June 11, 2015

SOtM tX-USBexp Audiophile PCIe to USB 3.0 Card

“The formulation of the problem is often more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill.” – Albert Einstein Designed to standardize connection with computer peripherals, USB interface enables both communication with peripherals and supply of electric power. Communication with external sound cards (DAC) via USB interface is not really
May 11, 2015

Audial model A – Back to the Music

Reviews of high end equipment are never objective. Actually, the gurus of today’s high end audio scene reject aggressively all projects that contain even a slightest dose of objectivity. I am not going to argue with them, but I am also not going to tell you that Audial model A is an excellent amplifier because
September 27, 2014

DSD – Jewels concealed behind the scarlet book

Why would anyone be interested in a Direct Stream Digital (DSD) music format? Trying to explain the advantages of a high resolution 1-bit stream in a world of outspread Mp3 audio on one side and smugly high end audio on the other side, could become a Sisyphean task. Is it not just another digital format
February 24, 2014

Matrix X-Sabre review

X-Sabre Rattling It is a Western cliché to consider Chinese products as cheaply made and of poor quality. It is also a high end audio stereotype to see Chinese audio components as low quality and having inferior sound. Meanwhile, an average Shanghai student at the age of 15 outperforms his European or North American counterpart
January 10, 2014

Classification of USB D/A Converters

Rational and clear information regarding audio equipment is not available today from mainstream audio literature. We only see unnecessary long treatises on high end audio, concentrating on technical descriptions and pointless analyzing of sound nuances, without any clear statements about the sounds fidelity. Just like external sound cards, USB D/A converters are an integral par
January 7, 2014

Lost in conversion?

Why do we compare the quality of one digital source to another? If one sounds better then the other is that important? Is high fidelity about liking or disliking a piece of equipment? I think most of us have forgotten what the goal of high fidelity is. We really need to compare our digital source