try to set device-timeout=60 or more. And may be the // at the beginning are not correct, so try to omit them. And I am sure you have a folder NAS in /mnt.
(on the weekend I will try to connect my NAS to APL, normaly I have my Music on a HDD)
Update: the problem has been revealed with …
command “journalctl -xb | grep mount” which returns:
Dec 12 21:35:17 apl kernel: EXT4-fs (sda1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
Dec 12 21:35:17 apl kernel: EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: data=ordered
— Subject: Unit mnt-NAS.mount has begun start-up
— Unit mnt-NAS.mount has begun starting up.
Dec 12 21:35:22 apl mount[462]: mount error(101): Network is unreachable
Dec 12 21:35:22 apl mount[462]: Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)
Dec 12 21:35:22 apl systemd[1]: mnt-NAS.mount: Mount process exited, code=exited status=32
Dec 12 21:35:22 apl systemd[1]: mnt-NAS.mount: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
Dec 12 21:35:22 apl systemd[1]: Failed to mount /mnt/NAS.
— Subject: Unit mnt-NAS.mount has failed
— Unit mnt-NAS.mount has failed.
Strange how the mount works after the system had booted.
Looking at the rest of the log, it seems /etc/fstab is being processed before the LAN card is up. Archlinux bbs conversations seem to support this thought.
Tried some other variations to no avail.
What is the recommended method to mount automatically after the system is up?
This works for me: (has to be in one line in fstab)
// /mnt/nas-samba cifs vers=1.0,username=myuser,password=mypassword,ro,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,nolock,noauto,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=60,sec=ntlm
Look at /Fantec2T/ – this is the name (in my case) of the share I set on my NAS.
(/Music is the Folder on my NAS where my Music is)
First you have to set a share on your NAS – look at the manual of your NAS and/or google samba server.
In fstab I set “ro”, this is read only. You can set “rw” if you want to write to.
You can try to lower the values of the device.timeout.
(Yes, it’s crazy!)
This works for me: (has to be in one line in fstab)
// /mnt/nas-samba cifs vers=1.0,username=myuser,password=mypassword,ro,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,nolock,noauto,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=60,sec=ntlm
Look at /Fantec2T/ – this is the name (in my case) of the share I set on my NAS.
(/Music is the Folder on my NAS where my Music is)
First you have to set a share on your NAS – look at the manual of your NAS and/or google samba server.
In fstab I set “ro”, this is read only. You can set “rw” if you want to write to.
You can try to lower the values of the device.timeout.
(Yes, it’s crazy!)
PHG … it may be crazy, but IT WORKS!!!
Many thanks. I’ll try lowering the timeout – later.
Because my server had a much to high cpu load when APL was connected I changed above line in fstab to:
/ /mnt/nas-samba cifs vers=1.0,username=myuser,password=mypassword,ro,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,x-systemd.automount,noauto,x-systemd.idle-timeout=60,nolock,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=10,sec=ntlm
Don’t know why but now the server has very low load as it should be.
Check if autofs is running with: sudo systemctl status autofs.service
It should not run, so disable it if it runs (on my PC it did not run)
There have to be 2 / at the beginning!
(// /mnt/nas-samba……………..)
I just update the apl with -Suy, now “cantata” can not start – from desktop. I also try from x-terminal and have this error “cantata: error while loading shared libraries: libQt5Core.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”
Any clue to fix it?
Temporaty I use gmpc start from x-terminal – how to get it into the menu?
My last problem with mpd can not play wav files SOLVED now – it plays smootly now.
Thanks. Ernanto
sudo nano ~/.fluxbox/menu
Does anyone know how to build new Arch Linux – cantata 2.3.2-1? This is the new version that when we run # pacman -S Cantata right now. This new version requires some Lib that’s not in this linux version. I don’t really know how to get the old version back. If you ‘re good with linux, please show us step by step since a lot of us here don’t know linux.
After first reboot, these are the steps are working at the moment:
# pacman-key –init
# pacman-key –populate archlinux
# pacman -Sy
# pacman -S archlinux-keyring
# pacman -Suy
# pacman -Rc libxfont
# pacman -Rc ffmpeg2.8
–If you do’nt run this step (-Rc ffmpeg2.8), nothing will work such as Firefox. However, it also removes the Cantata 2.0.1
# pacman -Suy
# pacman -S terminus-font
# pacman -S xorg-server
–This wasn’t working before but it has been working so far.
# pacman -S chromium (Firefox, Kodi, etc….are working except new version of Cantata)
I have tried to add/play with the missing Lib but it seems not compatible. Do not try to run uic, it will mess up your Lib.
Look at the ArchWiki – downgrading packages to get back cantata.
I don’t try it, I throw out cantata from APL. I use cantata from a remote laptop, APL is only a headless audio server. You can use MPDroid too or something like this on your smartphone.
With a ssh connection you can update and manage APL by remote.
Thanks, I like remote too. Will looking into that instead of fixing. I am fine with DeadBeef at the moment, no big deal with Cantata.
I have the same issue with Cantata not working. I know how to use pacman for downgrading Cantata but would it be possible to specify what else would be needed to make the downgraded version running?
LOL, it would be easy to reinstall AP Linux v4, then do not run anything else after complete the first time setup. Then you can use ipad/iphone/anroid to remote control with cantata. I haven’t looked into downgrade yet. Mostly relate to library files. If the downgrade is not working, that means the old version of library is not installed.
I read this for fixing (local) cantata:
sudo pacman -S binutils
sudo strip –remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /usr/lib64/libQt5Core.so.5
Thanks PHG – and it works fine thank you. This article also describes the update/Cantata issue: https://www.linux.com/blog/2019/2/audiophile-linux-promises-aural-nirvana
Hi all. Does anyone know and can help me what can cause the keyboard malfunction in AP-Linux Shell in new installed AP-Linux with fix.
All new AP-Linux V4.0 installation including recommended repairs (in April 5th 2018 fix) seems to be O.K. AP-Linux starts, installed players (Deadbeef, Audacios) runs O.K. and browsers also starts. But keyboard in X-terminal or browsers… does not work. When I go to “Exit Session” keyboard works O.K.
My AP-Linux is installed on HP ProBook 440 G5. First/based system disc is M.2 SSD with W10 . Second disc is in 2,5” slot is installed SATA SSD 2TB with AP-Linux V4.0 with fix.
Previous version AP-Linux V4.0 (without fix) installed on 2,5” Seagate HDD 2TB run O.K.
One more question. In AP-Linux V4 install instructions is for SSD discs recommended “fstab” edit – # nano /etc/fstab to following syntax (add parameter “discard” to syntax) – /dev/sda1 / ext4 rw,noatime,discard,data=ordered 0 1.
But # nano /etc/fstab show syntax parameter /dev/sda1 / ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered 0 1.
May I edit for SSD disc “fstab” to /dev/sda1 / ext4 rw,relatime,discard,data=ordered 0 1.
Thanks for Your answers and help. ChS
Hi all. Does anyone know and can help me what can cause the keyboard malfunction in AP-Linux Shell in new installed AP-Linux with fix.
All new AP-Linux V4.0 installation including recommended repairs (in April 5th 2018 fix) seems to be O.K. AP-Linux starts, installed players (Deadbeef, Audacios) runs O.K. and browsers also starts. But keyboard in X-terminal or browsers… does not work. When I go to “Exit Session” keyboard works O.K.
My AP-Linux is installed on HP ProBook 440 G5. First/based system disc is M.2 SSD with W10, Second disc is in 2,5” slot installed SATA SSD 2TB with AP-Linux V4.0 with fix.
Previous version AP-Linux V4.0 (without fix) installed on 2,5” Seagate HDD 2TB run O.K.
One more question. In AP-Linux V4 install instructions is for SSD discs recommended “fstab” edit – # nano /etc/fstab to following syntax (add parameter “discard” to syntax) – /dev/sda1 / ext4 rw,noatime,discard,data=ordered 0 1.
But # nano /etc/fstab show syntax parameter /dev/sda1 / ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered 0 1.
May I edit for SSD disc “fstab” to /dev/sda1 / ext4 rw,relatime,discard,data=ordered 0 1.
Thanks for Your answers and help. ChS
Try to change the keyboard settings in /home/yourUser/.fluxbox/startup
You can do it with ssh connection or use a USB Linux Stick like Slax
Belongs at this place: @ChS
Of course you can use the command line after exit session too.
More as an accident I installed the latest rt kernel from the AUR packages.
If someone wants to try it…………be aware, on my weak Acer laptop it needs more than 9 hours, the rt 4.9.9 kernel was overwritten, I had to install it new on a second partition and had to edit the grub.cfg to get all running. And the sound is not better, but I don’t think it’s worse. Maybe(!) the 4.9.9 kernel sounds a bit smoother and the 4.19.15 kernel a bit more “compact“.
If you try it, please clone your harddisk, at least your APL partition to come back if it crashes – I use Clonezilla, it’s a bit strange to use but it restores perfectly.
You should copy as su the old kernel and initramfs in /boot and rename them to …..4-9-9, maybe(!) then you can get all in 1 partition. If GRUB makes problems look at the crub.cfg and compare the entries with the main entry (load Video….) and edit it to the same.
I did it with yay (an AUR package helper) and my accident seemed to be to use yay -Suy.
To install yay first install this: sudo pacman -S base-devel git go. Then search the web to install yay – they could explain it better than me. You should have at least 3 or 4GB free diskspace to install the new rt kernel.
With yay installed you can easily install librespot (to use as a Spotify connect device), Spotify (Desktop app) and/or upmpdcli to get Tidal or Qubuz support from APL (with bubbleupnp on Android, no Tidal MQA support, a bit buggy and you have to pay 3,99 Euro to get full access)
For Tidal MQA support you can use Audirvana+ (79 Euro Mac and WIN10) with upmpdcli, but you have to up-sample as high as possible to get it running, at least to 176/192 kHz, the lower the samplerate the longer the playable tracks have to be, with 44kHz unusable.
If you need hardware video acceleration for kodi you can install (with pacman) a VA-API (or VDPAU) driver to get it – in my case it crashes with the rt 4.9.9 kernel, but runs with the non rt kernel and the rt 4.19.15 kernel.
Have fun, but do it at your risk and clone your Harddisk!
Of course it’s not the crub.cfg – it’s the grub.cfg in /boot/grub and the other APL menu entries
should be the same as the main APL menu entry beginning with load_video……….insmod part_msdos.
After explicit setting upnpav = 1 in /etc/upmpdcli.conf everything works fine with Audirvana+.
No more upsampling is needed. A great combination to listen to Tidal (with MQA), for headphone listening you can use the EQs from the Audio-units(Mac) and PCM to DSD upsampling to make sound smoother if you like. Of course Audirvan+ sounds very nice too, but I prefer AP-Linux.
Would an install of AP4 be successful on this computer (its a x64):
Verico 70242 – Unibook 11.6″
Specs: https://www.notebooksbilliger.de/verico+70242+116+fhd+display+2gb+ram+32gb+flash
Could the native touch function be enabled after that installation?
Greetings and many thanks in advance!
no, yes, maybe?
maybe! But, why not?
Hi, will it run on: Verico Unibook 11.6″ ??
Many greetings!
Over night I installed the linux-rt-bfq kernel from the AUR packages and I like it more than the
linux-rt kernel. Seems to be smoother and there is no need to rename the 4.9 rt files in /boot to keep the 4.9 rt kernel.
But from the point of sound there is no need to update the rt kernel, maybe it’s good from the point of security and (newer) hardware support.
I installed the rt-bfq kernel from AUR on my headless-system too.
Then it works with the original rt kernel (4.9.9…), there is no need to rename it.
You only need to run the grub make config.
But after installing the normal rt kernel from AUR the original kernel (of course I had to rename it) boots, but because namespace errors I can’t connect to it and so there is no mpd connection. Don’t install the normal rt kernel from AUR if you you want the original still working. Overall the rt-bfq kernel is the better choice, if your “chain” sounds to smooth the normal rt kernel from AUR could be a good choice.
How to use different kernels on a headless system?
You can make different grub.cfg files (grubbfq.cfg and grubrt.cfg, edit them) and copy the one you want on the next boot to grub.cfg as su. With aliases in your home directory in .zshrc
this is easy when ssh connected.
alias bfq=’cp /boot/grub/grubbfq.cfg /boot/grub/grub.cfg’
alias brt=’cp /boot/grub/grubrt.cfg /boot/grub/grub.cfg’
(Of course you can only use the above aliases as su)
and if you want:
alias aliases=’grep “alias” /home/yourUserName/.zshrc’
alias spotify+=’export DISPLAY=:0 && spotify’
hi all, i am using it and enjoy music. i find that the version of mpd is out date. latest is “0.21.x”
any steps to upgrade the mpd? e.g. pacman -suY mpd works?
a sharing i use app maxiumpd on ios to control the player. it is great.
I think the updates are broken currently.
I have solve this problem. Try to do this following steps:
# su
# pacman-key –init
# pacman-key –populate archlinux
# pacman -Sy
# pacman -S archlinux-keyring
# pacman -Suy (Won’t working!)
# pacman -Rc libxfont (Remove conflictable packages)
# pacman -Rc ffmpeg2.8 (Cantata is over!)
# pacman -Suy (Then try update again)
# pacman -S terminus-font (Reinstall necessary packages)
# pacman -S xorg-server
# pacman -S binutils (Package for strip command)
(Remove .note.ABI-tag breaks shared libraries)
# sudo strip –remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /usr/lib/libQt5Core.so.5
# pacman -S cantata (Reinstall cantata)
# reboot
(Then put mpd rigth)
# su
# cd /etc/apl-files
# cat mpd.service > /usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart mpd.service
It works very fine. Thank you very much!
It works very fine. Thank you very much!
# sudo strip –remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /usr/lib64/libQt5Core.so.5
# sudo strip –remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /usr/lib64/libQt5Core.so.5
It works very fine. Thank you very much!
sudo pacman -Suy
and don’t forget as su (login as root):
!!! Important!!!
After updating the system with “pacman -Suy”, mpd config will brake. In order to fix this you will need to do the following:
# cd /etc/apl-files
# cat mpd.service > /usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart mpd.service
Of course you can use the command line after exit session too.
please help . File Manager not working after pacman -Suy
If you only need the file manager from time to time you can try to boot to the normal kernel.
Or try to install an other file manager, there should be several.
Or install the rt-bfq kernel from AUR, with this the file manager works. I think with this kernel it’s possible to boot the original rt kernel too. But I am not sure! If you install the “normal” rt kernel from AUR it is not possible to use the original (4.9) rt kernel again.
The sound is slightly differnet, but I like the sound of the rt-bfq kernel, for spotify I prefere the (non bfq) kernel from AUR.
Thanks PHG.
Dont know what happened but its okay now after typing pacman -Suy again.
Cantata is my only issue now. Im using deadbeef for now.
I read this to fix Cantata:
sudo pacman -S binutils
sudo strip –remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /usr/lib64/libQt5Core.so.5
(But MOT64 wrote: sudo strip –remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /usr/lib/libQt5Core.so.5)
sudo pacman -S cantata
(I do not try it – with newer kernel Cantata(local) works without this, but the old kernel seems to have the slightly better sound)
i can’t start cantata. i followed the above steps but i got erroe when i type :
sudo strip –remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /usr/lib64/libQt5Core.so.5 OR
sudo strip –remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /usr/lib/libQt5Core.so.5
it say “No such file”
But, i was able to install the latest cantata.
sudo pacman -S cantata
After reboot, cantata doesn’t respond/play.
Please help.Thanks.
There have to be 2 “-” before remove. Not a “–” !!!!
sudo strip –remove-section………….
Sorry, I had copied it wrong from somewhere. And had not tried it – now I did and it works with –remove
The webpage changes 2 x “-” to 1 x “–” !!!!
So if you copy from the page you will get it wrong!!
The webpage changes 2 x “-” to 1x “–”!
If you copy from the webpage to terminal it’s wrong.
There have to be 2 “-” behind sudo strip…., not 1 “–”.
Type strip -h in terminal to see what I mean.
when i copy and paste
sudo strip –remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /usr/lib64/libQt5Core.so.5 OR
sudo strip –remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /usr/lib/libQt5Core.so.5
then add “–”
sudo –strip –remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /usr/lib64/libQt5Core.so.5 OR
sudo –strip –remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /usr/lib/libQt5Core.so.5
it shows:
unrecognized option ‘–strip’
Sorry i don’t understand your above reply.
Hi John,
sudo strip (2 x -)remove.section……….
Use 2 x the short -, not the long –
Maybe you have other ascii table, use the one you will use if you type
1-1=0 and not the one from 1–1=0. Hope it’s clear, but if I correctly type it the webpage changes it. So maybe: copy this – and paste it 2 x in front of remove-section……
If anybody wants to automate the mpd fix after doing a full upgrade (sudo pacman -Suy) then you can use the pacman hook described below:
1. Create /etc/pacman.d/hooks directory if it doesn’t already exist:
# sudo mkdir /etc/pacman.d/hooks
2. Create a new file named mpdfix.hook (or whatever you like as long as the name ends in .hook).
# sudo nano /etc/pacman.d/hooks/mpdfix.hook
3. Enter the following (making sure the final Exec command is all on one line):
Type = Package
Operation = Install
Operation = Upgrade
Operation = Remove
Target = *
Description = fixing mpd…
When = PostTransaction
Exec = /bin/bash -c ‘cat /etc/apl-files/mpd.service > /usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service; systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl restart mpd.service’
4. Save the file (ctrl+o ctrl+x).
Now whenever you do a system upgrade mpd should be fixed automatically.
Nice! Thanks for this!
If copying and pasting be careful to change the open and close quotes in the Exec line to apostrophes. (Marko is there a way to change them?)
get message after installing AP linux …
unable to connect to X server : connection refused
Oh my god – do not copy from the webpage as I wrote at 17’44, the webpage changes the character!
Type 2 x the – in front of remove.section you are using when you type
sudo pacman -Suy.
It’s all good now. Thank you PHG! You’re the best!!!
Hello !
First of all thanks for the wonderful job you did ! I’m stuck with the upgrade with pacman. I’ve followed the steps in the tuto (pacman -R libxfont) but the upgrade won’t install anyway and sends a messagelike “could not resolve dependencies” . I’m a total lnux newbie.
Thank for your help
Hello from Sweden. Installed APL yesterday and I couldn’t get my broadcom wifi card to work. I’m on a Mac Pro and I dual boot. So I grabbed a long ethernet cable and updated via pacman. It all went very smooth, except for mpd not finding all music. It turned out to be a permissions problem. The problem was that I have my music stored on a hfs+ formatted drive… Tip: boot to macos and fix the permissions on your drive. I did this in finder. Then rescan and all music should be there. Another tip: I don’t use the mpd daemon as I am the only user. To start mpd I added:
mpd /home/username/.mpd/mpd.conf&
systemctl stop mpd.service
systemctl disable mpd.service
to disable the daemon.
Hope this helps someone.
Cheers, ebbot
Sorry for the disturbance again. i finally managed to upgrade the system. But now the situation is the following one :
-I lost my keyboard input on xorg and even in the xorg terminal (xterm)
– cantata is lost too (installs well but doesn’t start..)
Any help would be appreciated; Thanks a lot in advance.
Chris from Paris
Maybe you are missing ffmeg? Try
sudo pacman -S ffmpeg
that is what I did to get cantata working.
Cheers, ebbot
If your keyboard works in the bios setup you can try to change some settings there, don’t ask me which one, search the web. If you can connect with ssh try to update the system.
It’s possible to get cantata working, look above.
Im newbie and dont know about linux.
How to install chromium without lib missing error ?
Chromium require many lib with defference version that my aplinux dont have.
I tried to link require version with os have version but it still dont work.
Please help !
Sorry for my bad english 🙂
Somethings was wrong with the update package. Now it’s all right .Try again.
after many attempts without Linux and bad English knowledge I succeeded in the installation nevertheless. But after the described final work of Pacman I get an Xorg error message
/usr/lib/Xorg: /usr/lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.28` not found (required by /usr/lib/Xorg
xinit: giving up
xinit: unable to connect to X server: Connection refused
xinit: server error
[“]$ _ cursor blinking
Can anyone help me?
AP Linux v4 installation failing, no joy found…
Are there problems with repository used by pacman?
# pacman -Suy
:: Synchronizing package databases…
error: faled retrieving file ‘core.db’ from repo.itmettke.de : The requested URL returned error: 404
similar error occurs over and over again…
the system seemed fine through the reboot and “ping” network test, but starting failing during the stage of the installation that uses pacman
Can anyone help?
The repository is old now and doesn’t work. It’s better not to update anything.
Yes it will fail again and again but you will succeed eventually.
Also follow this thread.
Please help regarding the mpd service status which is below. Also typing sudo /vim /etc/mpd.service returns empty text file.
rsj@apl ~ % systemctl start mpd
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units ====
Authentication is required to start ‘mpd.service’.
Authenticating as: rsj
Job for mpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See “systemctl status mpd.service” and “journalctl -xe” for details.
1 rsj@apl ~ % systemctl status mpd.service 🙁
● mpd.service – Music Player Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2019-07-18 20:47:00 IST; 27s ago
Docs: man:mpd(1)
Process: 17588 ExecStart=/usr/bin/mpd –no-daemon (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Main PID: 17588 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Jul 18 20:47:00 apl systemd[1]: Starting Music Player Daemon…
Jul 18 20:47:00 apl mpd[17588]: config_file: config parameter “id3v1_encoding” on line 34 is deprecated
Jul 18 20:47:00 apl mpd[17588]: Jul 18 20:47 : exception: bind to ‘’ failed (continuing anyway, because binding to ‘>
Jul 18 20:47:00 apl mpd[17588]: Jul 18 20:47 : exception: Decoder plugin ‘wildmidi’ is unavailable: configuration file does not >
Jul 18 20:47:00 apl mpd[17588]: Jul 18 20:47 : exception: Invalid path at line 3:
Jul 18 20:47:00 apl mpd[17588]: Jul 18 20:47 : exception: nested: not an absolute path: ssd-disk1
Jul 18 20:47:00 apl systemd[1]: mpd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jul 18 20:47:00 apl systemd[1]: mpd.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
Jul 18 20:47:00 apl systemd[1]: Failed to start Music Player Daemon.
lines 1-17/17 (END)
There is no file /etc/mpd.service. There is /etc/mpd.conf.
mpd.service is at: /usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service
And journalctl -xe returns following…
A start job for unit mpd.service has begun execution.
— The job identifier is 750.
Jul 18 21:08:32 apl mpd[2744]: config_file: config parameter “id3v1_encoding” on line 34 is deprecated
Jul 18 21:08:32 apl mpd[2744]: exception: failed to open log file “/home/rsj/.mpd/mpd.log” (config line 6): Permission denied
Jul 18 21:08:32 apl systemd[1]: mpd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
— Subject: Unit process exited
— Defined-By: systemd
— Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
— An ExecStart= process belonging to unit mpd.service has exited.
— The process’ exit code is ‘exited’ and its exit status is 1.
Jul 18 21:08:32 apl systemd[1]: mpd.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
— Subject: Unit failed
— Defined-By: systemd
— Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
— The unit mpd.service has entered the ‘failed’ state with result ‘exit-code’.
Jul 18 21:08:32 apl systemd[1]: Failed to start Music Player Daemon.
— Subject: A start job for unit mpd.service has failed
— Defined-By: systemd
— Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
— A start job for unit mpd.service has finished with a failure.
— The job identifier is 750 and the job result is failed.
Jul 18 21:08:32 apl polkitd[919]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:2619:13931 (system bus name :1.22, object p>
lines 2120-2148/2148 (END)
Thanks PHG. So then how do I fix mpd?
That’s a good question!
I don’t know if this will work, but you can try.
First type in terminal as su: (You have to do this every time mpd was updated)
cd /etc/apl-files
cat /etc/apl-files/mpd.service > /usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart mpd.service
Now you should look at your /etc/mpd.conf – there is an error in line 3: invalid path, you have to set a valid path. I think it’s the path to your Music, look at the install instructions how to do this. And then…………have luck, AP-Linux V4 is a bit old.
Maybe it’s a good idea – set the path to your music in mpd.conf to /home/your-username/Music and copy some music to it. If mpd is running then you can look how to set the path to where your music is. (If it is on an other disk you have to mount this disk first in /etc/fstab and look if the disk was mounted after reboot)
Thanks PHG. All you said is already done right by me after so many attempts. I will copy paste my /etc/mpd.cong file below. BTW my sound card is -Matrix X Hi Card HiFi USB which is a PCIe based card with USB output going to Metrum Adagio DAC.
Now when I play any song from Cantata there is “pause” icon on the selected song but the time line of song doesn’t move. And on the desktop mpd is there but it is “Paused” though song info is there.
When I click cantata “menu” (3 horizontal lines on right upper corner of cantata) and select “preferences” and then click on “Discover” under local host 6600 I see a window which states that Please select your MPD. If you do not see your MPD listed here check the zeroconf is activated in your MPD configuration or insert the host configuration manually.
May be I have to activate zeroconfig or enter the host configuration manually but how?
Below is /etc/mpd.conf………..
# mpd.conf
### PATHS section start ############################
music_directory “/home/rsj/Music”
playlist_directory “/home/rsj/.mpd/playlists”
db_file “/home/rsj/.mpd/mpd.db”
log_file “/home/rsj/.mpd/mpd.log”
pid_file “/home/rsj/.mpd/mpd.pid”
state_file “/home/rsj/.mpd/mpd_state”
sticker_file “/home/rsj/.mpd/sticker.sql”
### PATHS section end
password “1234@read,add,control,admin”
user “rsj”
### AUDIO section start ############################
audio_output {
type “alsa”
name “Card Name”
device “hw:1,0”
mixer_type “none”
dop “no”
dsd_native “yes”
dsd_native_type “2”
# buffer_time “100000”
# period_time “1024000000”
use_mmap “yes”
auto_resample “no”
auto_channels “no”
auto_format “no”
### AUDIO section end ##############################
### MISC section start #############################
filesystem_charset “UTF-8”
id3v1_encoding “UTF-8”
auto_update “yes”
connection_timeout “3600”
restore_paused “yes”
### MISC section end ###############################
Looks good.
Try in terminal: aplay -l to find the correct hw: x,x numbers.
Change and save it in mpd.conf, restart mpd with sudo systemctl restart mpd. service
If it works……..fine! The hw numbers can change after reboot, but there is a way to fix them, I will post if you get mpd playing.
my APL is running perfectly for quite some time now, I have no problems with the present installation. I am about to install APL on another computer (even more compact than the previous one) and expect no problems.
Although I have (expect) no problems with my setup(s), I would like to learn more about hw numbers. Now and then I find bits of valuable information scattered across numerous posts, but I would definitely find it valuable to have the essential information in one place.
I am using external DACs. I read somewhere that the problem related to the change of hw numbers can be effectively and permanently solved by the use of “hw:USB,0”, or “hw:USB”.
Is this the correct approach? Would You, please, elaborate.
Thanks in advance!
Never heard about that, but maybe…….
Look at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Advanced_Linux_Sound_Architecture
at Set the default sound card.
in /proc/asound/modules there should be something with ….usb…..
Set this in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf (create the file if there is none) to 0, then it’s hw:0,0 in mpd.conf.
(Maybe there is a little error, you can replace in module names every – to a _ in alsa-base.conf)
Have fun!
aplay -l command returns this………
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 8: HDMI 2 [HDMI 2]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
Motherboard I am using is Asus Q87T/CSM but Metrum DAC is connected to USB of Matrix X hifi USB PCIe-card.
alsamixer command returns…
Card: HDA Intel HDMI F1: Help
Chip: Intel Haswell HDMI F2: Systeminformation
View: F3:[Playback] F4: Capture F5: All F6: Select sound card
Item: S/PDIF Esc: Exit
┌──┐ ┌──┐ ┌──┐
│OO│ │OO│ │OO│
└──┘ └──┘ └──┘
S/PDIF 1 S/PDIF 2You card is not listed by aplay -l, nor the Matric PCIe card is listed.
Connect the DAC to a normal usb port, this should work.
Contact the PCIe card Company, they should help you to get the card working.
Spot on PHG.
When I connect USB of motherboard to DAC, the DAC is listed as 4rth sound playback device but not when I reconnect DAC to Matrix card the DAC is no more there as one of playback device. Alsamixer command also works when DAC is connected with motherboard USB.
As per description of Matrix X card there is no need for drivers for mainstream Linux OS.
Is there anyway to force Matrix to detect DAC or any other way apart from asking Matrix to help?
From my view the only thing you can try is to install a newer kernel, maybe(!!!!) it supports the card. But you should know what you are doing! Better contact the card company.
I can always try to install a new kernel if it is worth it (sound quality wise).
But then I would need detailed instructions on how to do it. When it comes to Linux I am just a novice.
Yes, as a novice this is hard stuff.
I do not think that a new kernel has better sound, but every kernel has it’s own sound, only very little differences, but they could make the difference for someone!
Choose the advanced options when you boot, there should be an option to boot to the non rt-kernel. And this is the newest kernel. If your card is recognized then there is a good chance that the newest rt-kernel will do it too.
To install a new rt-kernel or rt-bfq-kernel search the web. This is not the place for detailed instructions. Short: clone your disk with something like clonezilla, then you can restore everything if it fails. Install yay, it helps to install from the AUR
packages. Search for kernel-rt or kernel-rt-bfq (sound is a bit smoother, but better?). The installation needs several hours, up to 8 or 9!
Maybe you need to change the grub.cfg, search the web.
But if you have cloned your disk there is no real risk, but you need time.
I never tried a pcie hifi usb card, it only makes sense if you have real fine gear, speakers, amps and real fine ears! If you really love the sound with your DAC on a normal usb port then maybe you will get a very, very litte better sound with the usb card. But this could(!) be the difference for you. Have fun!
Thanks a lot. I will try this on Saturday late evening then.
My rest of system comprises EAR 868 preamp, Threshold SA/1 monoblocks and Focal Electra 1038BE speakers.
You can look at my posts from January 27 and February 3 this year,
maybe it helps to install a new kernel.
(If you install a new linux-rt-bfq kernel the old linux-rt is still bootable,
if you install a new linux-rt kernel the old kernel did not boot anymore on my system)
When I boot there is only one option to boot from which is rt linux.
While trying to install yay I faced this problem below which I also faced during installation of Nomachine yesterday but I was still able to install it successfully.
root@apl /home/rsj/src # cd yay
root@apl /home/rsj/src/yay (git)-[master] # makepkg -si
==> ERROR: Running makepkg as root is not allowed as it can cause permanent,
catastrophic damage to your system.
Card was bought from shenzhenaudio and they have refused to help me out. They said I should go ahead with other Linux disro.
It’s a bit strange that there are no Advanced Options to boot to the normal (non rt) kernel in the grub menue.
I think that you have done pacman -Suy, then the system should update to the last non rt kernel. Look at /boot/ there should be several kernels.
You can run again as su:
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
In the kernel there are thousands of drivers and of course they update them.
If the card company does not have a special driver the driver has to be in a
(newer) kernel.
These are files in /boot/
10 root@apl /home/rsj # /boot/ 🙁
root@apl /boot # ls
grub initramfs-linux.img initramfs-linux-rt.img memtest86+ vmlinuz-linux
initramfs-linux-fallback.img initramfs-linux-rt-fallback.img intel-ucode.img syslinux vmlinuz-linux-rt
root@apl /boot #
aplay response below when DAC is connected to motherboard USB.
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 8: HDMI 2 [HDMI 2]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: UAC2 [hiFaceTWO UAC2], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
/tmp/cards (END)
So it is now clear that fault is with Matrix card and not Metrum DAC?
Yes, and your Metrum DAC has a build in hiFaceTWO USB to s/pdif converter.
you can install:
pacman -S os-prober
and then run: grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
The normal (non rt) kernel is in /boot/ on your system.
So do what I wrote about os-prober…..grub-mkconfig……..
pacman -S os-prober
and then run: grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Then there should be the advanced options in the grub menu, choose the normal one (not tht rt).
Then look if your card is recognized, if yes you can try to install a new rt-kernel
(or use the non rt kernel if you like the sound). If it’s not recognized there is no need to try an newer rt-kernel.
About yay: Don’t do it (makepkg -si) as su (root) – do it as user.
If you have installed yay do not run it as su.
Unfortunately ours efforts have not yielded desired result. Card is still not being recognized even after grub.cfg , os-prober changes.
I will continue with this kernel until I buy new card or some miracle happens.
Can I also install Window 10 or window media server in the same 60GB SSD where APL is installed ?
I have WIN 10 on a second disk, this works. And with only 60GB you should not try to install
WIN 10 on the same disk.
Have you tried all boot options from the grub menue?
Try all and type ‘uname -r’ in terminal after boot.
This gives you the kernel version. One of the boot options should show then something like
And if the card is not recognized with this kernel I do not know how it could work with an other linux distribution. They all use the same kernels.
But your DAC has an HifaceTwo usb to s/pdif converter, I think they do a lot to get good
usb connecting. If you like the sound with your Dac on a normal usb port do not think about it.
One advice: at audiophonics.fr you can get nice XMOS usb to s/pdif converters, if your DAC has s/pdif inputs………I like the sound with the one I have. I think they are from 79€ to 149€.
Keep on listening to music!
I get four options of kernels. Two rt kernels and two just Arch Linux kernels, each group having fallback initramfs version. Both non rt linux have 5.2.1 version and both rt versions have 4.9.9 kernels.
aplay -l command return 3 audio devices in as I wrote in my previous post (all hdmi) but in non rt kernel same command returns 5 playback audio devices, two hdmi 9, 10 extra as below.
rsj@apl ~ % aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 8: HDMI 2 [HDMI 2]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 9: HDMI 3 [HDMI 3]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 10: HDMI 4 [HDMI 4]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
rsj@apl ~ % uname -r
rsj@apl ~ %
I am not going usb-spdif converter route as I already have two many components in the audio chain. The main motive to use computer based transport was to have just one source. I will buy another 60GB SATA SSD for Window 10 install install Fidelizer etc and see if I get better sound with Linux or Win10.
Meanwhile shenzhenaudio has told me that they will look into the matter though I do not expect much help.
5.2.1 is the latest kernel, if the card does not run…..
Type lspci in terminal, if you do not see your card, I think there is nothing you can do anymore.
If you see it the kernel detect the card and then it could be an alsa problem, but this would be far above my knowledge.
If you install WIN10 on an other SSD, I would take a 128GB or more.
And give Audirvana+ a chance, I have it on my MacBook and it has real fine sound.
I send the music from Audirvana+ via upnp to my 2 apl systems because I like the sound more, but I think some would like the sound of audirvana more. It’s smoother, more “hifi” like.
Of course I do not know the sound on WIN 10, it’s 79€ and you can try it before paying.
One problem with dual boot and WIN 10 could be that WIN 10 does not complete shut down by default, it goes to a kind of hibernate state. If you want to boot to linux you have to poweroff the PC and sometimes the WIN 10 disk is not correctly shut down. No problem if you boot to WIN 10 again, but then linux can not mount this disk(if you want it to be mounted). In the settings you can tell WIN 10 to complete shut down, but then WIN 10 needs much longer to boot, with a SSD this should not be a problem.
Well I tried lspci command today but without any luck.
I’m wondering whether pci extension cable could also be faulty. Will also change that before moving on to the window installation.
My motherboard has mSata slot which goes power from the motherboard and sata slots. Currently mSata has APL installed.
Would you recommend single bigger mSata ssd for both OS or one more separate sata ssd for windows?
I also have TP lik TPWN 823N mini wireless adapter which too did not work.
Also during installation of APL I always got tw error messages – POSSIBALLY MISSING FIRMWARE FOR MODULES and modules listed are aic94xx and wd719x. Could this be related to audio USB card?
POSSIBALLY MISSING FIRMWARE seems to be normal, I have it too.
It’s better(easier) to use an separate disk to install Win (10), after installing Win on this
disk you only need to run os-prober on linux and then grub mkconfig (maybe grub mkconfig
calls os-prober).
Cable could cause problems, can you stick the card directly in the motherboard for testing?
I spent 4-5 hours on my setup trying various things but to my surprise found that it was the card which is defective. It was not even picked up by Win 10.
Tried all sort of things including pulling out video card from 2012 desktop (built for my son
then) with win10 and installing drivers for win 10 from official website but nothing worked out.
I will be sending them mail in about 10 minutes.
BTW during all this I found that Linux based system sounded quite better than Win10 based system but then win10 system has total 6 fans , LED lights. SMPS PSU all full version of Win10 Home. BUT APL Linux is stripped down for audio, no fan or lights and has dedicated 200W HDPlex LPS. Anyway it will be Linux for me whether there is pcie-usb card or not.
Matrix card has SATA slot as well. Wen I connect it then I see following answer to aplay -l command……..
sj@apl ~ % aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 8: HDMI 2 [HDMI 2]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC887-VD Analog [ALC887-VD Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
rsj@apl ~ %
I get this 4rth HDA Intel PCH ALC88 device extra. This might be onboard audio device which gets activated when SATA is connected.
But this way card is being recognised in win10 when spare SATA is connected to card. Strangely card gets power from two sources now.
The card seems to need the power from sata.
If your connected DAC is recognized by Win 10 it’s working, if not in linux…………
Yeah…..not sure why when pcie slot also provides power. I guess I just lost $170 as I won’t be using Win10 so they won’t take it back. Anyway APL linux is so good that I am beginning to like music from stock usb. I wish the installation is smoother in future.
So far I have not installed 2nd 1TB SSD. I would like to install it in a way that all encoded, copied,downloaded music goes to this drive including album covers etc.
And OS, program files can stay in 60GB SSD. How should I mount my second SSD?
During my previous APL install week, I did follow instruction as given by a link above on right side -How to add 2nd SSD in AP-Linux, but music would initially would go to 60GB drive and then to 1TB drive after 60GB was filled up. It was sort of 1TB SSD being extension of 60GB SSD.
Thanks a lot PHG you have been my saviour so far. I have not seen any other member in any bforum who is so helpful to other.
Thanks, it’s because I love Ap-Linux and I know that some could get mad by installation.
This is the fstab entry for my second disk:
/dev/sdb3 /LaCie2T ntfs rw,auto,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=10,noatime,user 0 0
sdb3 because it’s the 3rd partition, with only 1 partition it’s sdb1. Check with sudo fdisk -l
The mount point on sda1 is LaCie2T(folder on sda1) and it’s ntfs formatted because I want access from win. For a SSD you should use the discard option.
On sdb3 I have a folder Music. So in mpd.conf: music_directory “/LaCie2T/Music”
I do not use ln -s………….maybe this causes your problem.
Enjoy listening music (with Apl) and try to sell the card on e-bay.
1) I am sorry for my ignorance but could you please guide me step wise how to do add
ntfs ssd as I might also install Win10 later. Also it would be easier to add songs in it
in a pc.
I tried adding ntfs in the recent past but failed to do so.
2) Also matrix has responded in a way which was expected from any manufacturer
“””””””””””” To use the card under Arch Linux, you need to contact Arch Linux for
help, and Arch Linux can integrate drivers that support XMOS USB chip as soon as
possible. We unable to provide further assistance as a hardware vendor, sorry for
the inconvenience.””””””””””
Where I should I ask for help regarding for XMOS USB chip drivers?
I would use gparted, you can install it with pacman -S
There should be some tutorials how to use gparted.
Make 2 partitions and formate them with ntfs, 1st is for win, 2nd for your data, music. You should use a size for the 1st partition other then 60 Gb. This way there should not be a doubt where you install win.
XMOS is a company, maybe you find a solution on their webpage or maybe they are more helpfull. Good luck!
And there is a Music folder in my 1st 60GB SSD as well. What should I do of that?
You only need to copy the files from Music on your first ssd to the Music Folder of the second. Then you can delete the files in the first, if you want.
Set the music directory path in mpd.conf to the Music folder of the second
and refresh the mpd database. But remember the 2nd disk is mounted to the 1st.
So you set mountpoint/Music. If the mountpoint is /SSD2 then it’s /SSD2/Music.
If the mountpoint is /home/rsj/Music it’s /home/rsj/Music/Music.
Now all Music is (and has to be) in this folder if you want to play them with mpd (via Cantata or what else).
Maybe this is the last step……….if not, you are welcome.
(For me it’s good to refresh my knowledge, with my 2nd apl installation I got crazy because I had forgotten th half!)
I’m sorry PHG bro for my ignorance. I’m little confused.
I did as follow…
1. Created one partition with “fdisk /dev/sda” (sda is my 2nd 1TB SSD.)
2. Created ntfs file system on that partition with gparted. BTW I will install on usb rather than any ssd so whole of ssd 2 is for music.
3. Created directory with “mkdir /ssd2”
4. Make myself owner of that directory “chown rsj:rsj /ssd2”
5. Automount – Edit /etc/fstab with “nano /etc/fstab”
Added this line at the end of /etc/fstab —-# /dev/sda1
UUID=3998C68E0DFD86FA / ssd2 ntfs rw,auto,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=10,noatime,discard,data=ordered 0 2
I somehow know above added line is wrong. Please guide me about the rest of the stuff.
A good student should deserve some applause to refresh the knowledge of his teacher. lol
Correction—- 2. Created ntfs file system on that partition with gparted. BTW I will install WINDOW 10 on usb rather than any ssd so whole of ssd 2 is for music.
Upps, now I am a bit confused.
Your second ssd should be sdb. Maybe it’s because you use msata for ssd1?
(Maybe the OS preferes sata and not msata)
You have checked it with sudo fdisk -l ? apl is on sdb, it is your 60 GB ssd1?
If apl is on sdb:
It’s perfect to use UUID=……….but use in fstab: /dev/sda1 /ssd2 ntfs rw,auto,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=10,noatime,discard,data=ordered 0 2 (you can use 0 0 at the end)
Now you need on sdb (where apl is installed on) a folder in the root directory called ssd2.
This should work. sda1 (=ssd2) is mounted to sdb1 (= ssd1 with apl) in the root folder /ssd2.
So check it with sudo fdisk -l. After boot in terminal:
cd /
you see a folder ssd2 ?
if yes:
cd ssd2
You should see the content of your ssd2, if there is a content, if not copy a testfile to your ssd2.
I hope…………….
Yup…mSATA is sdb and 2nd 1TB SSD is sda.
I am sorry PHG. I spent 4-5 hours today evening but due to my lack of Linux knowledge and being a first timer I am just unable to do it. However I have started to love APL’s sound signatures and so will keep on trying.
If you don’t mind and have some time could you please guide me in steps and commands. I am following instructions at upper right corner of this page about how to add second ssd and ofcourse yours.
in Terminal after boot you are in your home folder:
You see a folder media?
if not:
mkdir media
cd media
mkdir SSD2
sudo nano /etc/fstab
append this line (in one line):
dev/sda1 /home/your_user_name/media/SSD2 ntfs defaults,discard,noatime 0 2
(of course you can use UUID=……it is the better way and your_user_name is rsj, I think)
save the file as shown at the last lines of nano and exit
sudo reboot
in Terminal:
cd media/SSD2
You have to see your SSD2 content if has folders, files. If there is nothing on it there is nothing to see.
If there is no content open the file manager, go to /home/rsj/media/SSD2 and look for the properties of SSD2.
You should see free space of SSD2 and it should somewhere around 1Terabyte.
If yes it’s fine, if you see something around 50GB check with gparted that you have formatted the disk with ntfs.
Now you have to check the rights of SSD2, do it with filemanager, look at properties.
If only root has access and not you as user start the filemanager in terminal with sudo nautilus or sudo thunar.
(I do not know what’s the default -if you are in doubt install with sudo pacman -S thunar)
Set read and write access of /home/rsj/media/SSD2 to your username.
If all is good you can make a Music folder on /home/rsj/media/SSD2.
And then edit in terminal:
sudo nano /etc/mpd.conf
set the Music Directory path to /home/rsj/media/SSD2/Music
save and exit and reboot.
Hope you are fine after this.
I have Desktop, Downloads and Music directories in Home folder. You had suggested media instead of Music. So I replaced media with Music and did exactly what you advised.
But I got the following when I rebooted after editing /etc/fstab.
Still can’t go past beyond the initial boot up. Even though I can type various commands here but can’t go to desktop after I did what I was advised to do.
Below is the screenshot of where I am stuck.
I followed all your instructions except that already I had Music folder instead of media folder. So I replaced media with Music in all your commands.
Also changed rights with thunar but still SSD2 is showing about 100MB is is what left in first ssd.
100MB is more or less nothing.
Clean up your ssd1!
With thunar you should be able to mount your ssd2. Or use an usb drive.
Copy all Music (no links) from Music on ssd1 to ssd2 and then delete everything in Music on ssd1. Maybe something goes wrong when you created a link (ln-S….). Maybe you have a link too on ssd2, so look for and delete it.
After that your ssd1 should have 40 to 50GB free disk space!
Then do as I discribed.
Wow……Finally I was able to solve it. I followed your instructions and also mounted the SSD2 with the command “”mount /dev/sda1 /home/rsj/Music/SSD2″” after editing fstab.
MPD configuration was already set.
EDIT – As I typed it an then rebooted my setup sda again gets unmounted. After every reboot same things happen again and again. I mount it using above command and after reboot it again gets unmounted and sda1 becomes inaccessible.
You can try: sudo mount -a
If sda1 is mounted then there seems to be a problem with the auto option (it’s in the defaults) of fstab.
If sda1 not mounted, maybe you see some error messages that can help you.
This is my fstab entry for my second disk: /dev/sdb3 /LaCie2T ntfs rw,auto,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=10,noatime,user 0 0
(maybe set x-systemd.device-timeout=100, but 10 should be enough)
Modify to yours and use discard for ssd.
You can try: cat /proc/mounts
and look what’s with sda1.
If nothing helps you can make a bin/bash called mountsda1with your mount command and append something like
sudo bash /home/rsj/mountsda1
to the file /home/rsj/.fluxbox/startup
But that’s an other story……………….try to modify the fstab file. Search the web.
fstab could be strange, I had it with a lan drive, nothing works, but then with a strange entry it worked. Sometime something is to slow or to fast. Enjoy music with ap-l.
Maybe it helps: you can change in fstab – ntfs with auto
Reboot, if no success rechange.
I did not remember that I run mpd as mpd and not as user.
So with ntfs filesystem there could be a problem with rights if you run mpd as rsj.
Try in fstab: append uid=1000,umask=0022 to the options (before 0 0 at the end)
/dev/sdb3 /LaCie2T ntfs rw,auto,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=10,noatime,user,uid=1000,umask=0022 0 0
Look at the web about the problems with mounting ntfs partitions.
mount -l returns this now…..
/dev/sda1 on /home/rsj/Music/SSD2 type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096)
As I read it everything is ok. But there is a problem with the access rights.
As I understand you have root access(user_id=0) to home/rsj/Music/SSD2, but not as user rsj and this way mpd running as user rsj can not get access.
With uid=1000,umask=022, (maybe try umask=000) in fstab it should work. Maybe uid=rsj will do it?
And maybe you have to set gid=(I do not know) too.
It seems to be that mounting ntfs is not easy.
If you do not need ntsf on sda1 formate it with ext4, then it should be easier.
I am going to do fresh install of APL and then will mount the 2nd ssd having ext4 system as suggested by PHG. So may be having to forget the Win10 is good for me as of now.
Any suggestion about mounting the 2nd ssd during installation of APL rather than doing it later?
Try first the permissions option in fstab. I read about it, don’t really understand it.
I read:
“If you mount the ntfs partition with the permissions option, then chmod / chown will work
/dev/sda2 /mnt/excess ntfs-3g permissions,locale=en_US.utf8 0 2
You can then
sudo chown your_user:your_user /mnt/excess”
(ntsf or ntsf-3g is the same, the above fstab entry is only a short form and 0 0 at the seems to be better)
Good luck!
Still can not mount after two days of hard work. Infact earlier I would atelast was able to mount temporarily before reboot.
BTW which Music folder should I create SSD2 of the following two?
Cantata by default lists the first one (along with “Desktop” and “Downloads” folders) when I click on option “Folder”
Under root/Music folder the permission properties have me as owner, users as Group and I have set the Access for all to “Create and delete files”.
Under home/rsj/Music folder the permissions properties have also been set same as above by myself.
I think the easiest way is:
fstab entry as you had it on August 7th:
(Wow……Finally I was able to solve it. I followed your instructions and also mounted the SSD2 with the command “”mount /dev/sda1 /home/rsj/Music/SSD2″” after editing fstab.
MPD configuration was already set.) If not set set the user option.
0pen terminal, you are in your home directory.
nano .fluxbox/start up
Type in a line before exec fluxbox your mount command:
mount /dev/sda1 /home/rsj/Music/SSD2
Save the file and exit and reboot.
Now you should see the content of sda1 in /home/rsj/Music/SSD2 and you should be able to read and write. You can make there a Music folder and the mpd music path then is:
(I would prefer a path like: /home/rsj/SSD2 – if you too, make a folder SSD2 in your home directory and change pathes in fstab, mount command in .fluxbox/startup and mpd.conf)
Hope you are fine after some minutes!
The mount command in /home/rsj/.fluxbox/start up has to be with sudo:
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /home/rsj/Music/SSD2
(maybe it’s better to set an other existing! mountpoint in fstab, /home/rsj/media or whatever)
This is how I mounted and same entry is their in ftsab. Thanks a ton bro. Though I didn’t have to use fluxbox option.
wow……….I was finally able to mount 2nd ssd and it stayed that way even after reboot. This was not the case earlier.
I guess changing the permissions properties of owner/users made it work because rest of the settings were same. PHG suggested same few days back.
Perhaps changing fstab also helped a bit. I will post all these commands/changes tomorrow which I did today for someone else if needed.
The only issue is that now status of mpd while playing song is paused. The song timeline doesn’t move and obviously I do not get any sound from my system. This should be a easy fix hopefully. I did try to change around mpd.conf without any help. Any suggestion will be welcome.
I had same issue few weeks back when I was using that Matrix USB card but now I am using stock usb of my computer.
Nice to hear, I thought it could become a never ending story!
If mpd paused normally it could not connect to an audio device.
aplay -l and then look at /etc/mpd.conf
hw:0,0 and hw:1,0 can change on every boot.
To avoid this (sets USB always to hw:1)
in terminal as su: nano /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf
options snd slots=snd-hda-intel,snd-usb-audio
This is for my case, the names of the modules could be other in your case.
first check the module names with: cat /proc/asound/modules
replace _ with – )
Enjoy music with apl, you are welcome!
One more surprise today morning when I switched on my setup. MPD was no more paused and everything fed to it was playing beautifully.
Following changes helped me though I can’t pin point which was the most important .
1. Changed the permission properties of parent folder of ssd2 which is “Music” as suggested by PHG few days back. I used thunar for this purpose.
2. Mounted correctly this time using same command as done before but prefixing with “sudo”. Also made some changes in the fstab mainly following instructions given at top right of the this page about how to add new ssd. This time however I first opened “Music” folder with cd and then created ssd2 directory inside it. And then did changes as in 1.
3. Also formatted the ssd with following command rather than gparted.
# mkfs.ntfs -Q -L diskLabel /dev/sdXY
In fact first time I also kept about 50GB for Win10 installation later. I have not mounted it and IMO there is no need to mount it in APL.
Edit- Today afternoon I removed extra usb accessories e.g. wireless modem/USB thumb drive to transfer music etc, minor chnages in /etc/mpd.conf and changed the USB of DAC input. Guess what MPD acted funny again and refused to play and showed same “paused” status again.
Then I did few major mpd.conf changes again like adding USB to hw, creating alsa-base.conf as suggested by PHG on August 11, 2019 at 16:51. Status did not changed at all and I was disappointed again. Did multiple reboots, changed usb output to dsc many times but without any success.
Then just an hour back I reset the mpd.conf file and rebooted my system which IMO is the simplest option of all. To my utter surprise mpd started playing again .
I will post my fstab entry and mpd.cong which might help other. Thanks PHG once again for your help.
There is no need to make major changes in mpd.conf. Only set the Music directory and the Audio output. And if you have DSD files set the dop Option.
(There are only rare cases where native DSD support works, so dop is in most case better – if your usb to spdif device supports 384 khz, but your DAC support 192khz you have to change mpd.conf a bit more)
With the options in alsa-base.conf an usb Dac is always hw:1, this is good if you you have several Dacs, but only attach 1 at same time. If you have several Dacs attached at same time use the name option for hw.
If you left 50GB on sda then I think you left it at the end. But WIN10 needs (as I know) the first partition. But with gparted you can shift sda1 to the end. But then of course it’s not sda1 anymore, it’s sda2 or sda3. Remember this
and check it and change your fstab and your mount command in .fluxbox/startup. The uuid should change too.
And, after every change in mpd.conf you have to restart mpd.
Keep on listening music with APL (I always came back to APL!)
One advice I had forgotten. Check the volume of your DAC with alsamixer (type in terminal). F6 selects the sound card.
Sometimes, depending on the DAC, the volume is only 25 and this degrades
the sound quality. Set the volume to 100. The setting then is saved.
(I had it yesterday with a DAC I am listening for serval weeks!)
You are right that there is no need to do major changes in the mpd.conf file.
My DAC is a nos 24/192 so DSD is no concern to me.
Luckily I created 50GB ntfs (sda1) for win10 at the start so again that is not a concern. But if I do install win10 then I have to change usb cable alternatively between computer and sound card’s output. This might cause some issues regarding mpd.conf as you stated above. So I have to be really careful.
I have already set the sound output in alsamixer to 100 but thanks for the advice.
Now the next big thing for me is to use it as headless to be controlled remotely by win10 based surface pro2 and Android phone and possible a Ipad device in future.
I tried nomachine which is highly rated but I did not like somehow. It would do anything on my command but it was quite obvious that there is a one more computer “inside” my surface pro. Is there any program which gives best experience regarding user experience?
Cantata is very nice, there is a version for Win.
With android I am using mpdroid, it’s ok.
But I would need something like nomachine to have full control as I am also encoding my cd collection.
I ripped my CDs with Exact Audio Copy. It’s only Win, so you will need WIN10 on your PC.
But this is not headless. There should be some CD ripper for Linux too.
I am using abcde for linux and in flac format. I will compare someday between abcde and EAC which I had been using since many years in laptops. I like it very much but now I have external cd drive attached to surface pro and EAC does not pick it.
Any suggestion how to run cantata headless?
Install cantata on your surface. Reserve an ip adress for your APL PC on your router.
Paste the ip adress to cantata, set the password as in mpd.conf, maybe the name too.
Then refresh mpd database with cantata. That should be all to do.
Because my old xp PC I ripped my cds with sometimes does not want to boot and I do not want a web connection with it I’m thinking about an other solution.
To do it with a headless system could be possible. With a ssh connection I can start a cd ripper. Maybe this could set to import a cd if one is in the cd tray after startup, or it could be started with some parameters. The cd ripper should be able to create cue-sheets, this would make things much easier. And then with a copy command………..
But this has no real priority to me because most of new music I import to mpd is not from cd.
I made some tests with abcde cd ripper.
Because it’s command line based it’s perfect to use remotely with ssh.
There is no need to use cue-sheets because you can edit the CCDB data.
(Replace emacs with nano (or your preferred editor) in yourhome/.zshrc)
cue-sheets are supported, but as always not very well. The filename in the cue-sheet is always .flac. And if you want to have the songwriter (Classical music!), different performers on each track (various artist albums for example) you have to do it manually or to use a bin/bash. But for normal use it’s fine.
I installed ssh server on APL machine but ssh client was already active in win10 by default. It was quite easy to connect APL with Surface Pro.
Will do further testing tomorrow and will come back.
1. I Installed Cantata on my surface pro
2. I logged into my router and reserved IP address (the one which it was already using since APL installation) for APL machine.
3.Pasted same IP address to “Host” (Cantata>Preferences)
4. Copy the very long password from mpd.conf on my APL machine and pasted/typed to “Password ” (below Host)
But then I get error message that password is incorrect which can’t be. I tried typing and pasting password many times but got the same result each time.
I am ripping cd using abcde and now I think I do not to use any remote computer to do that. I just use regular monitor while ripping.
Below is the link for error message
If in mpd.conf the passwordline is “678xY@read,add,control,admin”
the password is only: 678xY
That’s all you have to paste to cantata as password.
Thanks PHG once again. Cantata was up and running the moment I did that. Now I can control it sitting on couch and I’m now really enjoying my music.
After hard work comes the fun!
After a while you should think about to clone your ssd1.
Clonezilla is a bit strange to handle, but it’s perfect to recover if something goes really wrong.
Ok, I have to do this the next days because my images are very old!
I have an Ap-Linux that works, much thanks and praise to you, what I am unable to do is install any additional software. My installation works well for me if I omit the “April 5th 2018 fix”. I have followed what you have written but obviously not doing it right. If I follow the fix on reboot I get the following:
Arch Linux 4.9.9-rtl -1-rt (tty)
apl login:xxxx
last login: xxxxx
/usr/lib/xorg: error while loading shared libraries:
libnettle .so.7: cannot open shared files.
Any help and an assistance greatly appreciated.
New AP-Linux is coming…
Thanks Marko, any idea when?
That’s the real question. Sometime this year.
This year would be great! I think you can get APL only working if you have installed it soon after release and doing updates frequently.
Thanks for your working!
That’s what I was doing (updating often), but there are still apps that break. Terminator (Terminal Emulator) stopped working a few days ago – see my post above), and prior to that (1~ month ago), it required a change in the font (as you have found out).
I have since installed and started using xterm as a workaround.
Can anyone please tell me how to install “xterm” as a workaround for x-terminal is not working. I don’t have any option to update ap-linux. Thanks
You can still update AP-Linux even without x-terminal:
Press CTRL-ALT-F2 keys at the same time
to open up a 2nd, text-only interface
login with your username/password (which you set when you installed AP-Linux)
sudo pacman -Suy
After the updates type
then press CTRL-ALT-F1 to get back to the AP-Linux graphical window.
I think there is Eterm installed on the system. Try to edit .fluxbox/menu file and add Eterm somewhere.
Eterm is there (fluxbox menu, might be commented out with #), however it attempts to use terminus-font, which is broken – essentially the same problem with Terminator.
Something with what the pango devs decided to do caused this (sorry discussion is above my head!) :
Right click on the terminator will give you options to change the font. Then you will be set. Somebody messed up the packages.
Hi Marko,
Right-clicking only seems to execute the program – no font selection.
In my case terminus just flashes briefly and closes. –debug shows the program going through normal startup, then just going through terminating by itself.
I am looking forward to the release of the new AP-Linux!
With ssh connection you are able to update and do other terminal things.
Ok, that’s a bit…..
Hi, I have a question related to APL “resilience”.
I had the same unpleasant experience on two separate (and very different) PCs running APL. I will describe only the latter case.
I had a short blackout in my home. After restoration of power supply my PC started misbehaving.
This means that I can reach only the booting stage in which I can enter password for maintenance purposes or press Crtl-D (i.e. the APL is running in the emergency mode).
Ctrl-D produces no (visible) effect, so the only way to go seems to be “maintenance”.
I am not quite sure what can be done in the maintenance mode to make APL function soundly again.
On some Arch Linux sites I have seen the “therapies” which consist of booting live AL CDs/USBs, chroot-ing and performing either an update using pacman, or executing “pacman -S linux”.
Could something similar be done in the APL maintenance mode?
What could have caused system misbehavior?
What can I do to resolve the problem in an efficient (with re-installation) manner?
Thanks in advance!
you solved it by some procedure, I also wonder about it. Thank you
Hello I would need this suggestion what to do when the above error (libnettle .so.7 misssing) happens. Please, Thank you 🙂
Latest update (pacman -Suy) seems to have caused the Terminal window (terminator) to stop working – all I get is a very brief terminal window, then the window closes by itself. Anyone else having this problem?
I noticed that the $DISPLAY variable isn’t set but putting this in hasn’t solved the problem.
Appreciate any help!
I’m also missing a terminal window. How did you set an other font?
If someone uses upmpdcli, after last pacman -Suy I had to recompile it. (yay upmpdcli)
A power blackout is one of the badest things that could happen to a running PC.
It only needs one file that’s not closed correctly and there could be a real problem.
The best thing you can do is to clone your Apl partition to restore everything if needed.
the problem resolved.
It was really simple.
APL is up and running again :).
librespot has to be recompiled too, otherwise spotify has a strange behavior with the queue.
(/usr/lib/systemd/system/librespot.service has to be set again)
I get this message after rebooting the server, please solutions and repair procedure
usr/lib/Xorg: error while loading shared libraries: libnette.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or dir
init: giving up
init: unable to connect to X server:Connection refused
init: server error
Hi Marko, thank you for continusly developing excelent ap distro.
I get the messsage after the first boot in to system:
error: no such device9eb….. ….. ….. .. …
error hd1 can not get C/H/S values,
error: you need to load the kernel first.
Thank you BD
SOLVED, with partitioning in to two. first Mx Linux, second formated to ext4 for Ap linux.