May 27, 2013

Install instructions V2.1

If you find any errors in documentation feel free to notify us at 1. Download the ISO file and burn it to DVD. md5 file is here. If you don’t know how to burn ISO file here is how you can do it: 2. Prepare your PC for booting from CD/DVD ROM. Maybe your PC is
May 21, 2013

Changelog for V2.0

– New optimizations in audio. – Based on latest Linux Mint Debian Cinnamon i386 Edition 201303. – New 3.8.10 real-time kernel. – Resolved issues with some Toshiba Satellite laptops. – Added VLC media player for DVDs/Bluray/MKV/AVI files. – Simplified installation. No need for adding user to audio group. – Playing audio files without monitor and mice
January 26, 2013

Playing your music without monitor and mouse

This article is obsolete. Since Linux was born on network, you can use the network to control the music playback without having monitor or TV connected to your PC. We’ll show you how to do it via mpd – Music Player Daemon, a flexible and powerful server-side application for music playback. MPD’s plugins and libraries enable the processing of
January 22, 2013

AP Linux Forum

Finally we have implemented the forum. We hope that you will find this a useful resource. Please play nice and before posting in the forum, search, read the FAQ(s) and documentation. Make sure your post is on topic and have a great time staying here! Checklist For Buying a New Mattress