June 11, 2015

SOtM tx-USBexp Audiophile PCle to USB 3.0 Card

“The problem of high end audio gear connection was not considered during development of USB industry standard and therefore optimal conditions for this type of peripherals cannot be expected.” Read our review of SOtM tX-USBexp Audiophile PCIe to USB 3.0 Card.
August 16, 2014

Install instructions v3.0

You will have to download two files. One is live CD called Redobackup that will preform the installation. The other file is actual AP-Linux image. If you find any errors or difficulties, please leave a comment at the end of this document or notify us at info@ap-linux.com. Requirements: 1. Entire hard disk. Forget side to
April 20, 2014

Playing audio in AP-Linux with MPD

What is MPD? Many people misunderstand what MPD is. To be able to use it, first you need to know what MPD is and how it works. MPD is a service running in the background of your computer. His primary role is to search your folders for music files, put it in some kind of
April 19, 2014

Playing audio in AP-Linux with Deadbeef player

In new version of Audiophile Linux, you don’t have to use Jack for quality playback any more and automatic sample-rate works without problems. Of course we have left Jack tools if someone wants to play with it and compare the sound. In version 3.x we are mainly using two players. Cantata and Deadbeef. There is
April 19, 2014

Install instructions for v3.0 beta

You will have to download two files. One is live CD called Redobackup that will preform the installation. The other file is actual AP-Linux image. If you find any errors or difficulties, please leave a comment at the end of this document or notify us at info@ap-linux.com. We don’t know if this document is good
October 2, 2013

Supported DACs

Updated on 23. October 2018. Kingrex have resolved the small bug that we have reported for UD384. It’s nice to see a company that listens to their customers. You can get the latest firmware update from their web site here. Here is the list of D/A converters that work with AP-Linux. Few of them we